229991j %, 3 �''.' „ - ) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ` PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 22` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COI)14CIWRESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel, with the assistance of the Research Bureau, is authorized and directed to prepare, in consulta- tion with the Comptroller and the members of this Council, Ordinances and Resolutions to achieve the following objectives: ' (1) Increasing business license fees. (2) Licensing businesses not now licensed. ` (3) Increasing departmental permit feels.'; (4) Imposing a charge for overnight parking on,the streets. (5) Imposing a fee upon the use of sanitary landfills. (6) Imposing a fee for the use of the city parking lots. (7) Updating the charges the Water Department pays to the City for services to reflect 1966 costs. (8) Imposing a 5% excise tax upon local telephone bills, to be collected by the Telephone Company and remitted to the City, and such excises upon other utility rates as the Council shall direct; ('91 Imposing an admi{sion fee or non -rest en s at the Como oo; (10) Increasing the gross earnings tax on Northern States Power company; Imposing a fee for garbage and rubbish collection; r (12) Imposing a wheelage tax; or any; other items • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' Carlson _ Dalglish Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson 4) Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne SEP 21966 Adopted by the Council 19- SEP 21966 Aqroved 19— � /P�v�o �s Ta Fo��►+ .r , ,. PUBLISHED SEP 10 1966 229y91 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel, with the assistance of the Research Bureau, is authorized and directed to prepare, in consulta- tion with the Comptroller and the members of this Council, Ordinances and Resolutions to achieve the following objectives: (1) Increasing business license fees. (2) Licensing businesses not now licensed, (3) Increasing departmental, permit fees. (4) Imposing a charge for overnight parking on the streets. (5) Imposing a fee upon the use of sanitary landfills. (6) Imposing a fee for the use of the city parking lots. (7) Updating the charges the Water Department pays to the City for services to reflect 1966 costs. (8) Imposing a 5% excise tax upon local telephone bills, to be collected by the Telephone Company and remitted to the City, and such excises upon other utility rates as the Council shall direct; mod;!< 9) �P?sig�pn��ati�oi± :,3?o`r%�ideitl� at•he }CoiaosZpv}�`*"� ^ '�y'%_i� f "+ : ""�+",:� L� r' =�j l�l•, #• .'i *4� .+i3 {;3 ' j' 'F1 3 *��a`r1' },.,�c s ?iliUw .iil ar x {area n tY e���r�o�»a„ el�rningg tax on Northern 9tetea l�cywet Cftpii r; (11) InpOsin,& d Fee f0k, garbagq and ftbbigh dolldat�on; W) 'Imposing a 11144ssla4a. 'taxi 1 tir oviy other iteris,' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland In Favor Meredith Peterson Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne SEP 21966 Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 21966 Approved 19— Mayor X22