229986ORIGIti,&L TO CITY CLERK 224986 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O NCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Health and Welfare and Insurance Committee of the City of Saint Paul, at its meeting on the 10th day of August, 1966, by motion unanimously adopted by all members of said committee present at such meeting, determined to recommend to the Council the adoption of a policy whereby the City would match employee "buy- back" of past service credits, which is authorized by the 1965 amendment to the Public Employees Re- tirement Act,which permits the governing body of a municipality to assume the obligation of matching employee "buy- back" of past service credits if the municipality, acting through its governing body, determines to do so; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines on the part of said City to assume the obligation of matching employee "buy- back" of past service credits as authorized pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1965, Chalker 353, the Public Employees Retirement Act. FQR PPROVED / I Asst. Cor ion Coun et 11966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 5Ep 11966 Carlson Dalglish proved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor djj�� Peterson Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBiI➢sm SEP 3 1966 • r 22 ~ 229986 DUPL'SC�TE TO PRINTER ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ WHEREAS, the Health and Welfare and insurance Committee of the City of Saint Paul, at its meeting on the 10th day of August, 1966, by motion unanimously adopted by all members of said committee present at such meeting, determined to recommend to the Council the adoption of a policy whereby the City would match employee "buy -back" of past service credits, which is authorized by the 1965 amendment to the Public Employees Re- tirement Aet,which permits the governing body of a municipality to assume the obligation of matching employee "buy -back" of past service credits if the municipality, acting through its governing body, determines to do so= now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby determines on the part of said City to assume the obligation of matching employee. "buy -back" of past service credits as authorized pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1965, Chapter 353., the Public Employees Retirement Act. COUNCILMEN SEP 11966 Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 11966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne as • Sept,' 8, .1966 Public Employes Retirement Association Centennial Office Building Saint . P&uli ,.Minnesota - - Gentlemen - Enclosed is a certified c of a re o ution, Council File: No. 229986, adopted September -1st, 1966, eference to the my's assuming the obligation of ma g ee back" of past service credits, -as -more -fully set therein, Very truly yours, City Clerk ng _ y OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, SAINT PAUL 56102. MINNESOTA' •�i(T 109 CITY HALL JOSEPH J. MITCHELL C dtdt ;/ JOSEPH P. LA ,NASA CITY COMPTROLLER LU' a-c�, 16 � " ,w DEPUTY CITY COMPTROLLER # August 13, 19165 r ble itona a ):lsyor and llmbors of the City Councils ! Re: Ldmca Q_the r a tg_z =12Y-21111- + aa Q the obli 1t iori of jagtch ny..n in1=Q3 t' v.•) a �'1 eP.„npa a4•d a!z rIxedits Centlemen: k The'intention of this letter .La to 41dvisn the Council of an aniendmant by the last le &ialaturc to the rublic Limpicycoi RCtiremanL• Act which will allow employees to � fain contributory credit in the retircraent fund covering pant public service rendered as a 'public employea' as defined. by ^Inw. In order to acquire such n1lowable service crec.it, a member is required to I pay employee couLributiona at the rote of A of salary not mxecdink y4,500.00 in any calendar ycrr through June 30, 1965, and at 'the same rate but I,miLed to a salary of $6,000.00 per year thereafter plus 4% interest thereon cognot1ndc d annually., The , p employce must then match that amount or, an an alternative to t1lb employecs obligation to P4Y the catching amount, the employer may pny. L•ho' came.' fit the time of payrlent by the employee or prior to the payment- by the craployee, the employer racy certify to the = ' Retirement A32ociation in writing that it kill �� f 1 r p.,J llle watching amount from the proceeds of a tax levy. The official records of the governing body should reflect ::he Couneil'o policy. Since thin change in the rublic rmployeea Retiresient Act could affect the re•'�'- _tirement of City of Saint Paul employeas, I would suEgoat that the Council consider. this matter in the very near €uture..p {. ''� , - ; f = .. ; :�' • Sincerely yours, v JO.,rPi1 J. MZxCRELL City Comptroller it JJM:m2 zj • ' - rd`s - ' �./ f - e.�''� '•', , i i= ,'. I BOARD OF TRUSTEES Elected: GEo. A. ANDERSON, Highway Engineer Sibley County, Gaylord, Minn. HAROLD H. DRews, Business Administrator Independent School District No. 544 Fergus Falls, Minn. H. J. FoasBaRa Asst Sup't for Business Affairs and Berk of Board of Education of the City of Duluth Duluth, Minn. KENNETH F. MCNULTY Assistant Land Commissioner Hennepin County, Brooklyn Center, Mini. ALBERT M. NELSON, Assistant Secretary of Water and Light Department Brainerd, Minn. HARRY NEWBY, Register of Deeds Carlton County, Carlton, Minn. JOSEPH C. PAGE, Clerk of Court Winona County, Winona, Minn. PAUL G. PREINER Clerk of Municipal Court City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. LEONARD I. THEoBALD, Land Commissioner St. Louis County, Duluth, Minn. STATE OF MINNESOTA Ij Public (Implopeeo Retirement ���oci�tiot� CENTENNIAL OFFICE BUELDING 658 CEDAR MMEET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 TELEPHONE 221 -3331 AREA coDB 612 September 13, 1966 Mr. Harry E. Marshall,; Clerk City of St. Paul 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: BOARD OF TRUSTEES Statutory: STAPFoRD KrNG, State Auditor JOE HAVESON, Acting Insurance Commissioner VAL B.roRNsoN, State Treasurer OFFICERS PAUL G. PREINER, Chairman HAROLD H. DREws, Ylce Chairman VAL BJoRNsoN, Treasurer O. M. OUSDIGIAN, Secretary (Mss.) C. M. MEERAN, Asst. Secy. In reply please refer to No We greatly appreciate your prompt attention in forwarding to our office, certified copy of resolution adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul on September 1, 1966. Therein it is indicated that the city will assume the obli- gation to make the matching payment in connection with any "buy- back" made by members of the Public Employees Retire- ment Association, covering prior public service rendered for the City of St. Paul, pursuant to M. S. 1965, Chapter 353. If we can be of any service to you in the future, we will deem it a pleasure to hear from you. OMO:cp Yours very sincerely, PPUf-BLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION Secretary 61