05-798Council File # O�+ _ � • " n o r� Green Sheet # O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date !1 2 Whereas, Tom Karlan made application to the Heritage Preservation Commission 3 (hereinafter, the "HPC") in HPC file No. OS-205 for a pernut to construct a two and one half 4 story rear addition on property commonly known as 1009 Portland Avenue (Hill Historic 5 District); and 7 Whereas, on June 23, 2005, the HPC after having provided notice to affected property 8 owners, conducted a public hearing on the said application where all interested parties were 9 given an opportunity to be heard; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Whereas, at the close of the hearing, the HPC, based upon all the testimony and records before it, approved the application subject to certain conditions as set forth in the HPC's letter to the applicant dated June 29, 2003, based upon the following findings set forth in HPC Resolution No. OS-205: 1. The property is classified as contributing to character of the Hill Historic District. 2. The addition will not destroy significant historical, architectural or cultural material and complies with the guidelines for massing, scale, height and character of the property, neighborhood and environment. 3. The detailing complies with the guidelines with a variation in the siding treatment. There is a proposed trim band between the first and second floors that is not present on the main house. Mitered corners are proposed on the first level and comer trim boards are proposed on the upper level. Staff does not believe this change will have a negative impact on the remaining house, site and district. 4. Proposed materials are consistent with the existing materials on the house. 5. This proposal will not negatively impact the architectural integrity and historical chazacter of the site and district. Whereas, on or about July 1, 2005, Christine Anning and Timothy O'Brien, pursuant to I.eg. Code 73.06(h), duly filed an appeal from the decision of the HPC and requested a public hearing for the purpose of considering the action taken by ihe HPC; and Whereas, a public hearing was duly noticed and scheduled for August 3, 2005. However, at the request of the appellanYs, the public hearing was further continued to August 17, 2005; and Whereas, on August 17, 2005, a public hearing was duly conducted before the City Council where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard and, at the close of the �" � OS- �9$ said public hearing, the City Council, having heazd the statements made and having considered the application, the testimony, the report of the staff and the record, minutes and resolution of the HPC; does hereby 6 Resolve, that the decision of the HPC to approve the permit in this matter is upheld. The 7 Council finds that the appellants have not demonstrated errors in the facts, findings or procedures 8 of the HPC sufficient to overturn the decision of the HPC is this matter. Accordingly, the 9 Council adopts as its own the findings of the HPC in this matter as set forth in the staff report 10 and findings in HPC file No. OS-205. And, be it 11 12 Further Resolved, that the appeal of Christine Anning and Timothy O'Brien is hereby 13 denied; and, be it 14 15 Finally Resolved, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to the pernut 16 applicant Tom Karlan, the appellants' Christine Anning and Timothy OBrien, the Heritage 17 Preservation Commission, the department of licenses, inspections, and environmental protection 18 and the zoning administrator. 19 oS � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmenUoffice/council: Date initiated: CA �itS Avamey ConWct Person 8 Phone: Peter Wamer/Amy Spong 266-8710 Must Be on Z�A��-05 Green Sheet NO: 3027817 � Deoartrnent SentTo Person 0 A mev Assign i " Attorne De artment Direc[o Number 2 � A m For Routing 3 or's Office oN istant OrdN 4 ounci 5 ' Cluk CS Cierk Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) , `• Memorialize Ciry Council's August 17, 2005 Motion of Intent to deny the appeal of C7uistine Anning and Timothy OBrien from a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission granting a building pennit for property located at 1009 Portland Avenue in the HiR Historic District. idations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Service the 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNFlrm possess a skili not normally passessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWAes IfApproved: The Council is requued pursuant to the City Chazter to have its actions reduced to a writing either in the form of a resolufion oi ordinance depending upon the nature of the matter before. The decision of the Council in this matter requires a written resolution in order to comply with the Charter. Approving the attached resolufion fulfills the Council's duty under the Charter. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Failure to appzove the resolution violates the City's Charter requuements. Total Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: FinanCial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: . � RPca�rn�g C AUG 2 6 2pp5 OFFICEOFLICENSE, INSP6C770NSAND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECZION ,7aneen E. Rosas, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kel1y, Mayor JUIy 12, 2��5 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Erickson: COdG1gRCEBUILDING 8 Fousth Street Easf Suite 200 Sair+tPQUI, Minnesota SSI01-1024 as - �9$ Telephone: 651-266-900I Facsimile: 651-266-9124 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, August 3, 2005 for the following heritage preservation case: Appellant(s): File Number: Purpose: Location: Staff Recommendation: Commissian Christine Anning & Timothy O'Brien, 1005 Portland Avenue I�PC# OS-205 Appeal of a Heritage Preservation Commission decision conditionally approving a permit application to construct a rivo and one half story reaz addition. 1009 Portland Avenue (Hill Historic District) Conditional approval of the permit application. Unanimous vote to conditionally approve the permit application. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Debbie Montgomery. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will pubiish notice of fne heazing in the Saint Paul L,egal Ledger. Thanks! Please call me at 266-9079 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ATIl S Er^ri � Y P� S Historic Preservation Specialist CC: Council Member Debbie Montgomery Appellants, Christine Anning and Timothy O'Brien Owner, Myra Karlen Applicant, Thomas Karlen Peter Warner, CAO File �''� NOTICE OF PDBLIC HEARINCr 'fl�e Saint Paul CSty Counal will conduct a public hearutg on Wednesday, August 3, 20p5 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Councll Chambecs, Third Floor City Hall, 15 West Keltogg Houlevard, St. Paul to consider the appeal of Ckuistine Anning and 17mothy OBrien, 3005 Porfland Avenue, to a deci- sion of the Heritage Pmservation Commis- sion conditionally approving a permit ap- plication to rnnstruct a Lwo and one-haif story rear addition at 1009 Portland Ave- nue (Hill Historic Disffict). (File No. � HPC 05-205). Dated: Juty 13, 2005 MAR,Y �ERiCKSON Assistant city council Secretary (JUIy 1S) =m= 51:� PAUL IL+GAL IB•DGSR'_�=� c 22100171 . o�-��� Christine Anning ����� � ��� Timothy O'Brien 1005 Portland Ave .�(J� 9� � 2005 St. Paul, MN 55104 July 1, 2005 Office of LIEP 8 Fourth St. E, Ste 200 St. Paul, NIN 55101-1024 RE: APPEAL TO ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL REGARDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ADDITION - 1009 Portland Ave, Hill Historic District We wish to appeal the recommendation of approval made by the Historic Preservation Commission (F3PC) endorsing the construction of a two and one half story reaz addition at Portland Ave. Our contention is that the scale and mass of the project violate the first two standards of the Federal Standards for Preservation (see below) with regard to spaces and spatial relationships specific to lot size, placement of buildings on lots, and their relation to each other within the context of this historic block Despite the fact that several residents from the effected and surrounding blocks attended the hearing and presented this argument to the commissioners (see statement in Appendix A), a couple of commissioners stopped discussion and refused to deal with this issue on two grounds: 1. They £elt this I�nd of development is inevitable, and 2. They felt the city council would simply overturn any finding that was in conflict with existing building codes regarding mass and scale of additions. In short, the commissioners did not feei they could comment on this issue. We respectfixily disagree with this interpretation and feei that recommendations on the massing and scale of projects of historical impact are within the purview of the HPC as embedded in the first two guiding standazds from the department of the interior. As stated in the Federal Stca�cicrr•ds for Freservation: (1) A property will be used as it was historically, or be given a new use that maximizes the retention of distinctive materials, features, spaces and spatial relationships. (2) ...the replacement of intact or repairable historic materials or alteration of features, spaces and special relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. [The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of ITistoric Properties, 1945} If the HPC believes that it can only deal cvith appropriate detailing of structures and not with potentially inappropriate alterations of mass and scale, we feel they are significantly hampered in their task of protecting historical cultural resources for the City of Saint Paul. 0�°��'� It is our hope that the City Council will: 1. Suspend decision on this application until the HPC ean meet to reconsider this issue and make recommendations. 2. Send this application back to the HI'C specifically encouraging the commission to review and make recommendations based on scale and massing of additions and new construction within this and other historically significant azeas in Saint Paul. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 651-293-1168 Sincer ly, C � ` � � Christine Anning Timothy O'Brien c: Myra Karlen, 630 Deborah Dr. Maple Plain MN (Owner} Tomas Karlen, 885 Linwood Ave, St. Paul MN (Applicant) Deborah Montgomezy, Ward 1 Council, Room 310-A City Hall, Saint Paul, MN Jay Benanau, Ward 4 Council, Room 310-D City Hall, Saint Paul, MN APPENDIX A Neighbor Statement June 23 hearing before the HPC RE: 1009 Portland Ave Building Pernut The single family houses on this block were all built for the lot size they fill and aze positioned within a close zone of each other creating tight but harmonious yard and views lending to a sense of shared community spaces (see photo 1). Kids play in each other's yards, front and back Many of the low fences between yazds aze constructed with built in access gates promoting movement across yards. The exception on our block is the duplex, built as multifamily housing much later. It is the only structure that pro}ects beyond the others. The drawback to these older homes is the sma11 kitchens and lack of l floor bathrooms. Many of the homes on both the north and south side of the block have built first floor additions to allow for modern, expanded kitchens and a docvnstairs bathroom. The one story additions built on the block have been in harmony with the existing structure and exist within the panoramic landscape of the block. The proposed 2'/z story addition increases the footprint ofthe house by more than 1/3 and carries that footprint a full three stories. This house, after the addition, will be closer to the scale of the duplex, (see photo 2) We recommend the Committee not apprave a 2'/2 story addition and ask the owners to reconsider a one story design that compliments the existing spauaJ relationships between homes and lots. � � ; � � � ��e�U3;� 1. \3�! : � � -�`, ��� .,� � .�� z �. �,� , � � '. ,4 .`� v � -; � ;� � `� �£: �'�1 7�� : ii.�'�`�:f.sfi-�'��, � �W .�=�+...�+y � L �iA : . . . * > .,.. �.me t - ��� - . Y �� ... . . .. L t L '+A "� � � .� (� v� ,� *� � � ' y � ���. z� ^�' '".,� � � , . . •. .. l ' � c �f t i' c ' : 4 �` , ' � � , �, i�, _ ? � `' ,i � : ` ' � e �} , �.: � � � �� : � , i �, ( ,� r R' � \i.J� \' t.' . Z��+1+ � .-Z! y�� 1 � -., i�` ^".� � ; k'Y,<� D ��f'9�. �� f ._ � � '`�'." d. ��! � ]y � , � J�. +f ° �? t '� • 4 (' tS '4 � j`P� h� r� � ,� y � , � �,� �'.� � � i 3 ; s� � s V �}'Y�.�.; ^`�� ��J![<r• '�'.:.�� ' �� �.�+� �' � ,s'z''� :. , $F '� Tw �` }# �' G� v. �. . n � � . ..al C't 't� ; �"aY � th' r � ��� �, < �"t-'`��'��A .����Sr� �`.���`'�1 �'.. *'�. , �.�r s, � . ... . . _ � 9,.q : Z� s, '� r � _;. ,3� ; t : � k _ �.�. � 2 ti � � ' F �� +�. _ ���� �_ ` � � �„ , � � Y � � Y bY'��� ��T .. , . , ��. 1rt � _ �{-' ��., � rE � � `ep.�� (�3F " C :. � Y» �,=��"�������J � �.�.�. . �i` , s+�rva.uMCrmaY ��_' - � C..r A '. .;;E � ?-' � _ '�_ �t7= � OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTiONS AND =-, r- ENVIILONMENTALPROTECITON � � ` p �-' � Janeen E. Rosas, Director SA[NT PAUL � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rmrdy C. Kelly, Mayor MEMORANDUM TO: City Councilmembers CC: Peter Warner, CAO Janeen Rosas, LIEP FROM: Amy Spong, HPC sta�j. RE: HPC appeal for 1009 Portland Avenue, Hill Historic District DATE: August 10, 2005 The following attachments highlight the events that have taken place and relate to the HPC review of the permit application to construct a two- and one-half story addition to 1009 Portland in the Hill Historic District: ATTACFIlVI�NT 1(pages 1 to 14) The applicant submitted a complete HPC design review application form with drawings. ATTACHMENT 2(pages IS to 27) The HPC voted unanimousdy to conditionally approve the application with the stafffindings. The HPC also added one condition to change the location of the belt course. The HPC written order to the applicant is.attached. The staff report highlighted the main findings and recommended conditional approvaZ of the application. ATTACHMENT 3(pages 28 to 29) The minutes of the June 23, 2005 public hearing meeting that addresses the hearing for 1009 PortZand Avenue. ATTACHMENT 4(p¢ges 30 to 34) The request for an appeal by Christine Anning and Timothy O Brien is attachecZ COMA�RCEBUILDING 8 E. Fourth Sbeet Suite 200 Sa"vmt Paul, Minnesota SSIOI Zelephoxe: 651-266-9090 Faa�imile:657-266-9124 ATTACHMENT S(pages 35 to 38) Aerial views of the site and surrounding properties are attached. Saint Pau1 Heritage Preservation Commission C/o Office ofLicense, Inspections andErrvironmental Protection 8 Fourth Street E., Sulle 2DD SairzT Paul, MN 55IO2 Phone: (651) 266-9078 � ~a m _ ., ..; � I�EERITAGE PRESERVATION COMIVIISSION DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION Tius application must be completed in addirion to the appropriate city permit application if the aff'ected property is an individually designated landmark or located within an historic dishict. For applications that must be reviewed by the Heritage Preservation Commission refer to the HPC Meeting schedule for meeting dates and deadlines. Please check the category that best describes the proposed work ❑ Repair/Rehabilita6on ❑ Sign/Awning ❑ New Conshuction/Addition ❑ Moving ❑ FencelReYaining Wall ❑ Concept Review Only ❑Demolirion ❑Other Street and number: j�D ` '7pE�,Lgjc�i �,� Zip Code: `� Name of contact person: Company: Street and number, 4 U S �h �-'z— City: � ��Uy State: /-�" Phone nuxnber: ( �S/ ) 01�18- �1� e-mail: _ Name: Street and nuxnber: (�� <Aeb�� ,(/rt�r� City: � �"/� State: � Phone number: (��) �3~aG �� e-mail: _ Zip Code: �J��S Zip Code: s�s�l°� \ Contact person: _ Company: Street and number: City: Phone number: ( State: e-mail: Zip Code: �;_ -_: Completely describe ALL exterior changes being proposed for the property. Include changes to architectural details such as windows, doors, siding, railings, steps, trim, roof, foundafion or porches. Attach specifications for doors, windows, lighting and other features, if applicable, including color and material samples. �' \ D1J Gj�� �� � � r5'i r l't_� �_ Attachaddatiottabsheetsifnecessary ' Refer to the Design Review Process & Checklisr for required information or attaclunents. **INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WII.L BE RETURNEDx* ARE THE NECESSARY ATTACIIMENTS AND INFORMATION INCLUDED? ❑ YES Will any federal money be used in this project? Are you applying for the Investment Tax Credits? YES _ NO _ YES _ NO _ 2 � i. � • • I, the undersigned, understand that the Design Review Application is limited to the aforemenrioned work to the affected properry. I further understand that any additional exterior work to be done under my ownership must be submitted by application to the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commissioa Any unauthorized work will���`- '� - --- -- � - a Signature of applicant: Signature of owner: Dafe: Date: Da�e xeceived: (�7' �o `� kTI�E N0, V� "� �e ; rr y o€woxk; Requires staff review h Requires Commission review �PFlieatio�. ['�S 1<IO �e falla�ving condiflbn(a) m�st tze �t iv rn�der �ar application to conforn� preserva4icm program: e has heeu deYermin�d that fh� ark ta �e performed pursua�t ta e applicafion daes aoY adversely ter:� the program far preservation t�l arehitectural control pf the :� preseruatiau dis#ric� nr �ita EiPG staff approvaI ' �`��, � �is ofPlans "���d SSeta£�'Iansreducedto8.'fz" ��:� by 11'r ,, ,��;�b P�atagrap�ts � � �ity Permit t�pplicatitrn ��v Ccst�t�tlete HPC Dasign Revigu �.�� apPlication Seariug Aate s�t €ar: � `�`�-�" � 3 OFFICE OF LICE� ISE, NSPECTIOAS AND ��� ���� ENVIRONVIENTqL pROTECTION Jarteert E. Rosas, Director CITY OF SANT PAUL RaxdyC. Ke11y, iLfayor CO�LLbtERCE BUILDGVG Suite 200 8 Fourth Street E. SaintP¢ul, Minnesola 55102 7elephone: 65l-266-9090 Facsimile: 651-266-912�1 June 29, 2005 Tom Karlan 885 Linwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Re: 1009 Portland Avenue, Hill Historic District File #HPCOS-205, building permit Dear Mr. Karlan: As you knoGV, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) considered at its June 23, 2005 meeting your application to construct a rivo-and one-half story addition at the property listed above. The HPC voted unanimous[y to conditionally approve your application. This decision was based on the discussion at the public hearing, public testimony and findings adopted by the HPC. • The permit will be approved providzd the following condition(s) be met: 1. The belt course be raised to be flush with the fascia of the porch canopy. 2. An HPC stamped approved set of plans must be on site during the construction. 3. Any alterations or revisions to the approved plans must be submitted to staff or HPC for review. You or any aggrieved party has the right tb appeal the Commissioii s decision to the Saint Paui City Council under Chapter 73 of the Saint Paul Legis(ative Code. Such an appeai must be filed within 14 days of the date of the HPC's order and decision. Chapter 73 states: (h) Appeal to city council. The pennit applicarit or arry pnrty crggrieved by tlre decision of the heritage preserti•atiort cwrmiissio77 shatl, ivityain fotrrteerr (1-!) days of the ctate of tlze heritage preservntion conmzissio�t's order af�d decision, have a right to appeal szrch order nnd decisio�r to the city cotrtrcil. The nppeal shall be deemed perfected zrpat receipt by the division of planning [LIEP] of hro (Z) copies of a r:otice of appeal ancl staterraefit setting forth the grouf7ds for the appenl. The dirision of planning [LIEP] shall trctnsrr:it orte copy of the riotice ojappeal and statenient to the city coa�ncil and one copy to the heritnge preservation contmissio�a. The cornmissior:, in crrry ivritten order de7ryirag n permit app[icatiorr, shnll advise the applicant of tlre right to appen! to the city eoartiei7 arzd incle�de this perrngraplr ita all strch orders. AA-ADA-EEO Employer (J Pa�e 2 File #HPCOS-205 June 23,2005 ;, d _� -� , 7 ' . J .% .. . Please note, an HPC approval or conditional approval does not obviate the need for meeting app(icable building and zoning code requirements, nor is it a permit to allo�c for work to commence. If revisions to the approved plans are made, be a�aare that additional HPC and/or staff review will be required. Please feel free to call me at 65 L266.9079 if you have any questions. An HPC decision wilt expire after one year if no permit is issued. Please submit three fiill sets of drawings indicating the changes noted above under the conditions for further processing. Sincere[y, ���� Amy Spong Historic Preservation Spzcialist cc: Jon Heaner, Buifdin� Inspeetor Myra Karlan, owner File A.4-:\D.a-EEO Emplo}er � �� File #OS-205 � �� ��� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL HERITAGE PRESERVATION COIVINIISSION STAFF REPORT FII,E NAME: 1009 Portland Avenue DATE OF APPLICATTON: June 6, 2005 APPLICANT: Thomas Kazian, Qwner DATE OF HEARING: June 23, 2005 HPC SITE/DISTRICT: Hill Historic Dislrict CATEGORY: contributing CLASSIFICATION: building pemut STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: Amy Spong DATE: June 13, 2005 A. SITE DESCRTPTION: The property at 1009 Portland Avenue was constructed in the Colonial Revival style in 1900. The two-and one-half story house has a one story porch that extends the full width of the house. The porch is supported by fluted wood colwnns and the detailing and railing is believed to be original or an eazly addition to the house. The wood frame wails have narrow clapboard siding and the lupped roof with dormers has asphalt shingles. The property is considered contriburing to the historic district and is located on a block of Portland with strong integrity and rythym. B. PROPOSED CHANGES: The applicant is seeking approval for a building permit to construct a two- and one-half story addition to the rear of the house. A small entry porch and basement access wiil be removed as well as portions of the rear wa11 and roof. The new addition will be recessed from the walls of the main house on both sides to preserve the corner trim boazds. The new hipped roof extension witk� a small dormer will step down from the main roof ridgeline. Proposed materials are an asphalt shingle roof, concrete foundation, wood siding to match, wood trim and Marvin wood double-hung windows. C. Gi7TDELINE CITATIONS: Historic Hill District Guidelines /I990) 1. Every reasonable effort shall be made to provide a compatible use for a property which requires minimal alteration of the building, structure, or site and its environment, or to use a property for its originally intended purpose. 2. The distinguishing original qualities or character of a building, structure, or site and its environment shall not be destroyed. The removal or alteration of arzy historic material or distinctive architectural features should be avoidecC when possible. 3. All buildings, structca^es, and sites shall be recognized tts products of their own time. Alterations that have no historical basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance shatl be discouraged. 4. Changes which may have taken ptace in the course of time are evidence of the hastory and development of a building, structz�e, or site and its environment. Theses changes may have acquired sign�cunce in thezr own right, and this sign fcance shall be recogniaed and respected. S. Distinctive srylistic features or examples of skilled craftsmanship which characterize a building, `�' O � — � (� p File #OS-205 ra siruuctza-e, or site shall be n-eated wzth sensitivity. 6. Deteriorated architectut features shall be repair^ed rather than replaced, whenever possible. In the event repZacement is necessary, the new material should match the material being replaced in composition, desigrt, color, texture, and other visual qualities. Repair or repZacement of missing cz�-chitectural features should be based on acczmate duplications of featur-es, substantiated by histaric, physical, or pictarial evidence rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of different architectu�-al elements from other buildings or structures. 9. Contemporary design for aZterations and additions to existing properties sha11 not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not destroy signifzcant historicat, m or cutturat material, and such design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material, and character of the property, neighborhood, or errvironment. 10. Wherever possible, new addztions or alterations to structures shall be done in such a manner that if such alterations were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the structure would be unimpaired, New Construction General Principles: The basic principle for new construction in the Historic Hill District is to maintain the districYs scale and qualiry of design. The Historic Hill District is architecturally diverse within an overaZl pattern of harmony and continuity. These guidelines for new construction focus on general rather than specifzc design edements in order to encourage architectural innovation and quality design while maintaining the harmony and continuity of the district. New construction should be compatible with the size, scale, massing, height, rhythm, setback, color, material, building elements, site design, and character of surrounding structures and the area. Massing and Height: New consiruction should conform to the massing, volume, height and scale of existing adjacent structzmes. Typicad residential struchmes in the Historic Hill Disirict are 25 to AO feet high. The height of new construction should be no lower thcm the average height of all buildings on both block faces, measurements should be made from street level to the highest podnt of the roofs. (This guideline does not supersede the City's Zoning Code height Zimitations.) Materials and Details: Yariety in the use of architectural materials and details adds to the intimacy and visual delight of the district. But there is also ari overall thread of continuity provided by the range of materials commonly used by turn-of-the-century builders and by the way these materials were used. This thread of continuity is threatened by the introduction of new industrial materials and the aggressive exposure of earlier materials such as concrete blocl� metal framing, and glass. The purpose of this section is to encourage the proper use of appropriate materials and detaiZs. The materials and detaiZs of new construction should reZate to the materials cmd details of existing nearby buildings. Preferred roof materials me cedar shingles, slate and tile, asphalt shingles which match the approximate color and texture of the preferred materials are acceptable substitutes. Imitative materials such as asphaZt siding, wood-textured metat or virryl siding, art�cial stone, and artificiat brick veneer should not be usecl. Smooth four-inch Zap vinyl, metal, or hardboard siding, when welt instalZed and carefully detailed, may be acceptable in some cases. Materials, including their coZors, will be reviewed to determine their appropriate use in reZation to the overall design of the structure as well as to sur-r-ounding structures. Color is a sigrtifacant design element, and paint colors should relate to surrounding strucnrres and the area as well as to the style of the new structure. Buildingpermits are not requiredforpainting and, although the 2 �V o L � � tS � File #OS-205 7 Heritage Preservation Commzssion may review and comment on paint color, paint color is not subject to Heritage Preservation Commission approval. Building Elements: Individual eZements of a building should be integrated into its composition for a balanced and complete design. These elements for new construcrion should compZiment existing adjacent structures as well. 1. Roofs. There is a great variety of roof treatment in the Historic Hill Dzstrict, but gable and hip roofs are most common. The skyline or profzle of new construction should relate to the predorninant roof shape of existing adjacenf buildings. Most houses in the Historic Hill District have a roof pitch of between 9:12 and 12:12 (rise-to-run ratio). HighZy visible secondary structure roofs should match the roofpitch of the main structure, andgenerally should have a rise-to-run ratio of at least 9.'12. A roof pitch of at Zeast 8: I2 shouZd be used if it is somewhat visible from the street, and a 6:12 patch may be acceptabte in some cases for structures which are not visible,from the street. Roof hardivare such as skylights, vents, and metal pipe chimneys should not be placed on the front roof plane. 2. Windows and Doors. The proportion, size, rhythm and detailing of windows and doors in new construction should be compatible with that of existing adjacent buildings. Most windows on the Hill have a vertical orientation, with a proportion of between 2:1 and 3:1 (height to width) co»tmon. Individual windows can sometimes be square or horizontal if the rest of the building conveys the appropriate directional emphasis. Facade openings of the same general siae as those in adjacent buildings are encouraged. Wooden double-hzmg windows are traditional in the Historic Hill District and should be the fzrst choice when selecting new windows. Paired casement windows, although not historically common, will often prove acceptable because of their vertacal orientation. Sliding windows, awning windows, and horizontally oriented muntins are not common in the district and are generally unacceptable. Vertical muntins and muntin grids may be'acceptable when compatible with the period and style of the building. Sliding glass doors should not be used where they would be visible from the street. Although not usuadly improving the appearance of a building, the use of inetal windows or doors need not necessarily ruin it. The important thing is thaf they should look dike parr of the building ttnd not like raw metal appliances. Appropriately colored or bronze-toned aluminum is acceptable. Mi11 finish (sliver) aluminum should be avoided. 3. Porches antl Decks: In general, houses in the Historzc Hill District have roofed fi�ont parches, whiZe in mosf modern construction fhe front porch has disappeared. Front porches provide a transitional zone between open and closed space which unites a building and its site, sen:iprivate spaces which heZp to defzne the spatial hierarchy of the district. They are a consistent visual element in the district and often introduce rhythmic variation, c1ar� scale or provide vertical facade elements. The porch treatment of new stJ-uctza�es shoutd relate to the porch ireatment of existing adjacent structures. If a porch is not buiZt, the transition from private to public space should be articulated wdth some other suitable design element. Open porches are preferable, but screened or glassed-in porches may be acceptable if well detailed. Most, but not all, porches on the HiZI are one story high. Along some streets where a strong continuity of porch size or porch raof tine exists, it may be preferable to duplicate these formal elements in new construction. I� - — - - - — — - ---- � - Q � _ 7 �� - — — File #OS-205 f 7 The vertical elements supporting the porch roof are importcmt. They should carry the visual as, we11 as the actual weight of the porch roof. The spacing of new balustrades shouZd refZect the soZid-to-void relationships ofadjacent railings and porches. Generally, a solid-to-voidproportion between 1:2 and 1:3 is coinmon in the Historic Hil7. Decks should be kept to the rear of buildings, should be visuaZZy refzned, and shouZd be integrated into � overall buildzng deszgn. A raised deck protrz�ding from a single wall usually appecu�s disjointed from the total design and is generally unacceptable. D. FINDINGS: 1. The property is classified as conlributing to character of the Hill Historic District. 2. The additio.n will not destroy significant histor-ical, urchitectural or cultural material and complies with the guidelines for massing, scale, height, and character of the properiy, neighborhood, and environment. 3. The detailing complies with the guidelines with a variation in the siding treatment. There is a proposed trim band between the first and second floars that is not present on the main house. Mitered corners are proposed on the first level and corner trim boards are proposed on the upper level. Staff does not believe this change will have a negative impact on the remaining house, site and district. 4. Proposed materials are consistent with Uie existing materials on the house. 5. This proposal will not negatively impact the architectural_ integrity and historical character of the site and district. E. STAFF RECONIlVIENAATION: Based on the fmdings above, staff recommends approval of the building pernut provided the following conditions be met: l. The stamped approved plans must be onsite during the construction. 2. Any changes or revisions to the approved plans must be reviewed and appxoved by tha HPC or HPC staff. 4 � � � � .� � � •� Q� � .� � ^♦ � � � O � c� U � � �, 's� � � 4) , O � � _ -� o � N L � � � � (� � C� _ � tl� N V � -- - -{- j � � � C� � � o- � 1 � � • � � 3 � � � �� �� � � � ! Z� 05-798 ; � � � � � O - � O � � O Q LL k � � �- 05-798 � v � � � � � � o_ � o � > � � �C z3 05 � � � � � � 0 � � O � > � � � Z� f W � � W / � � � � �� -�1� L � � • � � � 1 •• . � � ,� .a 0 � ZS 05-798 � s � c � � � � � Q _. � O i � 0 L .i... � Z.�o � � � � � Q � � � � � O 1..� � O O r � 0 5- 79 8 � � � G 2�- o�-��s (PARTIAL and NOT APPROVED BY THE HPC) 1�'IINi7TES OF T`HE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION CI"I'Y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4�' Floor, Central Library, 90 West 4�` Street June 23, 2005 Present: Susan Bartlett Foote, RD Brown, Carol Carey, Gar Hargens (Chair), Pat Igo, April Janita, Paul Larson, 7ohn Manning, I,ee Meyer, Shari Taylor Wilsey Absent: Richazd Faricy (excused), Dick Nicholson(unexcused), Daniel Scott(excused) Staff Present: Amy Spong CALL TO ORDER: 5:05 PM by Gar Hazgens (Chair). 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: The agenda was approved. Chair Hargens started by the meeting by introducing new HPC member RD Brown, April danita and John Manning. Existing HPC members then introduced themseives. 2. CONFLTCTS OF INTEREST: There were no conflicts of interest. 3. PERNIIT REVIEW/PUBLTC FIEARING: E.1009 Portland Avenue, Hill Historic District, by owner Thomas I�arlen, for a building permit to construct a two- and one-half-story rear addition. File #OS-295. Spong presented the staff report recotnmending condirional approval of the permit application. Larson questioned the location of the belt course and staff refened to the drawings. Emily and Tom Karlan, owners and applicant, were present to answer questions and stated that the foundation will be block concrete with a rock face. The public hearing was opened. Chris Anuii�g, owner of 1005 Portland, spoke against tlie proposal stating houses here aze close together. Aurting stated that with the exception of the duplex on the bIock, this addidon's massing is too big and the house currently extends beyond their house at the rear. Aiuiing asked the applicants to consider a one story addition instead. Tim O'Brien, owner of 1005 Portland, spoke against the proposal stating that the footprint will be 1/3 larger. Kevin Ryan, 1�08 Ashland, was not in favor of the addition stating the same thing was aliowed two houses down across the alley (editor's note: not in the historic district). Jan Carr, owner of 1000 Portland, stated that she has lived there for 20 years and that she has met Tom Karlan and feeis that he is doing a sensitive renovation, however, the problem is the scale. Carr stated this will impact the neighbors on both sides. Joan Eggenberger, owner of 1008 Portland, stated that she has lived across the street for 52 years and five years ago her neighbars got an addition approved which was not a good idea. The public heazing was closed as no one else was present to speak. Igo Page 1 of 2 � � o�-<�� motioned to approve the staff recommendation and findings and WiLsey seconded the motion. Larson stated that he is usually the only FIPC member who that speaks against larger additions and new garages, however, in this case the floor plates of the original ° houses are small, Larson also stated that this process will happen in the districts and that he would like to make a friendly amendment that the belt course be raised to be flush with ' - the fascia of the porch canopy. The amendment was accepted. Hargens concurred with Larson. The morion passed 10-0. Larson made au additional comment that he appreciates the concems stated, but that the Commissions job is to use the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitaflon and if this decision was appealed to City Council he feels the Council would find the HPC did not error in its decision. 4. NEW BiJSINESS A. Approve proposed preface for the architectural book of St. Paul (I,arson). Lazson commented that the preface does not yet e�st and the co-author, Jeff Hess, is getting involved. The time line is still okay and he should haue a pxeface by the next meeting for the HPC to review. 5. ANNOiJNCEMENTS: There were no further announcements. 6. ADJOURNIVIENT: 735 P.M. Submitted by: Amy Spong Page 2 of 2 Z� 0�5= 79 � Christine Anning Timothy O'Brien 1005 Portland Ave St. Paul, MI�3 55104 July 1, Z005 Office of LIEP 8 Fourth St. E, Ste 200 St. Paul, NIN 55101-1024 RLC:�I`V�� �1 t Ll�l-� JUL 4 G 2405 RE: APPEAL TO ST. PAUL CITY COUNCII. REGARDING PERI4IIT APPLICATION FOB ADAITTON - 1009 Portland Ave, Hill Historic District We wish to appeai the recommendation of approval made by the Historic Preservation Comsnission (HPC) endorsing the construction of a two and one half story rear addition at Portland Ave. Our contention is that the scale and mass of the pro}ect violate the first two standards of the Federal Standards for Preservcrtion (see below) with regazd to spaces and spatial relationships specific to lot size, placement of buildings on lots, and their relation to each other within the contea�t of this kustoric block. Despite ihe fact that several residents from the effected and sunounding blocks attended the hearing and presented this argument to the comxnissioners (see statement in AppendiY A), a couple of commissioners stopped discussion and refused to deal with this issue on two grounds: l. They felt this kind of development is inevitable, and 2. They felt the city council would simply overtum any finding that was in conflict with existin; buildin� codes regarding mass and scale of additions. In short, the comxnissioners did not feel they cauld camment on this issue. We respectfully disagree with this interpretation and feei that recommendations on the massin� and scale of projects of historical impact are within the purview of the HPC as embedded in the first two guidin� standards from the department of the interior. As stated in the Federal Standards for Preservation: (1) A property will be used as it was historically, or be given a new use that maximizes the retention of distinctive materials, features, spaces and spatial relationships. (2) ... the replacement of intact or repairable historic materials or alteration of features, spaces and special relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. [The Secretary of the Interior's Standazds for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 1995] If the HPC believes that it can only deal with apgropriate detailing of structures and not with potentialiy inappropriate alterations of mass and scale, we feel they are sigtuficantly hampered in their task of protecting historical cultural resources for the City af Saint Paul. 30 , o � ^ ��v z It is our hope that the Ciry Council will: l. Suspend decision on this application until the HPC can meet to reconsider tlus issue and make recommendations. 2. Send this application back to the HPC specifically encouraging the commission to review and make recommendations based on scale and massing of additions and new construction within this and other historically significant azeas in Saint Paul. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 651-293-1168. Sincer�l� , E.i� � ��. > Chri"§tine Anning Timothy O'Brien c Myra Karlen, 630 Deborah Dr. Maple Plain NiN (Owner) Tomas Karlen, 885 Linwood Ave, St. Paul MN (Applicant) Deborah Montgomery, Ward 1 Council, Room 310-A City Hall, Saint Paul, M1V Jay Benanav, Wazd 4 Council, Room 310-D City Hall, Saint Paul, MN 3( 05-��� APPENDIX A Neighbor Statement June 23 hearing before the HPC RE: 1009 Portland Ave Building Pemut The single family houses on this block were all built for the lot size they fill and are positioned within a close zone of each other creating tight but harmonious yard and views lending to a sense of sflared community spaces (see photo 1). Kids play in �ach other's yards, front and back. Many of the low fences between yards aze constructed with built in access gates promoting movement across yards. The exception on our block is the duple� built as multifamily housing much later. It is the only structure that projects beyond the others. The drawback to these oider homes is the small kitchens and lack of 1�` floor hathrooms. Many of the komes on both the north and south side of the block haue huilt first floor additions to allow for modezn, expanded kitchens and a downstairs bathroom. The one story additions built on the bloek have been in harmony with the existing structure and er,ist within the panoramic landscape of the block. The proposed 2'/2 story addition increases the footprint of the house by more than 1!3 and carries that footprint a full three stories. Tlus house, after the addition, will be closer to the scale of the duplex, (see photo 2) We recommend the Comrnittee not approve a 2'/2 story addition and ask the owners to reconsider a one stosy desib that compinnents the e�sting spatial relationships between homes and lots. 3Z. �{ `~ � f ���4'P�t�Y"<�y`t R � � � ��S .� � , ��a ; �.�` �� { � ��`�� , , >� j K {�8 . 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I50'-0' I IXISi1NG STOOP AND BASEA1ENi CELIAR ACCESS i0 BE REh10VED HOUSE \ �. 1009 PORTIANb AYENUE N 31'-2• 1 '' IXISTING 6' WOOU SGREENING fENGE 0 � (� N 9� 80 PROPOSED 1 STORY COVERED STQOP I i 3 U I i � 1 4 �`�`�' ' 2 SiORY i�':���f, IXISTING oa�uer,�av � � �. ADDITION!'� { � .`: �,� � , .r,,'",r . M � GARAGE � .la�_u^ ` � " 31 �_6. 22 �- 0 . 6 �_ 6 . t � � IXISTlNG &' WOOD — — — — — — — � — — — — — — _ SCREINING FENCE _ — — — — — — — — _ � ���� `�./ � ° ,�, � IXISIIM6 SHRU&S � OPEF1 NEIGHBOft - PORCFi SlNGtf FkM!!Y NDl1SE 1009 PORTLAND SfTE PLAN SCACE:1"=20' ,. �/ � � MAIN FLOOR DEMO PLAN SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" R€MOVE IX'G MRIN kt00R AND BASEAtENT S�k#R camc sraie xwaixs) REMOYE IX'G STOOP THIS AREA REMOUE CEIIAR ACCESS FHfS ARFA �/ IX'G STONE FOUNDATION WALL T01/2°GYP.64AR� 51/2 S EP SHO4YN � I t EX'GfOUNDAl10N � WALLTO BERFAdOVED AND REPL/tCEO WITH\ ' STUDBERRINGWACL �. t OOWEI NEW WALL TO � IX'GFOUN�ATION I —�� M N s-7 va. a �i�r �i� -�� //�/ r'�.t�ff%r�/r/� i I r -'- - -------------� t i E ,i i ADDITION BASEMENT I i � flEW 2X6 STUU BRG. NEW 4° COIdG. StA6 � I 1 WAIiONIX'GFtG. ONPOLYVAPORBARRIER I � ( � (OR NEW 16°X1Y CONC. AND SttND BFD� � � FIG. !F REQ'D) ' / � t �� NEW BpSEMEN( Fl.00R � I IS 6' BFLOW IX'G BASEMEMt SIAB I I � � � NEW CENflG HEIGHi: � � 7'-912' T.O. CONC. �• _. TO B.O. JOIST � I I 1 � I 117/8° -101SFS � I o 1/ � I6• O.C. I I � � � � ,�� N Z � � � � I � i � 1 NEW2-2X1U 12`CMUp2CQURSES) � d � � 1 ON ZO"X12' CONC. I I ' HEADER t7G. W( 2#S BARS CONT. � � I I � � ,' r � ALlGN STUD � WALLW/IX'G � ,�, � � f0UN0AilON � .f� i � (&fRAMINGABOYE) 1'-0' L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J � � ' .f�.r 'r / ` .'�.f `, � �'' ,'`�.f / r � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� ADDITION FQUNDAT{ON PLAN SCAtE: l!4"=1'-0" �/ � m � � a N �J 12° CANCRETE PQSi WOTINGS ��w ia > \� � � �� �� ta�-o• ,. � ��__ ___ _ ��� �_; � 2 Il ll4' 4 U2' 3 ll4° I ` � i i � � � � � � � � t � I ? (" � " � � THISWALI.Al1GN5 �# I� 1 I; 4NITH IX`G MAIN Fl.00R � �� � WAU. I � � I ' I � I � ; --- -- � NEW 1X4 BFARfNG WALLS I�;�. I � r� UP 14R � 1 ; ON16'X12•GONC.FOOTIN� � � '�----� F p21•FA i y i------� � i i ` i------r {. t � s� ----- ''- I I : � � �NEW2-2XI� _ � � ': � HFA6ER I ° I I � ` � � ° y L_ J IX'G TIMBER BEAM �� Cy � � � � DIMENSIONS DOWN 1� - NOTE COORDINATE ANY EGRESS OR 6ENFRALBASEMENfW�NUOW FOR ADDITION W(fN OWNER IXIS7ING BASEMEN7 CEIEfNG NEIGHT:l'-6° T.O. CONC. TO B.OJOISi GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOT€S: - FOR ARCHITECNRAL QllESTtONS CALL BRYAN MEYER AT 612-599-8Q71. - STRUCiUR4L EN6INEERING TO BE C006DtNATED BY OWNER AND fANiRACTOR. - A!l DRRWlNGS AND NOTES PERTAIN'f0 THE H�USE ADD�110N AND RENOVATED SPACE SHOWN WlilitiN. REFEft TO HOMEOWNER FOR REA�ODELLING AND MAINTENANCE 11EMS NOT iN DRAWINGS. — - YERIFY ALL FlNISHES WITH OWNER. - ALL NEVN IXTERIOR WALL fRRMING TO BE 2X6 SiUDS � I6" Q.C. A!L SiRtlGTURE TU BE ENGIN€EfiED AS PER Pl.APa NOTES. - REW RADUWT HEAT MECHAN(CAL SYSiEM TO BE EVALUATED WITH HOME4WNER. ANY NEW RADIATORS TO BE BASERAY BRAND RADIANT BASEBOARD OR EQUNALENT. MASTER BATHROOM TO NAVE ELEGTR{C MAT HEATEp fL00R. NOTE: INTFRtOR �IMENSIONSARE TO fACE OF GYPSUM BOARD, IXTERIOR DIMENSIONS ARETO FACE OF ST@D N i =21 � fLUSH HFADER TO BE ENGINEERED 1a�-0• BROQM �� R0°0 z'-111YG` " ---- -_-- _ CLOSET CCOSEi 4, J ' � r-4x �-y_; � 5`-09( w � 6'_g• 6 �_ 6 , a � � o, w 2'-87( 6 ��� PAUDROOM �� � STONETILE m� � UP36R� � 7.75°FA. WBBfESTORAGE 3'-1 U2' I I 3'3 314° ' � 6 � $ . \ � � � II � 3 �_ 0 . 2 ,_�. 3 �_ a . � � � 3,.Q. --' I t � i y �I i ; KITCHEN � o w � � � L__ CS° d' I ��� � HARDW000 Z.`°.r 1�— w �� � I /i !il fL00R �� mza�� � �oo m� � � � �� � t i� i�i � r i i o II i 2'-0' E4UAL M EQUAL � � � i � � � _� r"___� .. � ' ' g �_"""__� O O ��_ r. -�,.. � n � ��z � o n i _ NEWWIN60W MARVIN WUGH2520 � ADDITION MAIN FLOOR PLAN 3 SCALE:ll4"=1'-0" 117t8' I-l61STS � I6° O.C. SIITING/6REA Harsowoa FLOOR � SINGLE 2X6 SPACE A9ULL, SEAT 1P2' 7'-0° COATHOONS MARVlN I 2'2X19 � WUDH2832 , 5: --� � 8'-91Y1° �/ MARYIN — MNOH2O20 2-2)(10 �s io �z• � m 4 ,� `'v' � � '- i 3'-10' � ' 11' I 0 � COYERED ENfRY ��N� I I 51/2° � r M MARYIN WUDH2S32 ; N V 0 N M 1 � 9 v � �� 05-��� EXISTING BATH EXISTIN6 HALL DN 16R � � 7.75° EA. �� STAIR UP MARVIN WU�tf2422 2-2X8 MASiER BATH CERAMIC lltf 14 �_p. 31/2' g_g• a Y Y-4°X a g�_g• I 2'-6%( s ,_ $ . 91t4° I-101STS � 16' O.C. NiASTER � CLOSET ; HARDNlOOD �� F(AOR � � � i i � i i' I i 2'-8"X � s`s• N� I ' ' C I / � `° " '' V ; �� ' y� � �5 5 EXISTING BEDROOM LAUNDRY � ` ' � o� � LINOLEUM � o � w 5'-fi' � 41M° m z i w , m � , � � NEW 2'-0' DOOR - ' MOVE CLOSET � � ' OPENING fROM NEW � ��'� tAUNDRY RQOM ��` ' y EQUAL EQURt TO IX'G BE6R006A ¢ ' � � i s: c, � - a z-2xio x€wwiNOOw MARVIN WU�H2620 �� ADDITION UPPER FLOOR PLAN 4 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" MASTER BEDROOM NARDWOOD SINGLEIX6 � ft00R SpqGEMUL4�P• MAftYiN ' 2-2X8 WUDH2&26, �/ MABYIN I2-ZX8 WUON2626, a'-ia° � r-io° C < � •< t�J MARVIN WUDH2828 � � � M � AUGN WINDC WITH GROUP ar en � _ y 1009 Portland Aaenue St. Paul, MN 55104 /� � �} � ������ �� y 7('G )RCH ar en W _ 1009 Partland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 � 1 � �; DORMERIAPSIDiNG fQ 8E MITERED (TO MpTCH IX'G) IX6 PAIMEO CORNER BOARD PAIMED BEVELED SIDING IX46SURE'SO tfiATCH HIIUSE PAIMf� WOOD DRIP RND fi' TRIM BOAR� MITER CORNERS THIS AREA DRIP TO MATCH IX'G (WATfR TABIE BOAR� DIFfERS 6UE TO CURRENT CONSTRUCTWN USMG RIM BOARUSTRUCTUR� �� NORTH ELEVATION ] SCALE:ll4"=1'_�" � E ❑ M! DH 828 I I I( W OH2828 AIARVIN MARYIN MARVIN IUDH283 Wt1�H2882 WUON2832 NEW ADDITION ❑ ALIGN BOTTOM OF PORCH BEAM Y�7TH 80TfOM OF 7RIM BOARDM'INDOW HEAD A � � � � °� � �v �_WEST ELEVATIQN 8 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" �_- i �� T.O. IX'G ATTIC SUBft00R TYPICAI NtW FLOOR CONSTRUCTION: HARUWOOD FLOOR 3/4" T&G PLYW000 I-JOISTS �16° O.C. (SEE PtAM FOR SIZE) St8" GYPSUM BOARIS � T.O. IX'G tiPPER FlN. FI.00R i.0. fX'G MAIN FtNISHED ft00R � 4° CONCRETE SLAB � ON POLY YAPOR BARRIER ANO SANO BED � � WALL SECTION 9 SCALE:1/4"=1'-0" NEW ROOF P(fCH AND PROFlLETO MATCH IX'G �j NEW ROOF CONSTRllCTION: ASPHALTSHINGlES 30B 6UILDING PPPER 112' PLYtN00D SHEkTH1NG 2X8 RpitERS � 2A° Q.C. ICYNFNE SPRAY INSUTAi10N PQLYVAPOR BARRIER 5/8' GYPSUM BOARD (FlRUREJ 2XfiNNEEWAtL NEW OYERHpNG �IMfNSIINV AND'(RIM TO MAiCN IXtSFING NEW fJ(TERIOR WALL CONSTRUCTION: PAINTED CEDAR BEYELED SIDMG (IXpOSURETO A9ATCH HOUSE� 157f BUILDING PAPER OR TYVEK IfY PlYW000 SHfATHMG 2X6 W00� STUDS � 16° O.C. BATf INSULATION POLYVAPOR BARRIER 1(2° GYPSUM BOARD s REPER TO IXTERIQR ELEVATIONS FOR SIaiNG ,/'�— ANDWINDOWNOTES TREATED 2X6 SILLW/ 1/2° ANCHOR BOLTS � 48° O.C. d'.1T79 2' R�GtD INSUtATION AN� WATERPROOflNG (ALTERNATiVE INSUIRTIONTO BE IMERIOR 2X4 STUO WN1W15H BATf �NSUL. AND POLYV.B.) 12 CMU FOUNDATION ON/IlON iQ REINF. CONCRETE f00TiNG PER4METER 4ftA4N (M3 S{LT SflC1q AND FREE URAINING FlLL - CONNECFWttH NEW 1NTERIOR PfR�1ETEft SUMPSYSTEPd TO BE INSTALLED BY OWNFR ��-7�� ar en � H 1049 Podland Avenue St. Paui, MN 55104 n �`Z J F � � MUDROOM ,� / /� il ` I � I1 � � — — a , oQa\ — — � oea D61 \ — � / °x� -�,/" 4c___ I I � ! �, � t � \ ii rn �� ;'� R � B I I � �� KITCHEN � � � W � . ' \ /1 � � e �oo R R � � i /\I � I I ' �! � 41 � � ' � u� ` I 7 I � ii� V — ° '�1J I I � v � u t _______ � � i ` _ i �_____=- ' osr � nc_c_=� GLm o o n 6Flrtn � ADDITION MAIN ELECTRICAL PLAN SCAtE: l!4"=1'-0" � `` ' � \ SITfiN(�B�REAKFAST �---�. ^ �/ \ 1 / T Ttl GARAGE LtGMT � �� ¢ — ,_° '� � � 13