229912z S • Original to City Clerk R PRESENTED BY RDINANCE 224912 n COUNCIL FILE NO. j ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of .the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: s Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, , 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the specifications fok the following title: Custodian - Engineer II (Library) Yeas Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Nays -1- 4 I Passed by the Council Approved: City Clerk Ma or Form approved Corporation Counsel B In Favor Against • original jo City Cleric ORDINANCE 22991 ^2 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland b Meredith Peterson— Tedesco �^� e++oo+ \ Mrj�Preside l� / /� %/�' Nays -3- i Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By SEP 81966 Passed by the Council Tn Favor d Against SEP 8W A-n-nrr%vPd Mayor PUBLISHED SEP 10 196 Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 22,912 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO--J Ain ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City,'t approved February 13, 19 ,35, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAI14: Section I. 'That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its, proper alphabetical order the specifications for the following title: Custodian - Engineer II (Library) ,.1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against • Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 229912 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— Section Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith - Peterson, Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: .:3.06 SEP 81966 Passed by th Council Tn Favor o Against Approved: SEP 81966 City Clerk Mayor "qw® Form approved Corporation Counsel By �f i tti Title of class: CUSTODIAN- ENGINEER II (LIBRARY) Duties and responsibilities: 229912 � �B � Under supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work of maintaining the main library building; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To sweep, dust and'mop wood, tile, terrazzo and other type floors. To reseal and to wax floors. To clean windows, walls, and woodwork. To dust, wash and polish furniture. To vacuum rugs and carpets. To wash light globes. To wash urinals, bowls, sinks and drinking fountains. To empty waste paper baskets. To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep surrounding grounds neat and clean. To clean sidewalks. To sand sidewalks and to remove ice and snow. To open up the building and to see that doors are locked at the end of the day. To close windows, and put out lights and adjust shades, To move furniture and equipment. To replenish towels, toilet paper, soap, etc. To replace light bulbs, fuses and washers and to make other minor repairs. To unplug toilets and sinks. To grease, 'oil and tend mechanical and electrical equipment, _To take necessary steps to protect the 'building. from damage 4 in case of emergency. To make minor emergency repairs and to report needed'repairs i or maintenance work to proper authorities. To report fuel, gas, power and water consumption, To assign and direct the work of all custodial employees. To supervise the maintenance of the branch library buildings and mobile system in the absence of the Custodian - Engineer (Library Buildings). To receive and to distribute all supplies. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Custodian - Engineer I in the library system. -2- r. t 229912 Title of class: CUSTODIAN- ENGINEER II (LIBRARY) 1113) Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform and to be responsible for the work of maintaining the main library building; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To sweep, dust and'mop wood, tile, terrazzo and other type floors. To reseal and to wax floors. To clean windows, walls, and woodwork. To dust, wash and polish furniture. To vacuum rugs and carpets. ' To wash light globes. To wash urinals, bowls, sinks and drinking fountains. To empty waste paper baskets. To mow lawns, trim hedges, and keep surrounding grounds neat and clean. To clean sidewalks. To sand sidewalks and to remove ice and snow. To open up the building and to see that doors are locked at the end of the day. To close windows, and put out lights and adjust shades. To move -furniture and equipment. To replenish towels, toilet paper, soap, etc. To replace light bulbs, fuses and washers and to make other minor repairs. To unplug toilets and sinks. To grease, oil and tend mechanical and electrical equipment. To take necessary steps to protect the building from damage in case of emergency. To make minor emergency repairs and to report needed repairs or maintenance work to proper authorities. To report fuel, gas, power and water consumption. To assign and direct the work of all custodial employees. To supervise -the maintenance of the branch library buildings and mobile system in the absence of the Custodian - Engineer (Library Buildings). To receive and to distribute all supplies. Minimum qualifications: Two years' experience as a Custodian - Engineer I in the library system. -2- • l g r s1� y 2nd ` Laid over to 3rd and app. --Adopted Yeas\ Nays Yeas Nays \ Carlson Carlson \ Dalglish alglish Holland Holland Meredith 22� 12 eredith —Petersen— , ` PebersIIrr— v Tedesco v Tedesco \Mr. President Byrne r. President Byrne