229889�zl i CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon COUNCIL FILE N By- AQPFfo. i •�i i• In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for construction and restoration of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 65 -M -326,, District No. 2, Levy No. 2 ASSESSABLE ' •._ • 23723 - St.4Clair Avenue; north side from Amherst Street to Wheeler Street -.Y +; I F.O. J222687 - Saratoga St., both sides from Sargent Ave, to Osceola Ave. F.O. #223005 - Jefferson Ave., both sides from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. F.O. #222686 - Fairmount Ave., both sides from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St. F.O. #222892 - Snelling Ave., west side from Wellesley Ave. to Berkeley Ave. F.O. #222357 - St. Clair Ave., north side from Saratoga St. to Pascal St. and on the south side of St. Clair Ave. from Warwick St. to Pascal St. F.O. 222281 St. Clair Ave: south side from Lexin on Parkwa we ly �E3r125 "ft "abuts �� " �Lex��Y t � {; � � , y ..y$.t><�PProximate ing'"2� -3 --5: gton "Parkway.�r"'� F.O. 22897, Pala Ave.., -north side„, from Snel ling�Aye .�,to�,Macale0pr^,Ave;.__.�y__ F.O. 222891 - Wellessley Ave.; both 'sides from Davern +St; to. Wheeler St: F.0,. d222515- Jefferson Ave. both sides from - Macalester- St.,to- Snelling F"�0:��2ZW = - Fairvt -ew Ave. ` east -side: from a r's�'St. "' outh 4 a roximate � pp ly 125 Ft a utting,1816 James St.. rr ,e �n cot ry� 1 ..j +:L4�� �; wi .� � � for snit In n 1ectIr with F..0. 223o� 5 - •Prior Ave.,,east side from Berkeley Ave: north�approxima a 14 Y,_ t P +bo-r� 'ri+ ,,,,v ft. abutting 1939,,, rke�leyhA yenueh aril the Go[t�� ii hrtring coii�idered saxes IAmbar`d Ave`:, both sides from Benhill Road to Lexington Ave. ar(I foiihd the ':paid assessment hitiafactory, therefore, be it , NON- ASSESSABLE: F.O:.w� , 22 ' 7�, -= aSaratogaitSt.�, �botli -, sides• f�omnSSa `rgeatFAve.�Tto�Osceo]:a Ave:o�'ed• ' + 222686 -. Fairmount.Ave., both Bides from Chatsworth S; O� oltOx�ford St;�t • .'t �i i j. 4r 1• r. ril'at �� Ion i L-.,r: F.0.. #222357 - St. Clair Ave., north'aide from Saratoga 3t. to Pascal St. "'-- day v>:� � W.1,rand on�he south side of St..Clair .Ave. from Warwick.,St.. �, Y Pascal ­4­ �,,... , aT tr.� h, sur r � , to£ .:•.,, i .cxM �..vu,. �� L .ambet� o. tlF.O J. 222897 , Palace ;Aye e,.1porth ;sidg, from Sne11in8JfAve .tto; Maealester. Ave t, F,;n e F.0. �2 @l - Wellesley Ave., both sides from Davern St. to Wheeler St. -' F.0.1 222515�in JeffersonaAyq,,,;��both- side&gfrom Macs-lester;;St,.:yrto� s>?,e7 �_Ave,'.a eA F.O. X223255 -Prior Ave*, east' aide from Berkeley Ave. north approximately 145 hearing, the nature ftt!)abutti4g 1939: BerkeleyaAve.: %sessed agriv5t the lot or lots cf ;he part icuLir F.O. #221614 - Lombard Ave:, both sides from Benhill Road, to Lexington Ave. ownef -to-whom th n tiro z i1freN41MA. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t,ar.son Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Byrne Tn Favor F Against Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8 AUG 2 31,666 Adopted by the Council _ 1 AUG 2 31966 •"roved Tkayor' PUBLISHED AUG 2 7 1966