229881ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 229881 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. kAOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL /RESCFLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER TE BE IT RESOLVE Tha t iVn acco4nce with Ordinance No. 8829, Council File No. 13799$, as amended, the sewer maintenance charges to be made from date of connection to June 30, 1967, against the following commercial, industrial, and residential properties other than single and two- family dwellings, which are located in the City of West Saint Paul and which are connected to the Saint Paul Sewer System, be and hereby axe determined to be the amounts set opposite the location of the connections as follows: ADDRESS USE ANNUAL CHARGE 1550 Charlton Apartments $281.60 848 Dodd Road Apartments 76.80 100 W. Imperial Drive Apartments 236.80 161 E. Marie Offices 22.64 223 E. Marie Office & Factory 56.64 354 & 356 Marie Apartments 129.60 364 -366 Marie Apartments 129.60 374 & 376 E. Marie Apartments 129.60 384-386 E. Marie Apartments 129.60 394-396 E. Marie Apartments 129.60 1141 S. Robert Store 47.20 1264 S. Robert Restaurant 10.24 1589 S. Robert Service Station 18.85 1885 -91 Scott Lane Apartments 232.00 212 W. Thcanpson Apartments 152.00 2 31966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson AUG 2 3 Dalglish proved 19— Holland ' Meredith —In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne P(J %.!SqfD AUG 2 7 1960 22