05-788CouncilN�le# ��j-"1�� Green Sheet # 2Pjr] j� r RESOLUTION Presented ITY OF �� 1 WHEREAS, Don Brau has had a long and eventful career with the City of Saint Paul which has spanned 2 more than three decades; and 3 4 WFIEREAS, in 1972, Don began his career as a Plauning Tech for the Department of Planning and 5 Economic Development, with duties inciuding the updating of city maps by hand, where his hidden talents 6 were quickly realized and he was assigned the responsibility for handling graphics and printing; and 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 WHEREAS, Don's forward thinking and entrepreneurial spirit resulted in a nuxnber of smalier deparhnent print shops being consolidated into one centralized shop as a cost-effective strategy for managing city and county printing, paper supplies and mailing needs, including the extension of these services to other Ramsey County cities; and WHEREAS, Don has been an active volunteer at the Saint Paul City Employees picnic, a volunteer firefighter far the City of Inver Grove Heights and a member of the Inver Grove Heights Parks Commission; and WHEREAS, Don will take leave of the City of Saint Paul with many satisfied customers, and his legacy of a full-service, high quality prinring operation; and WHEREAS, Don's idea of "retiremenY' is to begin a new career as an independent contractor with his wife, best friend, and dance partner, Mary, in her new role as his business paztner and CFO, and their children, Nic, Chris and Betsy, as on-call laborers; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul wishes Don and his family the best as he leaves 25 City employ to begin a new venture, travel the world and spend more time with his grandson, Joe; and be it 26 further 27 28 RESOLVED, that Wednesday, August 31, 2005 is hereby declared Don Brau Day in the City of Saint 29 Paul. Hazris Adapted by Council: Date Adoption � By: /, � PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by: � The Office of Financial Services � � ✓ $y . f � ✓ � Forxn Approved by City Attomey By: Mayor for Submission to Council �y Mayor: ISate G�'y � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �"�� Fs -��ts� Coniaa Person & Phone: Matt Smith 266-8796 Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): ConfraetType: RE-RESOLUTION �k3�i�r.. � , Assiga Number For Routing Order 0 1 2 3 4 5 Green Sheet NO: 3027761 Depar6nent SentTo Person �' nt ' r' ce t nn ' rk lerk Tofal � of S ig na tu re Pa ge s _( Clip All Locatlons for Signature) Actlon RequesMd: Approval of resolution honoring Don Bnu for his 33+years of service. � Fo{Iowing Planning Commission �. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Citil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm e�er been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this persodfirtn possess a skill not nomialry possessed by any cufrent city employee? Yes No Facpiain all yes answers on separate sheetand attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Don Brau will be retiring August 31, 2005. The Office of Financial Services would like to thank Don for his dedicated service to the of Saint Paul. Advantages IfApproved: A higlily-valued city employee will get the reco�irion he deserves. Disadvantages IfApproved: None. Disadvanqpes H Not Approved: No public recognition will be given to Don. Transaction; Fundins� Souroe: Financial Information: (Ezplain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activiry Number: August 20, 2005 139 AM Page 1