229856ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . ;r 6i PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER R M CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIIC/ RE- SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. _ In the matter of constructing public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer in a 30 foot wide easement to be obtained, center line of said easement to be described as follows: Beginning at the existing sanitary sewer manhole at the intersection of the center lines of Larry Ho Drive and Michael Street; thence in a north westerly direction a distance of 415.5 feet to a point on the north line of North Park Drive said point being 372 feet west of the west line of McKnight Road measured on a line perpendicular to McKnight Road; thence north a distance of 445 feet measured on a line parallel to the .;west line of McKnight Road to a point and there terminating. This sewer system to be known as the BATTLE CREEK APARTMENT SEWER SYSTEM, under Preliminary Order C.F. 228863, approved May 31, 1966, and Final Order C.F. 229737, approved August 9, 1966. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissinner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. COUNCILMEN AUQ.1 a Adopted -:by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays ---Dalglish Approved 19— '--,Meredith In Favor '-Peterson Mayo Tedesco Against A000 lip Mr-'Vice ' `'.' President (IIolland) PUBLISNED) G 2 0 . 22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER DUPLICATE OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ROISM jr. DATE Aimillilt, 316 lw In the I%tW. of Construting, PuWe OeAitkx� never and pul4le Atora never in a 30 foot vide 0"4w11t to be obtolmd e4mtor lines of oald 6"effient *- be d"QrJWL So follo"j, . '' $ .' . . 41 Beginning At the Wdeting sanittry. bevw 3WILhole at the interafttim Of the lb=tft* Of IAM HO Drive Wd WahwAa lftreet$, theme in 0 north vexter3s dirfttion a dlistome of 415,5 foot, - to S Point r= the north 31e of NDrth Park Drive sad point being 372 -feet mat of the went line Of NeXhisht, RoiId me'a's-ured on a line pm*endioular, to XcXhl&t Roaft . them a e north ' dliuft6e.of 445 foot' aWure* on A llns porsUel to the vast llue of ',1 clCuight Roed'tp a wt t)iero tetiOned;ingil This seVer systan.to be kp�M as the Blrl7 OW Z"w sxm gppro l4ay 31,? 1966l sand under lhv U-M-4m Y, 6roer.d 4P, -9W%3 Ved Final Order�- 0-*F 4913T.- approved Au;g Pit 9i, Ewmvloo Thr t the gans and apecificat3ons for the above aftea laprovImentp es v