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0RIGIN44410 CITY CLERK 4 " PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUN��L, RESOLUXION,p- GENERAL FORM x 1 �{ COUNCIL NO- /27326 RESOLVED, That the City Primary Election, March 8, 1966;the City General Election, April 26, 1966; the County and State Primary Election, September 13, 1966; and the County and State General Election, November 8, 1966; to be held in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, shall be held in the 160 Election Precincts of the 12 Wards of said City at the places named in the "List of Polling Places" on file in the office of the City ,- .Clerk and Commissioner of Registration, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That at the f o7lowing places the election shall be held at the places designated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with Chapter 203 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota: Ward 1, Prec. 3 - Our Redeemer L�theran Church Ward 1, Prec. 10 - New Harrison chool Ward 7, Prec. 13 - Central High School Ward 81 Prec. 8 - St. Agnes School Ward 9, Prec. 2 - Rice St. Library FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City C erk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip �he said polling places and for such purpose the City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill and purchase the , necessary tools and material, the cost and expense of the same' to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 0800, of the General Fund; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for the said elections, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Election Expense Account, 0800, of the General Fund, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the persons t-named on the list COUNCILMEN - I Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays r. ' ,,Dalglish ' Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor a Meredith 1. _ r Peterson v Mayor Against Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis , i✓ 1 i 10M "2 ORIIGGIt1AL YO CITY CLERK I� ir PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM on file in the "Certification of Election Judges" binder in the office of the City Clei►k are hereby appointed Judges of Election in said precincts in compliance with Chapter 203 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota, and be it 22'7326 FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit such claims upon said basis upon certification by the City Clerk, to be paid out of the Election Expense account; 0800, of the General Fund, and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to make such payments. WHEREAS, The City Clerk has duly certified to the City Council as required by the City Charter a true and correct list of all persons who have filed an "Affidavit of Candidacy for City Office" in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for nomi- nation for office at the City Primary Election to be held Tuesday, March 8, 1966, such list subject to withdrawals before the legal deadline of noon on February 16, 1966, now, therefore, be it r RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cause said certified list of candidates for nomination and the offices to be filled to be published twice in the official paper of said City, together with a proclamation calling the City Primary Election for the nomination of such officers to be held Tuesday, March 8, 1966. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays •Dalglish ' Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e=2 . . In Favor Against Adopted by the Council US 6 196I9_ FE13 19 19W DUrLICAT6 TO "IN-MR ���� .�' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE on file in the "mrtification of Election 4odges" binder in the office of the City Clerik are hereby appointed Fudges of Election in said precincts in compliance with Chapter 203 Of the Election .-aws of the State of Minnesota, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit such claims upon said basis upon certification by the City Clerk* to be paid out Of the Election Expense Account, 08000, of the general Fund,, and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and directed to snake such payments. WHEREASO The City Clerk has duly certified to the City Council as required 'by the City Charter a true and correct list of all persons who have filed an "Affidavit of Candidacy for City Office" in the -City of St+ Paul# Minnesota# for nomi- nation for office at the City Primary Election to be held. Tuesday, March 8,..1966,, . euch list subject to withdrawals before the legal deadline of noon on February-16, 1966# now$ therefore# be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby Ordered and directed to cause said certified list of candid4tes for nomination and the offices to be filled to be published twice in the official paper of said City, together with a proclamation calling the City .Primary Election- for the nomination of such officers to be held Tuesdaay # Mafah 8# 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays E F5 16 1966 Dalglish Holland Approves 19— Loss -In Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 6.02 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ., CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 227326 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED; That the City Primary Election, March 80 1966;the City General Election, April 2*, 1966; the County and Stater Primary Election, September 13, 1966; and the County and State General Election, November 8, 1966; to be held in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota., shall be held in the 160 Election Precincts of the 12 Wards of said City at the places named in the "List of Polling Places." on file in the office of the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration# and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That at the following places the election shall be held at the places designated outside their precinct boundaries in accordance with Chapter 203 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesotan Ward 1f, Pre¢. 3 - our Redeemer Ibtheran Church a Ward 1.$ Prec. 10 New.Harrison drool Ward 7o Prec. 13 - Central High School Ward 81 Pre©. 8 - St. Agnes 30tiool Ward g Fred* 2 - Rice S Libra x j( x x 5 x-- c x t xH 1 FMHEX F530LVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to equip he said polling places and for such purpose the Cit Cleric is hereby authorized to engage the neeoessary labor-and sell and purohass the necessary tools and material,. the cost and expense of the same to be pail, out of the Election Expense Abcount, 0800, of the General Fund, and be It FUEMHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he hereby Is authorized and directed to purchase. and provide the necessary supplies required for the said elections, the cost thereof to be paid out Of the Election Expense Account, 08009 of the General Fundo and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the persons I named on the list- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M e-0 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor CERIFIKD LIST CERTIFIED LIST OF CAKD i►T S F-91-70MINATION AT CITY PRIMARY ELECTION, TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1966 , To The Honorable Mayor and City Council: In accordance with Section 19 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, I hereby certify that the following is a true and correct list of the persons who have filed in the office of the City Clark an "Affidavit of Candidacy for City Office" in accordance with Sections 12,13,14,15 and 16 of the City Charter, as candidates for nomination for the respective offices hereinafter indicated to be voted for at the City Primary Election to be held Tuesday, March 8, 1966, and that such list comprises the names of all parsons who have so filed their affidavit of candidacy for city office and paid the required fee. Ro ert B. Gerber, Jr. City' Clerk (SrAL) City of St. Paul, Minnesota Dated St. Paul, Minnesota, February 16, 1966 MAYOR Thomas R. Byrne, 1313 Scheffer A. J. Chilefone, 775 Jefferson Bruce Frederick Johnston, 1814 Bayard George J. Vavoulis, 703 Linwood CITY COMPTROLLER William M. Fuhrmann, 1853 Randolph Lloyd F. Milnar, 2230 Sargent Joseph J. (Joe) Mitchell, 5 Battle Creek Road Gene H. Rosenblum, 1697 Ford Pkwy. Nicholas M. Schneider, 1344 Arona MEMBER OF BOARD 010 EDUCATION FOR THE TERM OP' SIX YEARS (Two to be elected)(No contest, names will not be on Primary ballot) Frank J. Hammond. 1366 Fairmount James 0. { Jim) Mann, 656 Iglehart Charles L. Rafferty, .-32 L. Jessamine JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST. PAUL uffice to which J. Jerome Plunkett was elected for the regular term. (No contest, names will not be on Primary ballot) Wm. (Bill) Drexler, 1907 Jefferson J. Jerome Plunkett, 1466 Lincoln JUDGE OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF ST. PAUL Office to which James M. Lynch was appointed. (No contest, names will not be on Primary ballot) James M. Lynch, 2097 Iglehart COUNCILMAN (Six to be elected) Sherman (S.M.) Burton, 1329 Selby Chaster B. Carlson, 1874 E. Orange William E. (Bill) Carlson, 947 Portland James T. Crisler, 951 White Bear James J. Dalglish, 1831 Ashland Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy, 1168 Edgcumbe Rd. Christopher W. Durand, 1056 Marshall Grant W. Engen, 983 Hubbard Fred J. Hall, 826 Osceola George A. Hardenbergh, 710 Linwood Bernard T. (Bud) Holland, 1508 Burns R. D. (Dick) Johnson, 1427 Osceola Joseph F. Koenig, 1136 Portland D. R. (Dick) Kothe, 1869 Selby Leslie J. Lingofelt, 588 Winslow Frank L. Loss, 1085 Lincoln James I. Mahoney, 1748 Conway ° Francis P. (Pat) McGrath, 201 S. Lexington Pkwy. George C. McMahon, 360 Sherburne Dean Meredith, 1482 Taylor Severin A. Mortinson, 1309 Pleasant John M. Padden Jr., 2139 Juliet Robert L. ( Bob) Pavlak, 116 1,1j'. Belvidere Robert F. (Bob) Peterson, 680 F. Montana Milton Rosen, 1415 Summit Alfred J. (Al) Hubbelke, 195 S. Dunlap Richard A. Smith, 136 W. Delos Morris W. (Morrie) Steinman, 1187 Lincoln Vincent P. (Vince) Sullivan, 1656 Princeton Victor J. Tedesco, 1667 Conway Roy S. Zielinski, 1406 Bradley JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AT LARGE (Two to be elected) (No contest, names will not be on Primary ballot) John M. Drexler, 1205 Arcade R. F. Ferguson, 39 S. Avon Patrick A. Kearn, 434 English Arthur E. Turnquist, 76 N. Western CONSTABLE AT LARGE (Two to be elected) Roy M. Downing, 1220 Blair Benedict G. Fischer, 1443 Thomas Paul D. Heleniak, 893 N. Fry Robert J. Murphy, 238 W. Sidney Richard L. Timm, 1123 Galtier JUSTICE OF THE Pr-,ACE - 6th WARD (No contest, names will not be on Primary ballot) Sam Mike, 766 Hall CONSTABLE - 6th WARD (No contest, names will not be on Primary Ballot Hurry Crosby, 700 Oakdale JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - 10th & 11th WARD (No contest, nagies will not be on Primary ballot) Thomas J. Nash, 1887 Portland