227272i ^ yy ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ���• 2 .� • s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY.. WHEREAS, Robert L. Ames, the City Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 107 Lyton Place, more particularly described as Lot 5, Block 2, Lyton% Addition to St. Paul, Minn., the City Council held a public hearing on the ;8th day of February, 1966, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount thereof, and WHEREAS, it appears that the City Council, pursuant to C. F. No. 221608, approved January 22, 1965, published January 30, 1965, set a public hearing to consider removing the dangerous structure, and the City Council by C. F. No. 222094, approved February 26, 1965, published March 6, 1965, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost and expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and the City Council by C. F. No. 223574, approved June 8, 1965, published June 12, 1965, directed the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection.of life, limb and adjoining property, and tat the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $749.22 in removing said structure; and WHEREAS, it appears that Michael Kasson, 210 Third Avenue North, South Saint Paul, Minnesota is the owner of the premises; be it .,. ,,l RESOLVED, that we, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby confirm the amount of $749.22 to be the fair, true, and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directedto file in the office of-the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement of expense incurred by the City for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. At' KOV4Counsel Asst. Corporat COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOM 6a4 �In Favor J Against Adopted by the C � 151966 19- FES 151969 PUBLISHED FEB 19 IBM Mexch 2, 1966. Hon. Frank L. Loss, Comsr. of Parks & Recreation and Public Buildings. : W. Robe Ames.. Dear Sir: ` Thjs is to inform you z I did Sarch 22 19669 pursuant to Council instructions, file stat is xpense of the cost of trrecking and removirZ a, dangerous st a at 107 Layton Place in the office of the Register s as no against tho property, record osmer being Micha . Aso 10 Ave. Z1., South St. Paul, Minn., and Contract Pur ser Mr. old ders, 155 Morton Street, St. Paul, Minn. t Very truly yours, City Clerk _ bw ec :.Stephen Corporatio z ' rebruary 8, 1966 = ; Mr. Stephen ,L. Maxweil Corporation Counsel n Building Dear Sirt The Council referred to you for. i iga a letteir of _ Michael Musatinp .Kassmn Re" Canpan ing that he was-- - I not notified in. connection Bond tion proceeding at 107 Layton • Placa� . Y : . The Council today wain . i _he process f holding a1 heeiing to consider any complai about the nn* incurred when• _ the entire matter wan re 8 Very truly youra'; = 4 - - ._City Clerk AO/ng. ; - _ N"A� Jill! 111111 KASSAN REALTY f 12 2DM3AXAXkW_10;M 1[9U SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA WMAMINI TELEPHONE GL 1 -1311 r� nn��outik! -�a�e - /� /orEyayee •..APPkatea�a - S'u�ur6an prop.rfy - ,ewUmt S,&, February 4, sgtar p In MA },C. ,L, tn"s,OFF- FEB 7 196E Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council'. City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota Re: Council No. 226817 Condemnation of 107 Lyton Place Gentlemen: I will be out of town on February 8th; therefore, I am writing to you instead. My purpose in writing this letter, is perhaps, to save some future property owner the expenses and loss of property that I have suffered.' because of this condemnation which could have been avoided. Your Bureau of Health carried on all its corre this property with the Contract Purchaser, Mr. not with me, the Fee Owner. Mr. Saunders does Register of Deeds office as having an interest did he live at this property, and evidently no time to ascertain the owner of this property. spondence concerning Harold Saunders, and not appear in your yin the property, nor )ne took the trouble or We were in the process of cancelling Mr. Saunders contract for deed because he was about one year delinquent in his contract payments. We finally did cancel his contract out in September of 1964. Mr. Saunders, therefore, would have no reason to-notify me that he was on notice to repair the property. I even paid a Mr. R. F. Ferguson, the Justice of the Peace, to evict ; the tenants on the lower floor of 107 Lyton Place so that I could renovate the building. c The day the people moved out, the Bureau of Health posted the building with placards stating,that this place was unfit for human habitation, and that was my first notice-that you had inspected the building and required that it be repaired. , J r r � 'i F 4� February 4, 1966 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - Page 2 - Shortly after the building was and advisbd -me that this place I called the police department appointment with me to discuss posted, a neighbor lady called me was being vandalized by children. and they wanted to make an this matter. I am enclosing a photostatic copy of a letter I received, dated October 14th, which was two weeks after you had posted this building and by that time, the building was half demolished by children. If I was aware that it was to be placarded, repairs would have been underway and this vandalism would have never occurred, and I could have avoided t he loss of approximately $8,000.00. In addition to all of this, I was nuisance by a Mr. Kelly, of your cost me a considerable amount of jailed and fined, although I was arrested for maintaining a city attorney's office, and it time and money to avoid being committed a few hours. Again, I hope you will correct your procedure of notifying owners of property that is to be repaired or condemned, so as to avoid financial loss and mental anguish such as I have suffered, by investing in St. Paul property. If you wish, I will be more than happy to meet with you and discuss this matter at greater length, at your convenience. Re ctf y yo s, i i Michael Kassan Kassan Realty Company MK/ kw Enc. oq'piw of �t i`d h X11 1 H ntfn,ssjun, r v at C 1tt11tG (I pH G. MLRRILL. ` r ( Ea A ,_;ut1 C�iWI°ner �u�`ECLiI O 1 {caltli (:enter 555 Cedar �tre�t St. Ppul, :�linnesot� 53101 pctcber 14, 1964 1 ti Nicbael Wain South lo Twelfth '—'Aianwaa a w the Door !ice . ga"is_ re fN oMaer of the properittY wadersts0ding &�s deteriorated to ite p h� babi- IZ is std► PlaCe, which Code were noted the structure as "�' at 107 Lyto'c of the Hc�usingo raoccup+ncY was peCSSSarY to pd �� tol�i�WreCted prior tatiaa"• '� follow � and obviously would and the first floor unit had roaches. (1) Both waits to be serious deficiencies u ties would ' In 2neral• there sp�nad all of these forrep�ser- (2) th* plying S"t"s r b hs�ng a Master p Buildings sucs*�+e it..- , be discovered Y .of Public Bu tati'►e fror tbs lb on ON as cond mad the bat" The if3 a stroaa are Several leeks water. vented (3) f� is not supplied with hether the plusk� is doubt in our stinds as o properly• i� itt tlw�' and iA6.h Un,d #�V ba USA arc vcrs >s>ut be mod' sstionable building is of cods ical wiring in the of the Hcusiai The (5) saf+ri� and violate electrical oiutletss are aon is ho"a min in so far as •leC� Electrical out l '!be Saint light aacOvding to the followings mule= least two k Stalled piling coiwa ou� s that habitable of roc" GlOc- supplied- electr and lmndrY• Oas wall or well as in the bathrooms lei ur be a stiuyplied outlets in each The Housing Code also in trical a supplied coil- coilina hung ligbt f at�ast thre is wall or quimss that there ssY'be as elects' aae of which thi kith 8 9 fixture. jug bung 1 ' l .�22 BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Architect 445 City Hall, 55102 223 -4212 February 23, 1966 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. 316 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: We are attaching a copy of Council File No. 227272, approved by the City Council February 15, 1966 and published in the official paper on February 19, 1966. This has reference to the property at 107 Lyton Place, de- scribed as Lot 5, Block 2, Lyton's Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, owned by Mr. Michael Kasson, 210 Third Avenue No. South Saint Paul, Minnesota and Contract Purchaser: Mr. Har- old Saunders, 155 Morton Street, Saint Paul, Minnesrta, and confirms the expense incurred by the City in the condemnation and wrecking of the two family dwelling thereon, which amount- ed to $749.22. As you will note, the final paragraph of this resolution directs the City Clerk to file, in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds, a statement of expense incurred, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, in accordance with Sec- tion 1.07 -7 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. ou s tr ly b6rt L. Ame CITY ARCHITECT A :141 � BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, Ci +y Architect 445 Ci +y Hall, 55102 223 -4212 January 6, 1966 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk Dear Sir: Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 107 Lyton Place, described as Lot 5, Block 2, Lyton's Addition. The property was listed in the name of Michael Kas- son, 210 Third Avenue N., South Saint Paul as owner, and Harold Saunders, 155 Morton Street, Saint Paul, as contract purchaser. The expense was incurred by reason of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous two story dwelling. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses as per Registered Bill No. 4 -2708, dated November 23, 1965, copy attached. Investigations, notifications, condemnation $25.00 Specifications 37.64 Photos 11.58 Contract for Wrecking as per Informal Bid No. 8527, C. F. 225109, and Contract No. G 3969 with A. Kamish Co. 675.00 $749.22 We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. CITY ARCHI TECT Fl Robert f. Gerber, Jr. °'tr '� y, �•� ti, Albert B. Olson City Clerk and Council Recorder Commissioner of Registration , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS; 886 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Council File No. 227272 —By Frank L. February 8, 1966 Loss—'. Whereaj,- 9, Bert L. Ames. the City Architect, having requested hearing City consider to y hold omplaints about the consider any the City of Saint expense incurred a dangerous structure at 1 removing at 107 7 Lyton Place, BlockP2, Lyton s described as Lot 5, the City Addition to St. Paul, Minn*, Council held a' public h�eartogco , the l 8th day of February, the amount the expense and to confirm thereof, and it appears that the City Whereas, Council, pursuant to C1965,NPublished approved January rys 22'a public hearing January dangerous Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell to consider remheinity the 'dangerous by p structure, and Corporation Counsel 965* ppubh�d MgtPhv6d19s�5r ° =a rea Building the wrecking by and at 'the separate cost and expense ofe Deno in control pant, or other p C. F. thereof, and the City Council by Dear Sir: No. 223874, approved June 8, 1965, pub- lished June 12, 1965, directed the Com- missioner of Parks an RerLeuPon the to Public- Buildings The Council referred to you for investigation a letter of premises there( neaand and any nand au Michael Ka.ssan, Kassan Realty Company, stating that he was building Q1 necessary for the adjoining tection of life, limb and adjoining not notified in connection with a condemnation proceeding property. and that the Cie p°nse f the Paul has incurred at 1 on Place. 749.22 in removing said structure; and v' V $ Whereas, It appears that Michael Kasson, 210 Third Ave u the The of Saint Paul, Council The Council today was in the process of holding a hearing thResol ea That we the City to consider any complaints about the expense incurred when of the City of saint Paul . do hereby confirm the amount of $749.22 to be the entire matter was referred to you. the fair, true, and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure at and Ver truly yours, Further b Resolved, the office Clerk be directed of Deeds for the County f of the Regis expense in- �VgVj of Ramsey a statement of exp ose of tarred by the City for the pure _ during a lien on the Property, par City Clerk suant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. AO /ng (� Adopted by the Council February 15, 1966: 15, 1966. ApproV0 Februsi719, 1966) (February ,+ J?r-T� M3, s..� r96fi CORPORATION COUNSEL OM 22 1, r )VI STATEMENT OF ESE ON PART'OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL INCLERED IN THE WRECKING OF'A BUILDING AT 107 Lyton Place, Lot 5, Blxk 2p Lyton•s Addn. to St. Paul. That I� Robert B. Gerber• Jr., City Clerk, do.hereby make and file a formal statement of expense incurred by the City of,Saint Paul in the removal and wreckage of a building at 107 Lyton Place; described as Lot 5-, Block 21 Lyton's Addn.. to St. Paul. 9I. jai+ V &fi o►r �+ Said expense, as hereinabove stated,*was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on November 23, 1965, for orecking and removal, of building at 107 Lyton Placez Expenses of Dept. of Parks & Recreation & Public Buildings for investigations, notifications and condemnation 25,00 Photos 11.58 Specifications 37,64 To A. Kamish Co., for wrecking, in accordance with specifications and Informal. Bid No. 8527, as per Council File Now 225109,. Contract G 3969 67 .00 70.22 Said expense, as hereinabove stated, was incurred by the City of Saint Paul on November 23, 1,965. The authorization for this statement is given in Council File Ido, 227272, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on February 15, 19%, a copy of which is attached and made a part hereof. This statement is herewith being filed in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey, pursuant to Section 1.07, St. a Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of registering a lien in favor of the said City of Saint Paul on the land described herein. Dated March 2, 1966. e erk t STATE OF MINN* •� ass - �• County of Ramsey 4b • On the 2nd. day of March, 1966, before me, A Notary Public, personally appeared Robert B. Gerber, Jr., to me know# to be the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paula and who executed the foregoing state- ment of expense in his capacity as City Clerk of the City of Saint Roul under and pursuant to authorization given him to execute said instrumen& contained in Council File No. 227272, passed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul on February 15, 19662 under and pursuant to Sec. 1.07, St. Paul Legislative Code.. a," U13— 0A, Albert B. Olson, � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. bar commission expires Oct. 22, 1966.