227270ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION G CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 22'72'70 RESOLVED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, as amended, by Ray C. Martin, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described as: "Except the West 70 feet of the South one -half of Lot 1, Block 11, Homecroft an Addition to the City of St. Paul" that the provisions of said Zoning Code hereby are determined and varied as and to the extent necessary therefor and the frontage and area requirements for said premises are hereby relaxed so as to accommodate a duplex, subject to the condition that said appellant, and his successors and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, State statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. ROVED Asst. orporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions "2 ^� In Favor V Against F E B 151966 Adopted by the Council 19- FES 151966 Mayor PUBLISHED FEB 19 196 • BOARD OF ZONING,, CITY O F SAINT PAUL F 3223 -1151 Room 20 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Februray 8, 1966 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is written _ in -- response to the appeal of Ray C. Martin to relax the area and frontage requirements in order to build a duplex on property located in arCIIA" Residence district. The property is located at the northwest corner of Norfolk Avenue and Wheeler Street, described as except the West 70 feet of the South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block• 11,.. Homecroft Addition. On January 6; 19.66 at the Board of Zoning meeting, the staff reported that the property under 'corisideration has a width of 50 feet and an area Of 6;675 square`feet. In an "A" Residence district, "60 feet of frontage and an area of 7,500 square feet is required to construct a duplex. It was the Board's finding that because the property is under- lined with rock, construction costs would be excessive and, therefore,` recommends approval of the appeal to-•relax the area and frontage requirements on the property so that a duplex may be constructed. ` Sincerely, A C f NRH /mm N. R. eiden Encl. Secretary Z.F. # 5966 r City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 January 28,v-1966 File X16, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 am m. on February 10, 1966, on the application of Ray C. Martin for appeal to relax area requirements for a duplex in an "A« Residence District on the following property: except west 70 feet of the south 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 11, Homecroft Addition. The property is located on the northwest corner of Norfolk Avenue j and Wheeler Street. For further information call at Room 20, Court House or phone 223 - 14151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House, 66102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner THOMAS J. KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner February 10, 1966 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk BUILDING Dear Sir: Phone: 224 -4612 Ext. 343 -344 A hearing will be held this morning on the application of Ray C. Martin for appeal to relax area requirements for a duplex in an "A" Residence District on the following prop- erty: except west 70 feet of south 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 11, Homecroft Addition, at the northwest corner of Norfolk and Wheeler. Miss Lucille McCoy of 1753 Norfolk wishes to protest this application for a duplex because she feels the area is not large enough for a duplex and parking space, and further- more there are no duplexes in that residential area. Will you please have this letter read at the hearing today, February 10. ?'hank you. S'ncerely yours, James J � alglish P. S. - Miss McCoy called this office today requesting that her objection be reported. 22 r* 11 The Honorable Mayor and City Council C/O City Clerk Room 386, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota„ Dear Sirt December 13, 19650 Re;Zoning Appeal 1• a. Name of Applicant r Ray C. Martin b. Telephone Number a 77181808 c. Legal description of property .* Except the W 704 of the S.2 of Lot 1 Block 11Homecroft Addition d. Locations street. Northwest corner Norfolk & Wheeler -y St.Paul 0• Present use of property A Vacant f. Proposed use of property duplex g. Purpose of appeal - Waive square footage requirement he Need of appeal d 101 short frontage. 935 "of short area i. Cite section of Ordinance appealing under; Legislative Code Chapter 64.0 Section _paragraph 1 2. Site vacant .» two site plans submitted herewith. a 0 a. Property lines and dimensions Sot x 133.51 b. Status of present and proposed grades in relation to street or streets - In c. Location & size of proposed buildings.- see attached Remain the same d. Type of proposed off-street parking - Garage �. Area of proposed offs- street parking .. 1008 sq. feet f. Plan to be drawn to scale showing overall dimensions etc. - attached A check for $20.00 filing fee attached. Yours truly, Ray C. Martin 0,01 2ast AF- AF Avd. S$':Paurl Minnesota., zone 6 MY PLAtviAmij , AIW 59U6 Spint Paul, Minnesota ZONING FILE E 0 E � V E D DEC !4 1965 Yours truly, Ray C. Martin 0,01 2ast AF- AF Avd. S$':Paurl Minnesota., zone 6 MY PLAtviAmij , AIW 59U6 Spint Paul, Minnesota ZONING FILE