227221Or:3inal to City Clerk 61R"DINANCE 22'7221 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 13035, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO KIEFFER BROTHERS INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER AND PUBLIC STORM SEWER IN A CERTAIN PERPETUAL PUBLIC EASEMENT PROVIDED TO BE GRANTED OR CAUSED TO BE GRANTED BY SAID PERMITTEE TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, SAID PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER AND PUBLIC STORM SEWER TO SERVE A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS LOT-7, BLOCK 2, WARDELL ADDITION AND LOT 8, FULTON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, GILBERT'S MONTC_ALM PLACE. THIS IS AN _ EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. ", APPROVED AUGUST 6, 1965. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 13035, approved August 6, 1965, hereby is amended in the following particulars, to -wit: that the title of said Ordinance hereby is amended to read: "An Ordinance granting permission to Kieffer Brothers Investment and Construction Company, a Minnesota Cor- poration, to construct a public sanitary sewer-arid public storm sewer in a certain perpetual public r easement provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said permittee to the City of Saint Paul, said public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer to serve a tract of land described as Lot 7, Block 1, Wardell Addition, and Lot 8, Fulton's Subdivision of Block 4, Gilbert's Montcalm Place. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. "; that Section 1 be and the same hereby is deleted therefrom in its entirety and the following Section 1 is substituted in.lieu and in place thereof: "That permission and authority are hereby granted to Kieffer Brothers Investment and Construction Company, (I i u 227221 2 c i a Minnesota corporation, to construct a public ,. sanitary sewer and public storm sewer in and through a certain perpetual public easement herein provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said permittee to the City of Saint Paul as a condition precedent to the effect of such grant of permission and authority \' hereunder,.such public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer to serve a tract of land described as Lot 7, Block 1, Wardell Addition, and Lot 8, Fulton! s Sub- ._ -,- -. _ 6f`B'1 "ock 4;:7• Gilbert ' °s- Montcalm Place, -And, such public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer to be constructed in such'fperpetual public sewer easement in lands described as'ibllows: "A perpetual easement in, under, through, :a'rid over a strip of-"land 30 feet in width -on Lot,7,; Block 1, Wardell Addition, ac- ")cording- to' thd- -,r'ecor'ded plat thereof, , situated and being in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is described as follows; Beginning at a point on the west property line of Lexington Avenue that is 466.0 feet south of the south line of Randolph Avenue, thence, in a northwesterly direction on a line making an angle of 55000' with the west line of Lexington Avenue a dis- tance of 208.0 feet to a point; thence in a westerly direction a distance of 70.0 feet on a deflection angle of 35000' to the left, said point being the point of ending,"; �., �"'� -.. -." 'n. • r" � ice' ;n -�^�. - .. .......n+.- ,. .- "...._.. •- "�_ _ 1 that the description contained in Section 9 be and the same hereby is deleted therefrom in its entirety and the following description is substituted in lieu and in place thereof: "A perpetual easement in, under, through, and over a strip of land 30 feet in width on Lot 7, Block 1, JJ - ,Wardell Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, situated and being in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota. The centerline of said easement is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west property line of Lexington Avenue that is 466.0 feet original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 3 south of the south line of Randolph Avenue, thence, in a northwesterly direction on a line making an angle of 55000' with the west line of Lexington Avenue a distance of 208.0 feet to a point; thence in a westerly direction a distance of 70.0 feet on a deflection angle of 35000' to the left, said point being the point of ending, ". 22'722. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. IV • AM 11966 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Dalghsh , Holland Loss D 1 Favor Meredith Peterson —Against Rosen / Mr. President (Vavou 7s) 1 1966 Approve . Attest: - My Clerks Mayor Ins 2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By 4 P_.UBLISHED MAR 51966 Doplleate to Printer .Q PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 13035, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSION TO KIEFFER BROTHERS INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER AND PUBLIC STORM SEWER IN A CERTAIN PERPETUAL PUBLIC EASEMENT PROVIDED TO BE GRANTED OR CAUSED TO BE GRANTED BY SAID PERMITTEE TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, SAID PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER AND PUBLIC STORM SEWER TO SERVE A TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED AS LOT 7, BLOCK 2, WARDELL ADDITION AND LOT 8, FULTON'S SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 4, GILBERT'S MONRCALM PLACE. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE# HEALTH AND SAFETY. ", APPROVED AUGUST 610 1965. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 227221 Section 1. That Ordinance No. 13035, approved August 6, 1965, hereby is amended in the following particulars, to -wit: that the title of said Ordinance hereby is amended to reads "An Ordinance granting permission to Kieffer Brothers Investment and Construction Company, a Minnesota Cor- poration, to construct a public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer in a certain perpetual public easement provided to be granted or caused to be granted by said permittee to the City of Saint Paul, said public sanitary sewer and public storm sewer to serve a tract of land described as Lot 7, Block 1, Wardell Addition, and Lot 8, Fulton's Subdivision of Block 4, Gilbert's Montcalm Place. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. "t that Seetion,l be and the same hereby is deleted therefrom in its entirety and the following Section 1 is substituted in lieu and in place thereofs "That permission and authority are hereby granted to Kieffer Brothers Investment and Construction Company, Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk inr zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against ..• _ .• , r ' -af ' •`•yu. .a +,) .l'.. -'1 •�'`ri4!f, - _ F y..5a S - +... a '-t - - - r e`t' {•rC 1^'- Z,��;. ., a' j4innesota corporation,# Ito;, conetructi =a public ,3 - sany `and publ 4do storm , sewei "'il and th�ough r certai4 pqrpo .441 publici' �eiasement' herein provided 4' • 'to ba` granted :,or caused, fio. bQ granted . by ' said permittee - ' to' the City. of .gains Pauli's' a condition; precedent .to t _ = the eff et of. siicli giant 'of pem' i'ssion and author_ ity ; hereunder; t ueYi public'. sanitary ;,sewer, and public storm sewer. � 'to-,'-serve.:a = iraot, of ,lard zt s6ribed "'- Lot 7 0. Block �l, ��ardel .Addition,° and 8;. Fulton 4's Su1 • 5 °+ division of ' iiocf� 4 �. 63,lbett ! e M >ntoald ; 1ace� - and ; - such: public- sanitary. 'se_ war and publid- storm sewer 'to be cdha tru6te, ;;in" such perP$ "I , p �biia, _ t_ sewer easement. r. , . in _lands`�leedribed` as follows: • ` "A perpetual 'easement in;; under'., through, . ' aril over -a, Strip ;of -land 30 _-feet . in'.widtYi a . ; on Lot . 7, .. Slocc�k J. Wardell Addition, _ - ac- , cording • to' the. recorded plat thereof; . • . P = ,situated_ and being irir the County_ of Ramsey ; -arid Stat® of. Minnesota. The, oenterl ne- of s_ aid • easemsnt, pis- descr_ ibed- 'as. .follows.; r _ ' + . Bed innin at . a_ int on ',the West, - f pi�opertygline t� Lexi,ingt6h Avenue - that is 466; 0 feet south of, fibe south _ line of • 'Randolph .Avenue, therice•, . in - t a' northwesterly direction on, 'a line - making an' .angle of 55°00' .with ,the ; • 1 s west Dine :of - Lexington Avenue- a dig- fence of 208.0 feet to a Ant" thence i in a` weatrly direction a distance of. 70.0 feetr -on-4a deflection. angle,of ' 35000 . . - to, the left - -'said point being, rile point` - "y of eriding; "p. • - ti, ' r _ that -the ' descri " tiori contained iii . 3,o tion -,9 be -and ` the . same _ .• P hereby ie. deleted therefrom 4n its entirety and the following' " description is substituted ' in 'lieu and- iii place thereof: f _ , "A perpetual : easement - 3:n, • unde'r, through; and ovary , a $trip - of +band 30 a10 et in 'width, on Lot% 7,'p Block Wardell Addition,' - according . to- the recorded° plat_ thereof;. situiated `_and being in' the " County' of - Ramsey being- -and State-of-Minnesota' ­The centerline. of said," r- easement is described as_ ' *follow&' L A - bogi tTirig ai . a' point =;on. the west- property. _ '•',' - line of Le�xington-Av ®nue that is 466.Q feet ` •_ - 't,_ w -- _ .�'.. _'. •.. ^0.J- __`,. r _ • • ,.t Y: ti Duplicate to Printer ORDINANCE 22'7221 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. IM— K south of the south line of Randolph Avenue, thence, in a northwesterly direction on a line making an angle of 55000' with the west line of Lexington Avenue a distance of 208.0 feet to a point;- thence in a westerly direction a distance of 70.0 feet on a deflection angle of 35000' to the left, said point being the point of ending.% Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk MW 1196 Nays Passed by the CA, ncil Favor ? Against Approved: 11995, ini zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By Mayor vArch 7, 1966. Kieffer Eros. Inv. & Consti. ,Co;; - 38b Robert•St., 8t: Rule, 14nn. , - Ife Oncl.vse a copy of Co c No, 227221; being Ordinance No: 13187, =endi Wane 18035 grantizig- ybik permission to con$tritct 'a t_ ewer and public storm se"r on property an, des bed the wl� also enclo a bi" in a shin. of $24:80 to cover the tort "of pUblictition this or nee, vory tray Yaws � City Clark _ K _ f ' y ' 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app . 4A — Adopted— Yeas Nays Yeas Nays \Dalglish `�al lish olland olland Loss \LoW \Meredith ��eredifh �peterson 7�NPeterson 2:61 Rosen , Rosen �r. President Vavoulis r. President Vavoulis FQI