D001423(HGA) (Civic Center) !1i ._ �. ��� 1R Mznager {CPMI) CITY OF SAINT PAUL - dFFtCE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CQNTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-37 � ADM[NtS7RATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved ta be necessary to the Improvement described az Saint Paul Civic Center Exnansion CP-A Buiidine Consuuction known as Contract L-_City Project NoA 15117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the fopowing: 7. Provide access panel and door at North Penthouse per Contractor Proposai #4. t 36. Reuon: To a(low acceu into penthouse. 2. Revise ceilinps and soffits per Supplementary Instructions #422. Reason: Ce[ling height changes to accommodate ductwork. 3. Provide soffit at Elevator Room 498 and patch slab in Etectricat room 5 t I per Contractor Proposal #4. t3$. Note: Items 3 and 4 are not required - deleted. Reason: Code requirements. Tofal $2,148.Q0 4,8b8.00 I,153.00 $5,219.00 ORI?ERED, That the Ciry of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, apgroves the foregoing additions mada in aocardance with the specifications in the sum of $ 8 219 OQ , said amounY to be added to the lump sum consideration aamed in the contract, knotim as contract L- ?3Q-40300-0898-00000 Civie Center Expansion Fund, and whieh amount is to be financed from: fl- /7 19 �7 M.A.Mortenson — o 19_ `�-�XS���i�S�����---„ i� 3 tq`�I�._ ___i�is�L �C'Nnd ��� Admin rr--- ofFinanee Assisfant to the Mayor ' fNltlldX31-NO114WtlOdNlltlqryyNld C�?� ���� OacO�-9"z�i-L a�ewnNUinu�v �n� �>�1 ZCS i�d''��7��'j^��.�a�anos�r»aNn� nu c�d (�up»pu;p)n�i3V'�.^,83^N3A�uiSSQQ . y � ;� 5 MO� �qeupuldCiNP.C:"q�:..01 r �.� r'.7 � (� 1 1 ) j`i \ \%cL'� I.,� ..__ ... 3 ���i �i •. ��� :Y �3r2� _, rr., _^:1'.i�b�•^ 4001 � �. ��� � a� »oa j� � :� om b o! S ri� � cS \ � � � ,� ��{�+v'4 r ;���� r.�y } I � � ,;' -. �aeys uea�8 03 yoa�}e Pue �aays a�s�edas uo s�assua sad ��s me�dx3 ON S3A �aeFo�dwa 6�io luai�no Rue hq passassod 6pew�ou �ou ��ixs e ssassotl wiq/uosiatl s�yl saop �g ON S3A �aa6o�dwa ,(uo x uaaq �ana w�iguosiatl siyi seH y ON S3A ��uawl�edap siy{ �o; �oe�luoo e�apun paHiom iana w�y/uosia0 si43 seH � �SNOIIS3(10'JNIMOI'IOj 3Hl il3MSNV 1St1W S1�Vtl1N0� 3�IAti35lVNOStl3d �-�v S u� � � T ttrd QQ � �OIAtl35 S`JW 8 N6 � ���� xN3��.11V�� � �ia�ano� niia ❑ 3ivanviiini C�p 4 �✓-, ��- �, � ��C aa� c3ALL03f801I�Nf100 HOIHM S1tlOddOS — 12ff10p101tl1SiO "— j�tl1S — 'a{.+^ 'UbOX� � 33llIWW009q` NOISSIWW0�301Atl3SliNp NOISSIWWOO�NINNtlId (tll ualery �o (y) anatltiv SNOLLVON3WW003tl 43AOtldatllON �1 � �� L� � �� � 13kifiltlN`JIS FiOj SNOIlV�OI llV dll�) � , .nvis�ssn ao� aonvw � e3oao � 0103dI413�Jaf18 � `�NLLOOtl ' h�NtlOS1V nll� �� a0i Fi39WfIN ac:.o=aioiw3✓viava_c — 31VO�lVLLINI � ����� 'Y���� � � �� tl 0315 N 011�tl S3`JVd 32ililVN`JIS �O # 17101 "�� �at; s� ,s � ����� �� � r� L u PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenson PO Box 7'10 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Qriginal Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4A'i-01 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-05 C4.0 t -06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4�1-Q9 C4.01-10 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.01-23 C4.01-24 C4.01-25 C4.01-26 C4.01-27 C4.01-28 C4.01-29 C4.01-30 C4.01-31 C4.01-32 C4.01-33 C4.01-34 C4.0135 C4.01-36 C4.01-37 Deduct Add 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.0� 86,610.00 (4,535.50) {4,422.00) (9,016.00) (23,3'f 3.00) Subtotai (41286.501 Total $1,473,598.06 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,000.00 15,460.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 24,705.00 29,188.0� 40,889.00 8,883.00 19,081.00 5,531.00 8,734.0� 4,718.00 21,389.00 14,593.00 '18,700.00 10,723.00 182,948.0� 354,744.56 28,970.00 37,566.�� 13,097.00 23,813.00 187,332.�� 8,219.00 $1.514.884.56 DATE fSSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: GONTRACT pATE: 12 November 1997 CP-4.01 Buiiding Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract includinq this Change Order: $35,832,298.D6 � i�a3 • L � C O N TI R A C T' Q"R ' S P_R Contract r Pro�s�l I�Jc$: P 4. 36 Date: September 16, 1997 Project: ST. PAUL CfVIC CENT'R CPA Contract No.: 4.01 A chana ' P � is requested as indicated beiow: f��'}'} ' 1. It is requested the completion date be (} extended, { 1 decreased, i) unchanged by calendar days. The adjusted completion date wil{ be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicablel. Reference RFP No.: 4.136 ; FO NO.: Title: Access ane(s 3. Basis of payment: (Check onet {X) Firm price for pertorming this change is $�2 � 98.��} Adequate supporting details and information pncreasedS (Deduct) must be attached to aflow Owner to evaluate. () 7ime and material per contract, but not to exceed $ t 1 Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: ' Cont tor �'� --• 1 �� � v Contractor Signature FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: (Check one) (� Change will not be made. Explain: {) Change is acceptable with no change in price. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( � Other 2. CPMI Job No.: 3225 ° �,eroceed on the following basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptabie, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be S `�6r�The foliowing modification is recommended: r��� !) Change in completion date is accepted. Reasonfor Cha�ge: �sign Change (} Client Request i 1 F�eld Conditio� ( l Suggested by Contractor O Design Omission or Other (explainl 3. ls ihis a part of the original contract scope7 () YES �t�0 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? YES O NO 5. A/E consufted. YES �� N � Prepared by: .�""'—" CPMf1 Approved by �� "� '/'`- t 4 ^ HGA) Approved by CPMI Inc., c!o Saint Paui Civic Centec I.A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West fourth Street, cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Date: /Q ` G 7 � f � Date: �Q'�'��� Date: Paul, MN 551 3Z25- 9(16/97 � � St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Change Proposal � � Summary � o�� ST PAUL CIVEC CENTER EXPANSfON s.atNrraur.. nmr ssma PH: 6 1 212 93-915 4 PAX� Gi?J293-955% Description: CP4.t36 Title: Access Panels g Amount Mortenson Labor: 5 37� (See attached) Mortenson Material: $ (See attached) Morienson Equipment ' (See ariached) Assoaated Costs $ s (Change Proposal) General Condkions $ (MOdensan Work) SUBTOTAL M. A, Mortenson $ 371 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Mulcahy, Inc. c,...,.:a�, Mor�l PmrinMc � 3. a 5. 6. $ $ S S � 5 a22 650 595 io SUBTOTALSubNend $ 1,667 SUBT07ALFee M. A. Monenson Company Fee: Subcontractors/Vendors fee 5 % : M. A Mortenson Work 15°!: 5 83 $ 56 $ 139 Total Matenal & Eqmpment $ - M. A Mortenson Matetial & Equtpment Tax: 7 f $ - SUBTOTALTaz `� � SUBTOTAL:M.A.MOrtensoa+SutrNend+Fee+Tax S Z BuitdeYs R�sk 0.0007 ($ 72lihousand) S Z GCL Insuraace Cos[s 0.0038 ($3.771Thousand) 5 8 Payment 8 Perfotmance Bond 0.0050 ($4.9593lThousand) S t� SUBTOTAL insurance & Bonds S 21 TOTAL CNANGE PROPOSAL $ 2 �� 98 Page 1 • . O � m J :^ a ti a N �i V C n q I � a N i C � c� v a U U O � Z 2 � U � w � m ai � "���a3 � a� �,� �o ��� �m .-��, F g �� o � � � � 0 z �" °' � ° ° o ° o ° o ��� N O O O O O O U a h 0 � � LL O � W o O O O o N O O O Y�� c�i � p O O o O � a � N LL � K Z W � Y Z � N 0 o O o 0 0 N O O U � o � � m � � co m Z c�'n °' m ,° � �n v rn � .- m o a o N � ! N N "' � � a U K W N = a a! o o O o 0 0 N � � O O O 6 O Z p � � K Z W �� u ' M o o ° o ° o ° o � g n o ° o 0 0 0 0 ¢ O O N J U LC O m 4 c E �W v z `o � w y LL p O W o � d � � � O 2 c -� � m � oi o o C7 ¢� Q � �. m r [0 iU N � C d . a' .J J N e �� � O O V � m� m Q1 Q1 � O O � Q � J J � F' !L 4I J(n � m � a • � l�� ;�,. , �� °�,�'����s,.��`�'',� at' -,. . . �� � �-�� � ` ��>a 5232 N. GLENSROOK AVE. • OqKDALE, MN SSl2$ ?HONE:770•525a ' ��1:! � p � AU� �v� �q ,�j � � �YTF� Ta: A�_4_ tvlartenson P.tm: Ron Schreiner 300 Eagle Sireei St� Paul, Nfi4' �5102 Date: Project: St. PauI Civic Center �xpansion CP-4, Job T451442 Pricing: R. F: F'. �q .l �v Cc� . 3?escription: PRovlo� 2'q ,., �Z^`!'" fa.GC.�SS PP,rarc� �+J WYs.L� �A^�5.� l�—.t;7_Uv°c� ^co c.r,��y",� Cnst, ummarr- • Labor: Carpentez Foremur_ � �iours x $23.14 Car�enter TTou�-s x $21.99 Taper Foreman Hours x 521.5� Tape: I-iours x $2Q.55 Pla_aer Hours x 522.8G Tender Hours x �21.90 Laborez _� Hours s $16.SQ *Estra: SuDervision Hours x �Z5.00 Sub Total Labor 75°lo Burden on Labor 4% EscaIation on Labor .4„fter May '97 Tota2 Labor *Due to ScheduIe Requirements _ �l2 . S� � _ �Z .5� = G9 . y2 = G � y8 - ��� • `�� ur.:52 F_�1S 61: ii0 3-418 • M.A. Martenson Paae Two • MateriaL�: �L'LC:1H7 I�C. - � ���a3 Smds: Track: 7nsulation: Gypsum Boad: Taping: Fasteners: Tools & Equipment: Miscellaneous: �— 2A" x2� " `"70 w�,'.r a�i'� r�c�� s� Ph�v,�l-- Manlifr,`Sca££oldine: = �/�o,J � �✓Iaterials Sub Total — ��� � ?% State & Citv Taa 1 Q°/a Escalauon on'vlater:als 4iter 7anuar�� '9', �, _: ,� e � /2. 17. I Q% Escatatian on �4areriais Af[zr Januarv '9S = "'�— Totat Materials , Lsbor & Material Cost �.x. & r :a: ����o so�a co� � l��a Totai Quozation • Schedule ImpacL: - /9S '° =3�3.�� = 5y. 5Z = y . i� - �`z2.1� Piease note that tive cannot proceed w the above work uzzless notified in tiVriting. If we do not receive a response when rhe work is ready to srart, we u�i11 proceed on a verbai and the quoted price will be used for Change Orders uitnout negotiation. : Sia,,ned: :�Sark A. Peteason Ftoject i✓fanager /smn 1.� � �o�,/ v - �q g ���fi��Er��v �etai arac�uc�s � S�P fc�75"CERf�!qVENUE HAYJTHGRvE,CA 90�50 (2t3)772-'t7} CQ . �,.-;..-.-'-..�-.,...,._..�,_,_,��-..,.,-.�... ._ Fax: i3 978•4?G2 — "��gf �� OR[?ER QCiOTE � A.M � r-. �. �-_-..,.____ _ ;�.;e h�a"�a'e _ eEfCrCVCE: CiTilh7? INFCt _ O `-- Cqra tuF�<'tU12t, � Ax ri: ( =:yx-�- �- -:-a..=a �1 ��� Vi �� �i f � i �y � ') a , , � � i c> >" � 7 ' ,� :f � � a '; � , �t4 << R- � �i� ,� i' n � �U��a (I(l f C } ;} _� �1��( �1--- -� -- � �; _ . ,- -- -- �;__ __ ��__ _ - , - - al-- – - , -- �— – – - ' – —� �s�� _a _ ��: -gss"�- cr,a�c� oaccR ay ; MA - R �7 C � � -`,--.: r., r . / �� T .._.,_.......,, � � � . DUORS FRAM[S � p�CtA�S .GROSS,ApD Gft055 1)f.DUCT� .. .....,...,..,. .»,.....,,.... Nti C'��F�NGE �.}-( �' � 'f �. Y`i t:�_ � � c�lut H --- ,�_._ � , ..- - -... GLS�R�[�YI��'v Of' !:?�1t;NGE i oH SALLS +US(: OtdLY UNIT y DRS E FRMS ' � t in� ��uIC!_ 1� [1�1�:kU ON t�N 6 10 10'vYi:CK JC'.{VCRY "—�!s�� TOTAL � �j ^ 'Tj�� .�_. _ . . . - �_:a�_� _ _ � _. �_-� .— - -- '.rw hiaten�i Stat�ra : On •iJJ Yt5 /'NU t'sr;.�rtmr< �>E:i::�r ;1 Y' $ tQ> C)Y3Wing �hAnr�BC3 Yc5 /`VO vJE N"t�2�WITH SULMIT GUR Qk)QTA?� FOR TIiE A„a,v��:�' ;j�F[�FNGcf] �'�i.'JvGFj IN'�{L' �M�UN�f' A.y .if $ __._ � _,,.____.__ NOTE: � lf TtitS CfinNGC �JROFR 11�vflLVES'vCVv 4ft REVIS�C_Hl+rD_WARE. YUt�M�]S fURNi'jfi l!S VJlCtI (tlA'f IN( t?MATf4N 'PRIOR �!'O PHOCE$$ING. 7': EASE Rf)Vt;;E WiICN TIiiS CHANGE IS -- i i ItJM WI I I IfYUT y�J�?�T7"fN AUTtli � jC�, v✓iSF�� s� anij re,tUf�i � v:�r.f vE '�ttS L � > � ��CCPTED �.�;r�. Sn�^eED , CCN'RF.:.TOR JkTc' �, NO : �X rizncTOK: � a ,.. .-,. -�; _ -. .,-.�a _. .: i � ,r±lnl �•:�:d ' ,E6 �� TLt f". b.m qr,vnv�_m.a• — M.A. MORTENSON CO euuus+x; a�vis•os� na�nnearn Ox ce �p�� r.neauow La�� hbr,n r P(} 8 >}� �SSn4C-�7 t��: IC:LZ �SINIIL� TR�hSMttititOv FOR�1 *An.rC3UJiib R�«�rw.n:A 5�3�_ sE7;39 T�3��i�+t1W]i: :�J�i� �)�i'��Ud rdL3iRl�IG, :512j $Z�.J ,oa sr. rnv�. ctvtt� cEVT�:R cr•a os�C: �E.lf} EAC.LE STRI�:ET • ST. PAt L. ��N. SSi(t2 &AX: bt2•243-f>Si7 co�t�a��� (�Ra'wt aa�'*�rrr�` : r �r,� �{�h���R ii E: i d . ��^ ur � � /11:1� �.,:(' � 1 / r r � a���ti..i'� � CO�iViEhTS .�G-��a� �M tT �f�'�-� � '�- __l � �' / �.� `.� � ` r!2 ,,,,r,�. r,,�►�� ���L -- 5f���-� � �_�!•G'.�l/. c : - -- ----� — ----- ������ca� -- , � ',4 x . — — �,4,�t'. - — — — - -- - ��G4.�7P.'G�3. :`:umher nf pa£c4 tncfuding thiv cover �huet[ _�_� ?i inv r3v !�ot rereSve vii4 ullhese QH�r�, pleasc cant�ct n»,<:nic Cfia�k ynu. i� �ua3 SS6i5�'c:9 2b_SS LG6T-6C9--d3S ������� D SEP 1 � 8 1997 :et if 3v3A1j3 ss ,aun sv �A�.�•w�dnohs•�ea'�- CPn id�i..n +..s.q�.7.�.xAKP.tly Prq•y:;�..•HpPOVUIU•LalSAn�lP�fS _ ___ _-_� _-"_ -_-__ _:.-- -G�-'�T_a7_ J t� � ��a3 � The Cons'[rucrioa 16 September 1997 SusanJones CPMI cJo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: SuUject: . DearSusan: RECEIVED SEP 1 8 t997 CPM1 Saint Pau1 Civic Centei Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Pzoject #951042 Reqttest for Proposal #4.136 Access panels Mnneapolis Once 700 Meadow lane Nonh P.O. Bar 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, MinneSOta 55422-4899 Telephone: �612j 522-2� DO Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 Cn response to RFP #4.136 dated 18 July 1997, we are submitting the following cost proposa{_ Endosed are copies of suUcontracEor quotarions and our price Ureakdown. We are requesting a Change Order to inaease our Contract Amount by Two Thousaztd One Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars (+$2,798.00). Please let me know if you need additionaI informarion or clazificafion on the enclosed. The amount quoted inctudes only the cost of the chanaes idenrified herein. Changes to the contract not speciEically identified as revisians aze not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves tile right to suUmit a proposal for addiHonal costs and rime related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the efEect of this change in combination with other changes. Very h-uly yours, � ��.�.�� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Pro}ect Manager file: RFP #4.136 P�3 3225 -�. $� �a��•t 1�-/tc-97 �►2Gt�P iF �C�'-f-�'`J � ��=.� v��a ��vc�at��, {.t1� � �J��1Y!!�..�� G�.�`.�! � T U�-+�.- 1 � ��l�r� �c�3 i Contractar Proposat Project: ST. PA NiAY 3 �$ ��c��u calendar 2. D,e,�pripti CONTR�AG�T_"O"R'S P:R:O�P_O�'SAL Date: Mav 19. 1997 Contract No.: 4.61 of the work is requested as indicated below: j��� .z the compfetion date be i 1 exiended, t) decreased, ( 1 unchanged by _ The adjusted completion date wiil be the change: IRefer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appficabiel. lo.: 4.22 � FO NO.: �" Geilin /Soffit Revisions 3. Basis of payment: {Check one) (X) Firm price for performing this change is $+4 868.00 Adequate supporting details and informatio� (Increasedi (Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to eva(uate. (� Time and material per contraci, but not to exceed $ () Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: �1 t`i �aZ Contractor �UOVt �� Contrac Signature FOR CPMI USE . 7. Action Recommended: tCheck one! CPMI Job Na.: 3225 () Change will not be made. Explain: �Proceed on the foilowing basis: {) As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. O Change is accepta6fe, basis of payment is not acceptable. {) Basis of payment shall be S `�f The fiollowing modification is recommended: ��� I l Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. �`�,Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( ) Other 2. Reason for Change: �Design Change ( 1 Client Request O Field Condition i {)�uggested by Contractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other {explain 3. Is this a part of the original comract scope? O YES �-NO 4. fs Co�iractor's Estimate attached? YES ( 1 NO 5. A(E consulted. ES l) NO Prepared by: CPMq Approved by 9 � '� O �'' HGA) � � � Approved by • _(Owner) � - �+ -, --��i�' Date: ij '� t Date: «�� I �� � CPMI Inc., c!o Saint Paui Civic Center, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Pfaza, i43 Wesi Fourth Street, Samt Paul, MN 55 7 02-7 299 cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- 5115t97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion ummary Change Proposai � � � • ����0� ST. PAUL GVEC CENTER EXPANSION 3DDEAGLESTREET JOBID:95I042 ��� SAfA'T PAU4 MN' JJ f 0? PH:61?293-9U4 FAX 6!?!?93-95� SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION PR�POSAI Description: S! 422 T+tle: CeiGng/Soffit Revisions MoRenson labor: (See attachedJ Mortenson Materiai: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposat) g Amount 5 - $ - S $ General Conddions: $ � (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ - SUBCONTRACTORSNENOORS � Mulcahy, Inc. . 2. Twin City Acoustics 3 Wasche Interiors. (nc. $ $ $ 5 5 $ 4,224 369 9 10. SU6TOTAL SutrNend $ a,593 SUB70TALfee SUBTOTALTax M A. Mortenson Company Fee: Subco�treMOrsNendors Fee 5°1. M. A. Mortenson Wark 15°k: Total Material8 Equipment $ M. A Mortenson Matetial & Equipment Tax: $ 230 5 - $ 230 7% 5 S SUBTOTAIt M. A. Mortenson + SubNend * Fee + Tax S 4,823 Builder s Risk GCL Insurance CosYs Paymenf & Perforcnance 6ond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds 0-0007 ($.72/Thousand) 0.0�38 ($3 77lfhousand) 0.0050 ($4.9593Ifhousand) $ 3 5 78 $ 2a g a6 T�TAlSUPPLEMENTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 4,8e8 Page 1 ������� � 'uz.c . 5232 N. GLENBROOK AVE. • OAKDALE, MN 55128 PFiONE: 770-5250 To: Date: Project: Pricing: Description: C� � iL!-a3 �C�(�(��t�ti���� ; M.A. Mortenson �Y�H� 1 5 tyy/ Attn: Ron Schreiner 300 Eagle Street F�.A. :'v30R i ENSON C0. St. Paul, MN 55102 May 12, 1997 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4, 3ob #4510A2 S.I. #4.22: Additional CTypsum Board Soffits As Detailed At 3 Locations' (Revised) Add Approximately 624 Sq. Ft. of Soffit Frame, Drywall, Beads, Taped & Sanded Complete Cost Summarv • Labor: Carpenter Foreman � Hours x$23.14 Carpenter 20 Hours x $21.99 Taper Foreman � Hours x $21.55 Taper Hours x $2Q.55 Plaster Hours x $21.80 Tender Hours x $21.90 Laborer Hours x $16.50 *Extra: Supervision 4 Hours x $25.00 Sub Total Labor 75% Burden on Labor 4°/a Escalation on Labor After May'97 Total Labor 467.80 439.80 431.Q0 100.00 1,433.b� 1,075.20 10035 $2,609.15 *Due to Schedule Requirements i ���a3 � . M.A. Mortenson Page Two • Maferials: Studs: 22Q LF of 3 5/8 $6 - 20 ga studs @.425 Track: 275 LF of 3 S/8 $6 - 20 ga track @ 385 Insulation: Gypsum Board: 500 SF 5/8" type x gyp boazd @.260 Taping: 600 SF taping supplies & beads @.04 Fasteners: 600 SF of screws, pins, loads @.OS Tools & Equipment: Misce(laneous: Manlift/Scaffolding: 7 days lift rental @$70.00 Materials Sub Total 7% State & City Tax 1Q% Escalation on Materials After January'9? 10% Escalation on Materiats After January'98 Total Materials Labor & Materiai Cost O.H.&P@15 Bond Cost @ i°lo Total Quotation $93.50 105.8? 130.00 24.00 30.Q0 44fl.00 87337 61.13 93.40 $1,027.95 $3,637.10 $545.56 $41.80 $4,224.00 • Schedule Impact: Please note that we cannot proceed with the above work unless no6fied in writing. ff we do not receive a response when the work is ready to start, we will proceed on a verbal and the quoted price will be used for Change Orders w3thout negotiatio . Signed: Mazk A. Peterson Project Manager �S117ll `[o: Mortenson CompanY 300 Ea�e SbrsA St. pau� MI3 55192 Attu: Hcather Jensen Date: Apri14.1997 7ob TSameJf.ocation: St Paui Civic Centet Plans aud Si��atioas hy: A�cfi�rteR: Efddf'DdS: We pmpcee to CucoishtLa £dlowing m*Yais�sforthe abovc job ia awadence with trnra �tted oa�&tiauc beiaw and on tbe nvaso side of4tis pcop�cat. I.oboc ud equiP�°Q fa imta�tation is urhided uniae�s �Ci�t'wl32?' �od to the ooc�Y: � LI RE: SI #4.22 NO C�ARG�S 1V0"TED TO A�ECT PItiCE. ADDT�'�ONAL CUT ANA FTT MOR� 'i'fIAN 0�'FSETS ANY DELETED F`QQTAGE Mafeiiai, labox and sales ta.� included in ow grice e xnm of �• A4ovc S_ seo nbove ��: n�saj is wl�atto sc�ta�� wsthi�s 30 daya rhell be due IOth of £d1o++ieg iS: Nd caah pnpmetd for90%a£wltie ofa�ataiala dclivaed on joD, aM Ip1wr far ioKnIliqg wrtaiais'ntl�'��F. Prm'+WR 30 dsY Pm� , W Wnce axA cas6 30 6nys aft.ccoaWla:on pcioe azd attall De paid by p�vdia°�a+' untms :es arnv cv h«aaSter levied by aay federa4 i4mie ortxat eW�c+ritY. uP°rt aNe oCfwobro'v�gmeterial.t xc mc eicludcd "ni tac `���"""` N CI A OT3 CS, INC. PC6D:BY: Titk cueomcromkrxo. �r DdvC Bri TC�TNL F. ir1 ' AFF'—Giv-1�97 1.r��'4 FF'i it9 T�dlfi C I T7 HCQ� �5T1!=E. . Tf "'=+ ;�° r P. �_�i �'i �i�2�� - G�c_�=��_1���_!^ Itf FRG�9 1.1.=< Ir�terior; Ti_� WASC`.�IE I1VT.ERIORS ��YC�a e 1 ���� 14735 HIGfiWAY 65 N.E_ - HAM LAKE, MfV 553�4 •(6i2) 434-88'!2 • FAX: (612) 434-$858 rnting & Wallcove�z; Change RequestlProposal To:Mortenson Attn:Heather JenS2n Date:5J2;97 Projact #�_1450 Project: St.Paul Civic Center Descrigtion of Proposed Change:Sl-4.� � � � � � � � {r,� �, �� � * add paintec3 soffits Break-down of Proposed Costs_ Labor: Qtq: Cost: Totalc Itemc Qty: 4.00 $.80 35 Apprentice 8.00 15.80 126 Journeyman 3.00 5_5p U Spray Hrs 0.65 0 Foreman 2_59 d Overtime Z.39 0 BenePits 34.00$ @3$ 3.QOg S Insurarzce 31.00$ I0.00 0 Taxes 19_30� Equipment: Supervision 32.00$ h�.A. i�hOR�f fN50N CG. Marerials: Item: Primer Paxnt RoYlez Sarid Pager Mask Paper Mask Tape Haz. Waste Other • ICem: 12ent Equip Spr,ay Equi.p P�ste Mach Sm Tools Safiety Equp Li�lt Equip c'=+' R.i�1 MAY - 2 1997 Cost: I5.&0 20.55 21.30 21.55 30.8Z Qtyc Cost: Tota2: 7•ravel 30.p0 @SOo 32.00 @2p$ 26.00 7.a0$ 62 3.00o b2 @15� 7.50 Total_ 0 62 0 O 0 20 29 12 7 0 RECAP OF COSTS: 12 Materia2s: 166 0 Lebor: 120 4 Equipment: 21 2 Bond: 0 3 Overhead: 31 Yrofit: ,F 31 �� Total Proposed Change Amount: $ 369 athsY�F:F;Fic:Y�kic�+c vF�Y7ric*ak�:*k9ricYtJhTrhkic�kaFatic�tX*9c**A':Y:F:4'/r�tir*iY�Fk:Ek�E�F)Y�F:thA•�Yk3e>t�tiraY+Y WascYie Of£zce Use: � Iiour Requested: SI-4.22 C/R Status: Pending C/R Value: 369.06 CjR Number: Ftequested By: mort �:nterea: �F'lt 71•�c'�l' �F :k x iY �F � �k:F aF �F aY ;F * 1; i. kYr �F ir * �E aF �e 3c �Y �Y :E �Y k 5F �Y ie Y: -lh �l-Y� R �c �tYe yE & �k aE �F * �E`* �k * k * :F :F * ic 1r ir �k ic �h Change Status To: GC CJO # Est. CoSt: Phase: CosL Scheduled £st. Type: Va7up; Units_ Date: Estirc[ated Costs_ (attach separate scope sheet i£ necessarp? Update AIA?_ AIA Item ##: Desc. Value: AFFIRMATtVE ACT10NtEQUA� OPPt}RTUtVITY �MPLOYFRlWFiF_ Minneapoi�s • f7es Molnes Ti�Tr{�. F.��1 ), J � �}I ��,3 • The Consrracrioa Orgarsi�ation 19 May 1997 v1��J�1 BUILDING DIVISION Minneapotis Office 7S10 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapofi5, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 5203430 SusanJones CPMT cJo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A.O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St.Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: • Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mottenson Project #951042 Supplementary Instructions #4.22 Ceiling/SoFfit Revisions �� l�� I Ui In response to ST #4.22 dated 27 March 1497, we are suUmitting the following cost proposal. Endosed are copies of subcontractor quotations and our price breakdown. We are requesting a Change Order to increase our Contract Amount by Four Thousand Eighf Hundred Sixty-Eight dollars (+$4,g(>8.00). Please let me know if you need addifional information or clarification on the enctosed. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions aze not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submat a proposal for additional msts and rime retated to the impact of th�s diange on unchanged work or for the efEect oE this change in mmbination with other changes. Very Iruly yours, C�.� ��.�_____ Allen S.Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: SI #422 � RE 1EC VEe �AY 3 0 1957 Mmneapolis•Seattle �DenverColorado Springs•Miiwaukee•Grand Rapitls•San Diego•San Franasco•HOnoluiu4os Angeles • �1i�}� Proposal No.: CP 4.138 COI�tTHACTOR S PROPOSAL R ��` A change in the Contract No.: 4.01 of the work is requested as indicated below: the completion date be S) extended, O decreased, (} unchanged by The adjusted completion date will be 2. �',( '' rrbf the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicabiel. Reference RFP No.: 4.138 ; FO NO.: Title: Add rated encfosure @ Efev mach rm 498lPatch slab �enetration @ Elect rm 511 3. 8asis of payment: (Check one) (XI Firm price tor performing this change is $ 1 753.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased) (Deductl must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. {) 7ime and materiai per contract, but �ot to exceed S ( 1 Actual cost at compfetion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date: g � 4'� ' �o� _�4__l��-=- Contractor Signature FOR CPMIUSE �� d � • 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) CPMf Job No.: 3225 ( � Change will not be made. Explain: �proceed on the following basis: { � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. ( � Change is acceptable, basis o1 payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be $ �The following modification is recommended: 1) Change in completion date is accepted. �) Ghange is acceptable with no change in price. �,Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. { � Other 2. Reason for Change: �Design Change O C{ient Request O Field Condition (} Suggested by Gontractor ( 1 Design Omission or Other �explain) 3. Is this a part of the originaf contract scope? (] YES �O 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ES ( 1 NO 5. AIE consulJted. ES i 1 NO Prepared by: (CPMI) Approved by Approved Date: ��'L / Date:l� ��� Oate: CPMI lnc., cfo Saint Paul Civic Ce�ter, I.A. O'Shaughnessy Ptaza. 143 West Fourth Street, Samt Paul, MN cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- g�q�97 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposal � i�� � ���� ST. PAUL C!VlC CENTER EXPANSION snnEacr.�sraEEr �osto:9s�oa2 TI+e�7tC+7rdian� SAINZPAUL, MN i5102 PH.612J293AIS4 FAX:61?!?93-9».' Description: CP 4.138 Title: Miscellaneous MechsnicaVElectricai Mortenson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material. (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Gosts (Change Proposaq General Gonditions �'iE � Amount $ 222 $ 50 $ 7_5 $ � $ - ���m2 Q tl F—t" T SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS ���� ' 1. Muicahy, inc. $ 759 � $ - . 2 _ 3. $ L�� 4. $ _ 5. $ _ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SUBTOTALSu6Nend � 759 SUBTOTALFee M.A.Mortenson Company Fee: SubcontrectorsNendors Fee 5°fo: M. A Martenson Work 15%: $ 3& $ 45 $ 82 Total Material & Equipment $ 50 M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipment Tax. 7% S 4 SUBTOTALTax � � SUBTpTALM.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Pee+7ax � �.i4Z Buildefs Risk 0 0007 ($?2lfhousand) 5 � GCL Insurance Costs 0 0038 ($3.77(fhousand) S � Payment & Perfottnance Bond 0 0050 ($4 9593lihousand) 5 � SUBTOTAL insurance & Sonds 5 � � TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 1,153 Page 1 C � �1�lLCAM� .� . 5232 N. GLEN6ROOK AVE. • OAKDALE, MN 55'128 PHONE 77Q-5250 To: Date: Project: Pricing: Description: 1�. c�2.3 ����a��:� �� p 1 1 937 � Attn: Ron Schreiner �� �� �� 300 Eagle Street St Paul, MN 55102 July 30, 1497 � St. Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4, 7ob #951042 R.F.P. #4.138 � � k�U'Y� , C`�lS� ' Add 2 Hour Shaft Gypsum Board Enclosure Around Rain I,eader Pipe Mech. Room #448. ( +�n� 1 � Cost Summarv • Labor: Carpenter Foreman S Hours x$23.14 Carpenter Hours x $21.99 Taper Foreman 4 Hours x$21.55 Taper Hours x $20.55 Plaster Hours x $21.80 Tender Hours x $21.40 Laborer Hours x $16.50 *Extca: Supervision 1 Hours x $25.00 5ub Total Labor 75% Burden on Labor 4% Escalation on Labor After May '97 Total Labor $185.12 ;. _� 25.00 29632 222.24 20.14 $539.30 *Due to Schedule Requirements . . M.A. Mortenson Page Two • Materials: Studs: 50 LF 4" Shaft Stud @.885 Track: l0 LF 4" Shaft Track @.785 Insulation: 40 SF 1" Shaft Lines @.485 Gypsum Board: 80 SF 5 /s" Type X Gypsum Bd. @.27 Taping: 40 SF Taping Supplies @.04 Fasteners: 40 SF Screws, Pins, Etc. @.OS Tools & Equipm.ent: Miscellaneous: ManliftlScaffolding: Materials Sub Total 7% State & City Tax 10% Escalation on Materiais After January '97 i�% Escalation on Materials After January'98 Total Materials Labor & Material Cost O.H.&P@15% Bond Cost @ 1% Total Quotarion • Schedule Impact: �11��3 $44.25 7.85 19.40 21.60 1.60 2.OQ ' 96.70 7.25 1039 $114.34 $653.65 $98.45 $7.51 $759.00 Please note that wa cannot proceed with the above work unless notified in writing. If we do not receive a response when the work is ready to start, we wili proceed on a verbal and the quoted price wiil be used for Change Orders without negotiation. Signed: Mark A. Peterson Project Manager /smn i_ :''` .Y�^:.':,_���i:-l'_ _%ie=�'r'f,x: -. `'��II; , ^ , � � r- ?y .+_ ^ ...'s... .� �£__ ; �- s�,.: s y. '*-� '' � UI, CIVIC CEN£ER EXPANSION FQR PROPOSAL #4-I38 � • �. .F - M �`�`��°��I��� � �-.�o.,�L=? : �w PAGE20F4 Sheet P243: At artial. lan above elevators 7 and 8, Etevator Machine Room 498, enclose 4" rainwater piping in a�' "c`fo� Include roof drain body and run of piping to floor. Maintain T-0" or more o roo�earance from floor to underside of enclosure. In resgonse to RFI #M-105. . 2. Sheet P262: Near grids 3.5 and B.25, remove 4" fiub dtain �afcli fioIe;iu sfab� and relocate hub drain approximatety 2'-0" to the west of grid 3.6, outside the west wali of Electrical Room 511 on the flooc below (see sheet P252). In response to RFI #M-116. 3. Sheet P254: Near grids 2.3-2.4 and B.8-B.9, insulate over heat trace cable (provided and installed by Division 16) on the exposed portion of the condensate drain pipe from the hub drain. In response to RFI #M-115. 4. Electrical: Provide heat trace cable for section of exposed condensate piping indicated b3� Divisiott 15 in this RFP. Heat trace cable shal( be Easyheat, Tnc., 5R Trace, self regulating, 5 watt per foot, 120 volt. Install per manufacturer's specification and provide circuit breaker, conduit and wire necessary for the required cable length. Run to nearest panel witfi available capacity and breaker space. rfp4.1381a 3aas 4-0¢ � �� � � -� �4a3 • The Constractioa Organizatiors O1 AugusE1997 SusanJones CPMI c jo Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St Paul MN 55102-1299 Re Subyect: • Deaz Susan: �' i 4 1 �� ����c ' �} "i t��J � �� p � � iV�t Saint Paui Civic Center Expansion CI'-4 Mortenson Project #951042 Minneapolis Office 7W Meadow Lane North FO. Box 770 (55440A710) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2700 Facsimile: (612) 5203430 Request for Proposal #4.138 Add rated endosure @ Elev mach rm 498JPatch slab penetration @ Elect xin 511 In response to RFP #4.138 dated 24 July 1997, �ve are submitting the following cost proposaL Enclosed are copies of subcontractor quotarions and our price Ureakdo�vn. We are requesting a Change Order to increase our Contract Amount by One Thousand One Hundred Fifty-Three Dollars (+$1,153.00). Please (et ine know if you need additional information or clarification. If this work is to proceed, please izsue a conh'act change order. The amount qnoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to tl�e contracY not specificalIy identified as revisions are nof included in this proposal and are excluded. Martenson reserves the rlght to submit a proposal Eor addiflonal costs and time related to the impact of thts change on unchanged work or for the efEect of this change in combinaiion with other changes. Very truly yours, � � ��� Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Pro�ect Manager file: RFP #4.138 I� MinneapolisSeattle •DernerCoiorado Spnngs•Milwaukee�Grand RapidsSan Diego•San francisco•Hono Wlu•Los Angeles