05-758Councii File # C'�S-15 Green Sheet # �Oa RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Z� Resolution Thanking Individuals, Organizations and Agencies that ProvidedAssistance to the City ofSaint Paul Following the Shooting ofSergeant Jerry Vick 1 Whereas, Gerald D. Vick, known to his friends and colleagues as Jerry, tragically died on May 6, 2005 while serving 2 and protecting the City of Saint Paul; and 3 Whereas, in the days following the shooting the City of Saint Paul community and its neighbors came together in this 4 time of hazdship; and 5 Whereas, in the spirit of Jerry Vick, who spent fifteen years seroing people in their time of need in Saint Paui, 6 support came from all corners in the City's time of need; 7 Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the City of Saint Paul hereby honors and recognizes the following persons, 8 organizations, and surrounding communities within and outside of Saint Paul far devoting time, resources, and 9 support during this tragic period. 10 .v Acme Tattoo ll � Airport Police Department 12 ,�.. American Red Cross 13 ,-._. Asel's Bo�re Restaurant 14 .v Blaine Police Depariment 15 .v Bradshaw Funeral Home 16 ,-._. Bmoklyn Cemer Potice Dept. Resecves 17 ,,., Brooklyn Pazk Police Dept. Reserves 18 ,-._. Bureau of Criminal Apprehension 19 .� CiTy of St. Paul Pazks & Recreation 20 Dept. 21 ,� City of St. Pau] Public W orks Dept. 22 ,-._. Cottage Grove Police Deparhnent 23 ,� David and Jenni Runte 24 ,-._. David Sohm 25 .,.. Embassy Suites 26 ,� Emerald Sociery 27 ,-._. Eric Skog and Family 28 .v Gail Blumberg 29 .� Grafix Shoppe 30 ,-._. Crraybow Communications Gcoup 31 .._. Gustaws Adolphus Church 32 .,., Hennepin Counry Sheriffs Department 33 ,�. Ideal Hall 34 ,-.� ITL Patch � K & J Catering .v KARE 11 .-.. Kowalski's Grand Mazket .-._. Kowalski's Market - Woodbury � Lakeview Hospital � Maplewood Lanes .-._. Maplewood Police Department .-.., Maplewood Wine Cellaz .-._. Mary Zupfer -F � Michelle Borsham .-._. Midway Par[y Rentat .-._. Mike Fraaz .-._. Minneapolis Police Department .� Minnesota Department of Public Safery .-._. Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Associafion .-. - Minnesota State PaVOI .-._. Moose Lodge #963 �- New Brighton Reserves .� North Saint Paul High Schoo] .� North Saint Paul High School Student Council .� North Saint Paul Police Department � Rainbow Foods .v Ramsey County Attomey's Office .-.., Ramsey County Sheriffs Department .-._. Michels and Walther Rice .� Ron Reier .� Roseville Police Depariment .� Roseville Reserves .—_. Saint Mazk's Church .�. Saint Paul Fire Departrnent .� Saint Paul Police Depariment Dispatcher Debby Hemff .-._. Saint Paul Police Department Explorers .-._. Saint Paul Police Deparhnent Reserves .�. Salvation Army Disas[er Services -v Sam's Club - White Beaz Lake .-._. School for the Deaf � South Saint Paul Police Department � Sue Long .-._. Target Corporntion .-.� Total Lusury Limousine .�., Twin Cities Securities Partnership .—., United States Secret Service .-._. West Saint Paul Police Department �. Woodbury Police Department C`f� 15�5 Requested by Depazlment oE � Date � � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Adopted by Council: Date �G a� Adoption Certified by Counc�.'1 Secretary � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DeoarhnenUoifirP/muneiL• I Dafelnifiafed: VJ_��� co -co� Contact Person 8 Phone: Marcia McemiorKi Musf Be on Council /�qerv Confract Type: REf2ESOLUiION „-nuc-os � ' Assign by(Date): Number Por Routing Order Green Sheet NO: 3027699 0 mc1 1 oane8 tD'ueeto 2 'tv Qerk (5N Clerk I 3 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Resolution thaoking individuals, organizations and agencies that provided assistance to the City of Saint Paul following the shooting of Sergeant Jerry Vick. �dations: Appm�e (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Gontracts MustMSwerthe Following Questions: Planning Commission 1, Has this persoNfirm e�er vmrked under a contract for this department? CIB Cammittee Yes No . Cwl Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill imt nortnally possessed by any curteM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach W green sheet Initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Wbo, Whaq When, Where, Why): AdvanWges IfApproved: pisativantages If Approved: Disadvantages If NofApproved: Totai Amount of Transaction: Fundinq Source: Financial Information: (Explain) August 11, 2005 11:16 PM Cosi/Revenue Budgeted: AMivity Number. Page 1