226763i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 042676- 3 CITY`OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMUTTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER R x \ / /1 1! I %I o (� _ Jarnzary 13, 1966 9 gDATF RESOLVED: That Application J_6777 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No. 6781, expiring January 31, 1966, issued to Dr. James- Bellomo, Ilinactive" to Wal -Matt Corporation, 1181 Clarence St. also "inactive", be and the same is hereby approved. ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER (Individual to Corp.- inactive) Informally approved by Council January 11, 1966 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-69 JINN 131966 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 131966 Approved 19— Favor Q Mayor Against PUBLISHED AN 15 im z �-73 a Ir - & 4 3 76 -r_ CITY OF ST. PAUL 6ct If APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No_ lNhme of Applicant Wal-Matt Corporation . . ..................... . ................ . .... . ... ... . .... .. q ... Busi - - ------- constructed and only ­b'e7s-f­'g- -u`e's- -s- w Akddressll8l Clarence St. (building will be . . .. ....... ............ . ............... ....... ............ . ....... . ... . ......... . ... . ..... . . . . 0 v from ingi Z from lie e r1n Are you a citizen of the Oen]Mt�ed . . . . ...................... ................. ............................. . ... . .... . ........ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? This is a new ration but the two shareholders Walter Matlins!g .............. ......... .............. .. Eff..........Y...._... o 0 1. and Julius MatlinskN jp�re been in bu in9-Y&_iKcff*_e_­--f __ E --- f_,6r­S - ------- ell 'Ilan e quox- ung.E aft ..B Launge..,_M! Payne Ave., St F and where.... n1L If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation ....._ W . .al..... .-M att.. . .... .. C orporation____._____.__.__ General business purposes. When incorporated?.....-'to be filed January 10, 1966 ---"."-..-.-"---,- I . ................ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members ?._.._...........___..._...._ How many members? Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager .............. . . Walter Matlinskv President and Treasurer 1650 East Arlington Ave., St. Paul, Minn. ......................... . ........ ...... ........ ..... ..... . ......... Julius Matlinsky Vice-Pres. &Secretary- 697'East Montana - Ave.'- St. Paul, Minn. ..................... . .... : .................. Secretary- ........ . .... . ...... . ... . ................. . .......... Names and addresses of Stockholders: Walter M.allins.ky ...... . . . .. 1650 E. Arlington Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota -- - ---- i.LLUU,9 .. M.atlinskey.._......_... Ave.,, gaota Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 11:81 :..Clarence West. Maryland and- PrQsperity.Ave. TL"_ How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) None . ... . ..... . . . . ..... How many feet from a church (measured along streets,) . ?More than ................. ..... .... .......300 feet from church ...... ... How many feet from closest publid or parochial grade or high . school (measured along streets) ?.More than 10001 ?.More . ...... . .......... . . . . . Name of closest school....-.g:-�!ea-)P�eig4ts.-School, 1350_N. Hazel "I . . . ..... . . .............. ......... . . . . ........... . ...................... How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.­C.c.mm.er.c.ia.l ........ . .......... . .......... - ... ..... ...... ...... ... . . . .. Onwhat floor located? ............ Main .. . . . ........ . .. . . .......................... ............... . ......... . .................. . . . .......... . .... . .... . ....... . ....... . . . ....... . .. . ... . . Are premises owned by you or leased?Leased G. Rein Company ­ -- - None._.....__ --- - ---- * .... leased give name of owner_!q!L .................. . .. . ...... . ............. = If a restaurant give seating capacity ?.... ..... ...... . ................................ . . ............ . ............ . .. . .......................... . ....... . .... . . ........ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room? ..... None .... . .. . . . ......... . ......... . ...... . . .......... . .... . ........ . .... . ... . . . .................. . . ..... . .... Give trade name... ---W----al•Matt Lounge ------ * ---- --- * --------------------------- ---------------------------- * ---------------------- * ------------------------------------ * ------------------------------ Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: None . ...................... ..................... . ... . .......... ................................................ ........... . . . . ... . .... . . ............... . . .. . ... . . ... . ... . ........ . ...... . .... . . ........ . ................ . ... . .......... . .... . .......... - ...................... ................. . . ................... . ..... . ... . .......... . . .......... . .... . .... . . . . . ........ . ... . ........... . . ......... .......... ...... ....... ............ . ........... . . . ... . ..... . .... . ........ .......... ....... . ...................... ..................... ..................... ... .. ........ ....... I ................................................... . .... ................ ............ . . ........ . . . ............. . . ... . ................. . ..... . .. . .................. . . ... . . . ............... . ................. . ..... . ...... . . . ...... (The information above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? . ....... NpRe ... ................ ...... ..... ......... ... . . .. . . . . .......... Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) .... . .. . ....... ........... Give names and addresses of thrpe_business references:_KqKe�!ason & Robbins, 2 30 9 University Ave. M.inn.e.s.ot.__-a... - -- . . ............................. . ........ . ........................ . ................................................. . ..... . . ...... .. 2 ...... . . . . . .... 2341 University venue St. Paul, Minnesota ..y . ........ . ... . .... . .... . ... . ................ 3 ........... ....... J.A.Q.Q.b_S9b m Q ly .. W gst S eve nth.Stre et--S-.t.. . . Pa.ul. . . ....Minnesota. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY -AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND -THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE sY