226703P, ORIGINAJ. Td-61?" CLERK 4 V 702 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL TION- GENERAL FORM_ PRESENTED BY t COMMISSIONED %� DATE RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves, ratifies and concurs in that certain resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of said City dated January 7, 1966, providing therefor and authorizing the execution of that certain Preliminary Engineering Agreement designated "Agreement No; 54914" by and between the City of Saint Paul acting by and through said Board, and the State of Minnesota acting by and through its Commissioner of Highways; and that the proper City officers be and hereby are directed and authorized to execute said Preliminary Engineering Agreement in behalf of said City and said Board. �4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions "2 Favor Against JAN 111966 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 111966 19— Mayor PUBLISHED JAN 15 1966 OUPLIGATL :'vA-lRINTLR q��� © CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves, ratifies and concurs in that certain resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners of said City dated January 7, 1966, providing therefor and authorizing the execution of that certain Preliminary Engineering Agreement designated "Agreement No. 54914" by and between the City of Saint Paul acting by and through said Board, and the State of Minnesota acting by and through its Coelmissioner of Highways; and that the proper City officers be and hereby are directed and authorized to execute said Preliminary Engineering Agreement in behalf of said City and fdaid Board. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions ass r Tnn Favor Against AN 111966 Adopted by the Council 19— SAN 111966 Approved 19— Geo. J. Vavoulis Mayor