226652tr. I I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO_ ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -n/ DATE WkeAeaj, Me Counc U o� the City, o� Saint Paa, , puuuant to Re_6o1u _.ion " Council 3ile 22q J11, WAoved,1 uffu dt 1 7, 7 965, detehmined that the conitAucttion 4 the Saint Pau. Auditoizium &A.i.Lii.on RaV .t.6 ementi.al to and , 4 to the 6�,4 .c.ntelre,6t.6 og tAe C-ity o� Saint raa. , and in �urc- theAance o� 6a.id con dtlr.uct i.on autioh i5ed the Comm.i4.4.ionen. o� L,i6AwLie e, �ucLitolu um, and Civic Bu.ildin .", in 6ehaq o� the C,i qu, to ode Li.ca- t.ion �oA 14dvance �oA PuUic WoAk,4 PJ_ann,iny., puJr duant to tAe terUu o� Pubis Law 560, 83rd Conpe.Jj, cw amended; and WAeheaj, Me Council o� the City og Saint Pau. c4u i e a to Aea,6.de kt .t A detefrm i.nat.ion that conji- Auction 4 tAe Aud toAium &lu:L, on RaV 1.6 e_4.jent ia� to the 6e_41 .inteAe_6t,4 4 the City and that tAe CUy .intend to comp4 wi A tAe pAov i. i.oad o� .UA application �oA .1a.id advance; 6e it Aehe6u Re.1o,Lved,. That Me Council o� Me Clty o� Saint Paa. Aene6ry tahe�, AecoAc6 and Aeaj.4e&t4 ,UA cdeteAm i.nat.ion that the cowtAuct i.on o� the -, a.int Paa. 14uditoAium 6xlzi&i�ion HaV .iA e.4.jent ial to and ,,.4 to the i 6e-1t .in _e.Ae d L4 og the Gay o� Saint Paul, and that eve.V po.4.4.i6le. esyoirt w.i,U 6e made to Aave ava.ila6le, when needed, .Ju f f icient gund to de�Aay the _coat og con.JtAuct i.ng .jaid & 6.it i.on 11a.U. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen ME President, Vavoulis ions e.6s 4 - �&I Favor 0 Against JAN 71964 Adopted by the Council 19_ AN 71966 roBLISHED 0 Mayor JAN 15 1966