226645r �
94, in ^l to City clerk
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled:
"An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities
and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of
positions in the Classified Service of the City,"
approved February 13, 1935, as amended.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935,
as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the
specifications for the title "Keypunch Operator ", and by substituting in lieu
thereof the following statement:
"(This title abolished except as to present incumbents.)".
Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is
hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the
following titles and specifications for:
Air Pollution Control Man
Keypunch Operator I
Keypunch Operator II
Yeas Councilmen -Nays
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk
I 2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By
Passed by the Council
BLISHED JAN 2 9 1966
Qruinal to City Clerk _ - i j.
} ORDINANCE 226645
Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same
is hereby further amended by striking out the specifications for the
following titles:
Clerk I
Clerk II
Clerk III
Clerk- Stenographer I
Clerk - Stenographer II
Clerk- Stenographer III
Clerk- Typist I
Clerk - Typist II
Clerk- Typist III
and, by substituting in lieu thereof the following specifications, respectively:
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council
Loss In Favor
Meredith ;
Peterson Aroainst
Mr. President (Vavoulis)
City Clerk or
!nl 2
Form approved Corporation Counsel
Original to City Clerk + ,
Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication.
Yeas Councilmen Nays
kJ Meredith
Mr. Vice Presi (Ros
City Clerk
inz 2
Form approved Corporation Counsel
Passed by the Council
JAN 21 1966
Tn Favor
0 Against
Title of class: 226645
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision. to perform responsible work incidental to the
study and control of air pollution; to supervise Utilities
Investigatorsi and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To set up a network of equipment throughout the city for
sampling air pollution.
To install and maintain air pollution sampling equipment.
To make readings and keep records of air pollution samplings.
To survey special external exhaust problems in regard to air
To evaluate air pollution data.
To make recommendations to manufacturers and othgrs regarding
violations of the smoke ordinance.
Minimum qualifications:
Three years' experience as a Utilities .Investigator II.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision,, to punch data on Cards following specified
sequences which have been coded or prescribed in detail;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate a keypunch machine or verifier.
To operate a sorter.
To report need of repairs.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
22VO )
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to punch complicated and involved data on
punch cards; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate a keypunch machine transcribing data from source
documents to tabulating cards.
To locate on source documents items to be punched.
To extract information from various documents.
To lay out and punch drum cards for all keypunch operations.
To check preliminary runs and make necessary corrections.
To have charge of the master cards and to be responsible for
corrections which must be made.
To train inexperienced operators.
To report the need of repairs.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a keypunch
Laid over to
3rd and app — Adopted
Yeas Nays -
Yeas Nays
\ Dalglish
` Dalglish
1 Holland
Meredith -*""'Meredith v
�e#ersao_\ 6
Rosen _
� Peterson
—Rosen-- -
�Mr. President Vavoulis
OlVir: Vice president mpseni
/� /, r
An otdinance zawandtng OrcUaanea Va. 7607b e- aUtied:
IaAn ordinance fixing tha duties and tesponsibUtttee
and the m ntum qual fleatimto for the varloua claaaGa of
puaitiona to the Waealf3edE Service of the City* It
apprcvc4 reb"ary, 13,, 1935* as amended.
Section 1. That Ordin.mte No. 7607, approved Vabruary 13, � "S,
ae amo nded, be and the same is hereby further amended by atr ag out the
specifications foi! the title "Itaypunch Operutar"o and by aubstituttng in lieu
thereof, thou following atatowents
"(Thta tine ab Udhed excapt as to prosent incualbents. P.
Section 2. That said ordinanco# as uMendedp %a and the as =e is
hereby further amended by Inserting lu their proper alphabetical ardor the
foilovftg tktles said speci-ficau0ne fort
Air PoUutton Control Man
Ue1punch aparator 1
Keypimch Upevator
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision. to perform responsible work incidental to the
study and control of air pollution; to supervise Utilities
Investigators; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To set up a network of equipment throughout the city for
sampling air pollution.
To install and maintain air pollution sampling equipment.
To make readings and keep records of air pollution samplings.
To survey special external exhaust problems in regard to air
To evaluate air pollution data.
To make recommendations to manufacturers and others regarding
violations of the smoke ordinance.
Minimum qualifications:
Three years' experience as a Utilities Investigator II.
Title of class:
Duties acid responsibilities:
Under supervision,. to punch data on cards following specified
sequences which have been coded or prescribed in detail;
and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate a keypunch machine or verifier.
To operate a sorter.
To report need of repairs.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to punch complicated and involved data on
punch cards; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To operate a keypunch machine transcribing data from source
documents to tabulating cards.
To locate on source documents items to be punched.
To extract information from various documents.
To lay out and punch drum cards for all keypunch operations.
To check preliminary runs and make necessary corrections.
To have charge of the master cards and to be responsible for
corrections which must be made.
To train inexperienced operators.
To report the need of repairs.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' experience as a keypunch
Soctlon 3. What said ordina"e, as 4mended, be and the s=e
is horeby further amende4 by ottlkingoUt the spedfications for the
f'ello -suing t#tesa«
clerk I
Clerk U
Clark in
Clads- Stonog rapper I
Clovk- Cteaographer U
Clark- Sfieoograp'hav
Clod« -TyWot U
Cl rk- Typist III
ands by sub3t(tatfng lU UOU thO rdd thO f1DU WiOg op*OH1CadWpv roopfttfvolyz
Title of class: 226645
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine clerical work; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To act as a receptionist in a public office.
To record, verify, index and file reports and correspondence.
To post simple entries in books of account or other records.
To search files for information.
To verify extensions and additions.
To fill in forms.
To sort, numbed, and stamp -date correspondence, invoices and
other papers.
To operate office appliances such as a check writer, adding machines,
mimeograph, addressograph or mailing machine.
To charge and discharge books.
To show library patrons to appropriate rooms or sections.
To issue library cards.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult clerical work requiring
knowledge, skill and experience in general clerical work; and
to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check payrolls and related forms and reports.
To assist in the preparation and verification of statistical and
office statements and reports.
To operate, calculating machines and other office devices.
To post time and material charges.
To reconcile reports from various sources.
To maintain perpetual inventories.
To collect and account for money.
To determine charges for municipal services upon a predetermined
To maintain accounts of unit appropriations and expenditures.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge
of the program and operation of the department is required.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate Clerical posit-Ions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work in preparing, compiling, entering and verifying
information, reports, records and forms; to perform work
involving primarily clerical supervisory responsibility; and
to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program including
making decisions in accordance with established policy and law.
To issue licenses or permits in accordance with department routine
or regulations.
To advise applicants as to the legal requirements in connection
with licenses.
To handle and adjust complaints.
To prepare and check bids, legal documents and other papers in
accordance with well - established procedure.
To prepare and verify large complicated payrolls.
To keep records involving difficulty and responsibility.
To make and be responsible for the final check and for classification
of documents, permanent records, etc. , in accordance with
established policies and laws.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
� -� (
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to record and transcribe dictation, to perform
routine clerical work; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To take shorthand notes from dictation.
To transcribe routine correspondence from shorthand notes or
dictaphone records.
To type routine reports, notices, permits, office memoranda, etc.
To. perform the duties specified for Clerk I.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to record and transcribe dictation of important
and difficult matter; to perform difficult clerical work; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To take and transcribe shorthand notes of a difficult and important
To act as secretary to Division Heads.
To handle routine correspondence without dictation.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge of
the program and operation of the department is required.
To type involved statistical material.
To cut stencils and master sheets.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work or work involving supervisory responsibility;
to record and transcribe dictation of difficult and technical
matter; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To take verbatim notes at meetings and hearings.
To act as secretary to an executive or administrator.
To answer routine correspondence independently.
To make appointments and interview callers.
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program
including writing correspondence and making decisions in accordance
with established policy and law.
To prepare technical and legal instruments, with only general
To make and be responsible for the final check and for the
classification of documents, permanent records, etc. , in
accordance with established policies and laws.
To type involved statistical material.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine clerical work and
miscellaneous typing; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To type vouchers, checks, invoices, permits, notices, requisitions
or purchase orders from prepared copy or indicated data.
To type addresses on envelopes, labels or wrappers.
To type blank forms, filling in such information as names,
addresses, dates, numbers, quantities, values, etc.
To type plain copy from prepared manuscript or from printed
To cut stencils.
To perform the duties specified for Clerk I.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
r v
Jenue,cy .G, 1966 ,
Mr. Herbert A: Lyon ;
chief' ixatiner & Director dr Nriionnel
Building = " `-
pear Sir; y
The City Council gave First Reading the follavi g ordinancesQ
C'JF# 226645 &OnOng qrd., epecif tions four.1Geypirii:h Operator,
Air Pollution .qon , Man; Ch Operator I & Its clerks I,
II and III, Qlerk *S er Is It rindTI, flerk*Typiet I+
' 11 And III; ,
' G.F.'226646. amending d. No:. 0.re .palXution Control Man, FL"ch
' • Operato x_and ZI Keypunch Operator;
-ex. R26647, amendin d. Roo. rd hourl rate for Glazier;
c.F: 826W ngA 50 by inserting in Sec: 7 in its proper
h1phabetical order under "Skilled Zabor" the title "Olazier ";
_. - -
-•F C1.F. 22 amending d., Ito.. '7607 pertaining to_ title and specifieatione
for Q]a i r
_ .
very truly yours o
City Clerk
P.S. _ They Will be. up- for Third Reading iuid Approval of- Form
_ _ on Janua%y 14th._ ,' k "
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult typing and clerical work
requiring knowledge, skill and experience in general clerical
and typing work; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To type and check payrolls and related forms.
To type and check statistical and other statements, reports,
and records.
To operate calculating machines and other office devices.
To cut stencils and operate duplicating machines.
To type resolutions, ordinances and departmental orders.
To post time and material charges.
To reconcile reports from various sources.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge
of the program and operation of the department is required.
To type involved reports.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work or work involving supervisory responsibilitiy;
to type difficult and technical matter; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program including
writing correspondence and making decisions in accordance with
established policy and law.
To type matter that requires independent judgment and ability to
rearrange, expand, segregate or tabulate.
To type and tabulate complex accounting and statistical statements.
To copy legal documents or fill in legal forms without supervision.
To cut stencils directly from source materials involving judgment
and interpretation.
To make and be responsible for the final check and for the
classification of documents, permanent records, etc.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
0" .fir1 sue fir abc* Johan tow 1004 0 d to in toted
. to,v, its pasosgto A VOV.4, ava , IL-AOAM`.
Passed by the Council - ;W
Approved -
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine clerical work; and to perform
related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To act as a receptionist-in a public office.
To record. verify, index- and file reports and correspondence.
To post simple entries in books of account or other records.
To search files for information.
To verify extensions and additions.
To fill in forms,
To sort, numbex, and stamp -date correspondence, invoices and
other papers.
To operate office appliances such as a check writer, adding machines,
mimeograph, addressog'raph or mailing machine.
To charge and discharge books.
To show library patrons to appropriate rooms or sections.
To issue library cards.
Minimum qualifications:
High school gradu4tion. ,
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult clerical work requiring
knowledge, skill and experience in general clerical work; and
to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To check payrolls and related forms and reports.
To assist in the preparation and verification of statistical and
office statements and reports.
To operate calculating machines and other office devices.
To post time and material charges.
To reconcile reports from various sources.
To maintain perpetual inventories.
To collect and account for money.
To determine charges for municipal services upon a predetermined
To maintain accounts of unit appropriations and expenditures.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge
of the program and operation of the department is required.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical posit-Ions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical c.—xpe-r?ence.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work in preparing, compiling, entering and verifying
information, reports, records and forms; to perform work
involving primarily clerical supervisory responsibility; and
to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program including
making decisions in accordance with established policy and law.
.,To issue licenses or permits in accordance with department routine
or regulations.
= To advise applicants as to the legal requirements in connection
with licenses.
To handle and adjust complaints.
To prepare and check bids`, - -legal documents and other papers in
accordance with well - established procedure,
To prepare and verify large complicated payrolls.
To keep records involving difficulty and responsibility.
To make and be responsible for the final check and for classification
of documents, permanent records, etc. , in accordance with
established policies and laws.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to record and transcribe dictation, to perform
routine clerical work; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To take shorthand notes from dictation.
To transcribe routine correspondence from shorthand notes or
dictaphone records.
To type routine reports, notices, permits, office memoranda, etc.
To perform the duties specified for Clerk 1.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to record and transcribe dictation of important
and difficult matter; to perform difficult clerical work; and to
perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To take and transcribe shorthand notes of a difficult and important
To act as secretary to Division Heads.
To handle routine correspondence without dictation.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge of
the program and operation of the department is required.
To type involved statistical material.
To cut stencils and master sheets.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical experience.
Title of class: Q
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work or work involving supervisory responsibility;
to record and transcribe dictation of difficult and technical
matter; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples ox work performed:
To take verbatim notes at meetings and hearings.
To act as secretary to an executive or administrator.
To answer routine correspondence independently.
To make appointments and interview callers.
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program
including writing correspondence and making decisions in accordance
with established policy and law.
To prepare technical and legal instruments, with only general
To make and be responsible for the final check and for the
classification of documents, permanent records, etc. , in
accordance with established policies and laws.
To type involved statistical material.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform routine clerical work and
miscellaneous typing; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To type vouchers, checks, invoices, permits, notices, requisitions
or purchase orders from prepared copy or indicated data.
To type addresses on envelopes, labels or wrappers.
To type blank forms, filling in such information as names,
addresses, dates, numbers, quantities, values, etc.
To type plain copy from prepared manuscript or from printed
To cut stencils.
To'perform the duties specified for Clerk I.
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation.
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform difficult typing and clerical work
requiring knowledge, skill and experience in general clerical
and typing work; and to perform related work as assigned.
Examples of work performed: ,
To type and check payrolls and related forms.
To type and check statistical and other statements, reports,
and records.
To operate calculating machines and other office devices.
To cut stencils and operate duplicating machines.
To type resolutions, ordinances and departmental orders.
To post time and material charges.
To reconcile reports from various sources.
To act as public information clerk where a complete knowledge
of the program and operation of the department is required.
R To type involved reports.
To supervise a small group of employees engaged in routine
clerical work.
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and two years' office clerical experience,
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to perform responsible and highly difficult
clerical work or work involving supervisory responsibilitk;
to type difficult and technical matter; and to perform related
work as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To supervise a group of clerical employees.
To act as assistant supervisor of a large or complex clerical
To independently handle a phase of the operating program including
writing correspondence and making decisions in accordance with
established policy and law.
To type matter that requires independent judgment and ability to
rearrange, expand, segregate or tabulate.
To type, and tabulate complex accounting and statistical statements.
To copy legal documents or fill in legal forms without supervision.
To cut stencils directly from source materials involving judgment
and interpretation.
To make and be responsible for the final check and for the
classification of documents, permanent records, etc,
To perform the duties specified for subordinate clerical positions.
r _
Minimum qualifications:
High school graduation and five years' office clerical experience.
/ eyr