226643- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 226643 - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL =SOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS DATF - RESOLUTION OF ANNULMENT I ' In the matter of State Project 6282 -64 (T.H. 94 =392). Construction Plans and Special Provisions for the Relocation of Minnesota Transfer Railway tracks and Eustis Street, Grading, Gravel Base, Track Ballast, Plant -Mixed Bituminous Base and Surface, Concrete Pavement, and Bridges 62842 and 62843, between T.H. 94 Connection to T.H. 280 and Wabash Avenue in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota y, Project 1 -IG 094-3 (119) 236 approved under Council Resolution C.F. No. 224849 approved August 11, 1965, RESOLVED, That the Council Resolution C.F. No. 224849 approved August 11, 1965 in the above matter is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded due to necessary changes in Construction Plans and Special Provisions. I i I� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Mr. Vice President (Rosen) 10W "2 JAN 61966 Adopted by the Council 19— JAN 61966 Approved 19— Tn Favor Against G gainst ' PUBLISHED JAN 81969 4