D001420White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Blue — Engineer Green — Contractor • No. o � � e Date � -13 -Q CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER. Wheteas, additions wluch proved to be neeessary to the Improvement described � B1ock 74/Science Museum Parlring Ramp, 13 W. Exchange St, Saint Paul, MN 55102 known as Conttact�- 016367�City Pcojeet No. 9761.�0 , Restoration TechnoloQies, Inc. , Contracta, is composed of the folloveing: ADD; Equipment, Labor Bond Cost Total Add • Supplies, Rentals 2% $4,701.01 1,170.00 117.42 $5,988.43 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordaace with the specifications in the sum oP $ 5, 988. 43 , said amount to be added to the lump suro eon- sideration named in the coniract, Iwown as contract I� 016362 , and which amount is to be financed from: 130 * 36102 * 0899 Original Contract Amount: �164,020.00 This Change Order 461 5.988.43 Total Contract Amount $170,008.43 _ � �� ���� .�^' �°_� ig� Restoration Technoloeies. Inc. Conttactor 3o k��c_19 ° i� �19� 1j�19� / Assistant to the Mayor ; N° 50078 I U00���0 �. 1 J!a teaibl FOH jGREEN SHE iNITI D OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR t C� ATTORNEY BUOGET DIRECTOR MAVOR (OR 0.SSISTANT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CffYLOUNCIL MGT. INiT1AVDATE 1�5QdIR� ��NA'�JR�S art C!�{AN6E Of�AER- f'oiZ. B�oGk- ?A/SCtEr1G� K1d5EU�n i �ARtGrt6 RAMY � 13 ��l. �ExCt�(A�Co6 ST.� SAtnITP+AtIL� MN SS�oZ I`� _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEFVICE C�B CAMMITTEE _ � STAFF _ __ D1STFi1CTCOURT _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� INITIATING PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: �� 1. Has this Derson/firm ever worketl untler a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personlfism ever bee� a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm posse5s a Skill not nonnaily po5sessetl by any cunent ciry employBe? YES NO Explain all yea answere on aeparate aheet antl attaeh to green aheet What. WhBn. Whare. Why): enlVtR.ch►rnteETkC. 7EM'Ae�AT+1R.�. �,ZO���,p �la��l "7i4� e�TtnrtUkl ANA �T '�5 '��'°`� EA - To A�S) �A'�' So ii�lE. MEM¢(�Arl� C�IZeO c'oR.R-�C,Tt- AND Al.so Q3tek.E,� S� AS To R�T.! R.el TE1�. �L�.�t�td�f � 5i'IZ�cAM ����ttNl �C�1� Sgc^('�ert5 5o�e.iE-�. - M�-nnBQa�E c� R.�D P�.e t�,�- - '�A2KaN� R�JFau� ��e��p R��oR�ea tSort� ���EE4��t� �oR� Qo,okL.� JAN 13199� �;��� c����t , r ,, f � , �. M�I�n�i�AN�. MA� l�o �1R�E. YQOP�y Fe� TE4E \�lA�-ANT�`' v TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S�� H S.`+�J FUNDIfdG SOURCE C7L FINANpAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE� YES NO AC7IVITYNUMBER '3G'If' 3��oz-IE oA99 d�