05-725COLiNCIL FILE #: `�� . GREEN SHEET #: 302744"7 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: 1 WHEREAS, in 2004 the CounciTofthe CiTy of Saint Paul, by its resolution CF-04-428, accepted a$5,000 donation from 2 Susan Barker to be used towazds the restoration of Cherokee Height Bluff; and 3 4 WHEREAS, of this $5,000 donafion, $3,150.68 remained unspent as of December 31, 2004; and 5 6 WIIEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, Puks and Recreation is continuing the restoration of Cherokee Heights Bluff 7 in 2005; and 8 9 WHEREAS, Susan Barker donated an additional $] 0,000 in 2004 to be used towards said bluff restoration in 2005; and 10 I 1 V✓HEREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recreation to set up a spending and financing plan for the balance of the 12 donated funds in the amount of $13,150.68 to be used towards the Cherokee Heights Bluff Restoration project; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are 15 available for appropriation, funds of $13,150.68 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2005 budget: 18 19 ' CURRENT AMENDED 20 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 21 860 - Parks and Recreation Grants/Aids 22 33191 - Environmental Donations 23 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 13,150.68 13,150.68 24 0.00 13,150.68 13,150.68 25 SPENDING PLAN: 26 860 - Pazks and Recreazion Grants/Aids 27 33191 - Environmental Donations 28 0321 - Hor[iculture/Plant Material 0 6,945.68 6,945.68 29 0219 - Fees-0ther Proffesional Services 0 6,000.00 6,000.00 30 0353 - Chemical/Laboratory 0 205.00 205.00 31 0.00 13,150.68 13,150.68 32 33 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts and sincerely thanks Susan 34 Barker for her continued support of the Cherokee Heights Bluff Restoration; and be it 35 36 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 2005 budget. �� G:IFMIQF1WvkaiResolutions,AOs,GreenSheetslResolutionsl8artcerforCherokee'05x1s Page 1of2 COUNCTL FILE #: ��,�,,,� GREEN SHEET #: 3027447 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation � ��.� f `_ / Approval Re mmended by Fin ncial Services Director: By. � . G:IFMIQiIWirkalResolutions, Page 2of2 Adopted by Council: Date: � i � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PR Pa*ksandRecreazioa Contaet Person & Phone: Adam Robbins 266-64U0 Contract Type: AR-RESOLUTION W/$1RANSACTION 19JUL-05 - ' 0 Assign 1 Number Z For Routing 3 Order 4 5 6 � 1� Green Sheet NO: 3027447 Deoartment SentToPerson InitiallDate ar an reati n ar dRecreati n a eMiYirect r �!� ' Att me a oYs ifi Ma r ssistan[ a o�a c� ono�a r � lerk Totai#ofSignaturePages � (CIipNlLocationsforSignature) Action Requested: Approval of a City Council Resolution amending the 2005 budget to include a spending and fmancing plan for [he balance of donations received in prior years ($13,150.68) from a private citizen to be used towazd the Cherokee Heights Bluff Restora[ion. Kecommenaations: approee (a) or rceject (K1: Planning Commission CIB Committee Crvil Service Commission � '�T'`r� � � 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/fifm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cu�rent ciry employee? Yes No Explain aN yes answe�s on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, WhaS When, Where, Why): Advantages H Approved: Restoration project will proceed Disadvantapes IFApprovetl: None CosilRevenue Budgeted: DisadvanW ges H Not Approved: The City loses the opportunity to fund this portion of the restora[ion, slowing considerable process made to date. Trensaction: Fund�ng Source: Financial Information: (ExpWin) $13,150.68 Citizen Donation ActivityNumber: ��91 JUL 2 6 2005 • � '' JUL 2 9 2��5 July 19, 2005 7:24 PM Page 1