230663' CITY OF ST. PAUL
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming
Condemnation - and Awards of Damages
and Assessment Therefor
File No. :7Q7Q
In the matter of condea t Ing "a tAtLTi$ a, pex=dAt easement '5 "feet .ja vi,&+,h for the
purpose of owsimuating and WzUa a ,publtlr sever-an, 'puders across ana throu*t
a. strip of land 15 feet .in width being- ,mss of lots 5r 6 and 7.* .Block Ii, Robert L
Wag'e's Vssfie= $e$ghts: The ,center � of' saw. �ea�+ .t 1s .described ss :fol,20 c t
caamen g at -a point which is .2D feet east of the vest line =d .25 feet north
of the- south :fie of Lot 7r Block 4# .l#obert Z. 'de's Eastern. Hel.ghts, thence east
and paxslUl to the south 13ne , of-10ts 7� 6 and. 5, B1kck �,, of said, motion a
distance of 24o feet .mi?re or less to the :Bast 11lne of said. Zot 5 #, Block #t of said
AdUtion and the3ra tero1mtiag. Ala d ,cem4emin and taking a: t por=7 easement
for constrnctiarlr, purposes M .a strip 3of I=& 10 fet 1,n 'width +4 the, north seder e_r1Ed
10 feet In vi th .ou the :"uth sift c?f der above Wit:
under Preliminary Order 2281 .7 , approved Amil 14, 1966 ,
Intermediary Order 229453 , approved
Final Order 2OA72 -, approved mgt 23, 196-6-
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements
therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment
of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,
identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of
damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment
roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rat4fied and confirmed.
Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
Yeas Nays
Carlson SGT 2 81966
Adopted by the Council _
� Dalglish �' 81 6�
Holland 01FP44A:::j1t4_dAf!j rove
.Peterson In Favor
Ted2sco Mayor
Byrne Against
Form R_s• ® PUBLISHED N 9,51966
Z •.
Report of Commissioner of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands
2299 ,59
� File No.
In the matter of =d tokft a Vomit ftsmAt 1 to° b 1A VU T
kUW 3AM of
or to 00" 11aw it Xot .MWk 4,0
Xd, at
46ft=0 Vr 2W. f Cr Ust:m of soA igit. -% block 4,0 or- *Ad.
10 Xftt . 0= . Aldo - ' -41)M: ;qtr►
under Preliminary Order go W. , approved AM= A* 1219W ,
Intermediary Order approved J�ay ,
Final Order 9zft , approved UVA Q
.4;t 1966
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and ap-
propriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the own-
ers thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined
the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost
thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of
the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
Of �f
To His Honor Mayor Thomas Byrne and Members of the City Council,
City of St. Paul, Minnesota,
In regard to condemnation of property for construction of a
sewer across Lots 7, 69 5, in Block 4 of Robert L. Ware's Eastern
Heights addition we are objecting and would like the following
questions answered:
1. Why is this sewer being cInstructed across the Margaret St.
properties when the lowest level is a lot on the Fifth St. side?
2. Why is not the entire block bounded by Margaret, Fifth,
Ruth and Hazel Sts. being assessed when the highest elevations are
in the Hazel St. area? Pictures shown to Commissioner Peterson
and members of his staff prove water is coming from the west end
of this block.
3. Why are 26 property owners being assessed for a sewer
construction that benefits but 3 or 4 of these property owners?
These said 3 or 4 property owners were aware of building their homes
on swamp land.
In view of the illness of Commissioner Robert Peterson, who
promised to review this sewer construction and inform us of his
investigation, we request a six months postponement of this hearing.
/d��� ✓ 'ice •� ^�1f� v f
In reference -to the order for the installation of a storm drain in the
East half of the block bounded by 5th," Margaret, Huth and Hazel
ive request that the City Council reopen the case and re- evaluate -
� their decision.
The Public Works Officiala are now more fully aware of the problem since =
' our meeting when they Vieted our property. 'We feel we are not getting
the benefit of the Water Committee the drain is ,not in the • lowest lot
and the entire block should be assessed. We oppose this action as it is ;
,,•. -. - a temporary problem and we are being assessed for a project which _ - : ; • _ •= '•.,.�
benefits a fear to improve their private property. - Would you please
inform us of your decision. a
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In reference to the order for the installation of a storm drain in the
East half of the block bounded by 5th, Margaret, Ruth and Razel Sts.9
we request that the City Council reopen the case and re- evaluate
their decision.
The Public Works Officiala are now more fully aware of the problem since .
our meeting when they viewed our property. We feel we are not getting
benefit of the Water Committee) the drain is not in the lowest lot,
,and the entire block should be assessed.; We oppose this action as it
a temporary problem and we are being assessed for a project which '
benefits a fear to improve their. private property. Would you please
inform us of your decision. ;
7j� r A t� %'Z
2221L -�Vj
11.E .
L 2.
,- Sept. 28, 1966.
Hon. Robert F.= petersony
_ Commissioner of Public Works.
Y DOar Sir:
The-City Council referred.to. Publi Works Depftrtnient -
'y and t_o the Drainage Committee for•ree ndatio he attached letter -t
from several-property owners concern' the co ruction of a sewer
in Block 4, Robert L. Ware's Eastern to ition: The letter
= was received by the Council in connects a Resolution,Ratifying
and Confirming Condemnation a o_ f ages in the matter_ .of
condemning an easement for sews Thi solution Was - ,laid•' over
'to Fridayso,Oct6ber 28th6 f r further c ider ion.. z" -
Very truly yours,
r , City Clerk
! Ao/hp
Sept. 28,1966. -
Drainage Committee,
?, -• ,
Gentlemen: �° _ '_� -• _ -' T .
The City Council referred t e Publi orks Department _
and to the Drainage Committee for re endati he attached letter
from several= .property-ownera concerns he truction of a sewer
_ in Block 4, Robert L. Warels- Eastern He ddition: The letter
was received_ by the _Council 'in tion - h a Resolution'Ratifying
and Confirming Cwidemnation w of D es in the matter of
conddrmning an easement-for s sewer., his, olution was laid over -
< to Friday, °•October 28th. f further co ideration,
Very truly yours,
- _ City Clerk
AD/hp ,