230597ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C N RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C 44 OMMISSIONS ogre 23059.7 z COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, That the item, Appropriated Surplus, in the ,Financing Schedule of the Comptroller's Budget Estimates for 1967, -be increased $36,838.00 in_the following activities in Charter 'Fund 35 in the amounts indicated, by appropriating these estimated unencumbered balances to surplus: 0951 Debt Service $10,000.00 0953 Surety Bond Premiums 2,500.00 .0955 Citizens Advisory Committee 4,500.00 0978 Easements 10,000.00 '0956 Salary Data - Personnel Comm. 2,500:00 -0961 Auditorium Study 21000.00 0963 Safety Program 5,338.00 -and that in the Estimated Additional Revenue Schedule B, the .item, New Revenue Sources to be Provided be reduced $36,838.00 ,so as to read, $22,116.00. ;, ' �r W" .. COUNCILMEN Ye Nays 71-1-Carlson Dalglish `�Iiolland \Meredith Peterson Tedesco r. President, Byrne OCT 2 51966 Adopted by the Council 19_ OCT 2 5 1966 APP roved— 19— Favor I Mayor Against PUBLISHED OCT 2 9 1960 X22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230597, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER nATE RESOLVED, That the item, Appropriated Surplus, in the Financing Schedule of the Comptroller's Budget.Eotimates for 1967, be increased $36,838.00 in the.following activities in Charter Fund 35 in the amounts indicated, by appropriating these estimated unencumbered balances to surplus: 0951 Debt Service $10;000:00 0953 Surety Bond Premiums 2,500;00 0955- Citizens Advisory Committee 4000.00 0978 Easements 10,000.00 0956 Salary Data - Personnel Comm. 2000.00 0961 Auditorium Study 2,000.00 0963 Safety Program 5 .,338.00 and that in the Estimated Additional Revenue Schedule B, the item, New Revenue Sources to be Provided be reduced $36,838.00 so as to read, $22,116.00. 0GT 2 51966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays OCT 2 51966 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson /J Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne X22