23050641-0 5U6
Resdlution Ratifying Assessment By—
} its 13.
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and *"us** fot construction and
reatorstion of sidewalks, and work incidental theratot
Contract 65-10-326, District lRo. 21, ivy 11o.
F.O. #224418 - -Ashland Ave., both sides from Dunlap 8t. to Griggb.8t. i
F.O. #224020 - Griggs Street, 'both sides from Selby-Ave. to Laurel Ave.
F.O. #224413 - St. Clair St., south side from Colborne St. west approx.
' 125 ft. abutting 241 Colborne St. I
F.O. #224679 - St. Paul Ave., south side from Davern St. to Snelling Ave.
and on the east side of Davern St. from St. Paul Ave. south `
approx. 188 ft. i
1 F.O. #222517 - Avon St., both sides from Laurel Ave. to Ashland Ave.
F.O. #224670 - Wheeler St., east side from Da ton Ave. to the s t
}411pii �i%1:2���i2'�•R7L'YC�.' S l,s����Z::Y. -- .... —._ -. �'� :.���
F.O. #222354 - Ashland Ave., both sides from Victoria -
Z F�:O:'S #22�i�i 73= =- `•`Dagtoia �Avi �. �- t , .tdefom� ��..: _ _
nosth =s Avon -St. Writ pp
e rox. 120�it
abutting 785 Dayton Ave.
} t': �` ; .r - s • .• _ 't•••t .. qt K. *.: i. .aX iWd. . = ^.. fre G/.lv . K �:. r. �d.eP k4 • ioh s ide. `from `Selby Ave to `Hague i Ave.
[S Q: a- _ #223724r"- c ' nl ;4Sip•
- '-
F.O. #221905 Laurel 'Ave &', south -side ,from, Avon St. to -,tarot o S
a n w �� „- n k x, e, �iitlC%YG'" [r.'�= j r. >?, S `
i" �iIc h, v h k� fit r n -� ►n s:.. r.
'F:O. #2224'3 �Wo:iiSt.
both; *-i_ y�"�Ivi., to, Marsh 1"'A
s dasrt;.£rrom�slb l
' i a w��.: , {; ; ` c� t'viiag b�'eri ci�Q'��aed fina�l}� BR:i��a.W
trierlt � ?� irEfi r, b ry'�
�.= 'ASSESSABLE t ' • , r- ,. }- . .. ,
' 324418 - �Ashladd 'Ave:,-'both side's from,,Dunlap St.- to Griggs St. ,
F.0.4224413 - ,S,t..' C,lair'f St'.'; south side from Colborne St: " wes_t approx: ,
125 ft. abutting' 241 Colborne' S,t.1T rat, t. +� �'
F::O:T• 2246 9r= +St.sPaul =Ave�.•;n "south'��ide Pionla eV114 . -I" Snelling,'Ave'.ar d t. ;e
�air:�� is herby a iezfid ^a° on Me east�ai pApft.D�a.vernfS.t�, frormn� Stc 1Pe�tl�Ave ,�south.,�tion.
`approx. 188 ft. ,
I;L�rQ� #22!251,7,1- Avon Str ,fiMt#idAs_jXros :fZaur&1- Ave���to�Astilirid�yAve�e�miz�ed to be
P.O. #222354 Ashland Ave. both sides from Victoria St. to Milton St:_
i p�val %P-.O: -4 221905 Laurel "�Av "e� ;�rioV%Ah side from Avon St. to Grotto St.
F.O.122433 - Avon St,,, bohhrsides from Selby Ave. to Marshall•Ave. {
Yeas Nays
Carlson Adopted by the Council
Holland OCT 13 1966
Peterson - proven
Byrne ,r�
Tn Favor '
' Against PUBLISHED OCT 15 1966
Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8
1 A'
' -- -' CITY OF ST. PAUL 30506 230
Report of Completion of Assessment
�In the matter of the assessment of b*m t**. icos0i . 444 ti t "s tog roust ruction vod
tootor9t IOA of 8 1ks Ond wo* ibafd,aft-t thor*t-ot
0012tuct 65-X-326* blottict_ ... 'viz -p lo. 7
F -.O. #224418 - Ashland Ave., both sides from Dunlap St. to Griggs St.:::_
F.O. #224020 - Griggs Street,_ both sides from Selby Ave. to Laurel Ave. '
F.O., #224413 - St. Clair St., south side from Colborne St. west approx. f
125 ft. abutting 241 Colborne St.
j F.O. #224679 - St. Paul ,Ave., south side from Davern St. to Snelling Ave.
a and on the east side of Davern St. from St. Paul Ave. south t
approx. 188 ft.
F.O. #222517 - Avon St., both sides from Laurel Ave. to Ashland Ave. j
F.O. #224670 - Wheeler St., east side from Dayton Ave. to the south approx.
' ,.,=�
. +fii...
F.O. #222354: Ashland Ave., both sides from Victoria St. to Milton St,
If4 F ;0 ;"'W246 7,,3i,= Dayton =Ave`: ; .PpKOL,, ftomLAv est�approx.�,120r
abutting 785 Dayton Ave.
D.ualap�St - both.± sides <frow Selby_ Ave....to�H_ ague
F.O. #222905 - Laurel Ave., south side from Avon St to Grotto St.
To F':DV422.2433`,i.? Anion St: , Iboth sides from Selby Ave. to Marshall Ave.
NON'= A`_SSES'SA&E s" 1�f k`i r;ce herby rejrrfA to tizo Council the follow ng its a slzterie;t:t r4 the ex-
-St. c- ,F.q #224418- - 4shland - Ave..,, both -sides from Dunlap to..I s St.
a __`` ` jr - , �. v� u, , Jil... .i l 1 �t t, i rids pr n y.4 i. 7 }i Griggs 'Ttiic 3't%l?in'I:, :''lZ:
nF.O. #2244131- St. Clair St., south side from Colborne St. west approx.
125 ft..abutting 241 Colborne St.
i F.O. #2'246.79ca4Sa:,tPau1;: ve,.,,, south, side,from ,Davern.St. to Sh I'ling :Ave.
! p r- ..�i" r�_...
'Er.kinecri and one the,;east;sidet of Davern 8t from St.�Paul� {Ave_SSouth
Inspecilot:approx..188, ft.. .... ..... . , �.. w .. y_
F.O. #222517 -xAvon ,St.,,, both ,sides, from Laurel Ave. ;to Ashland, ve.yg
;.., 5 _
i F.O. # 2223543 f_ -� shland.4ve.,,,,bgth, aides from Victoria St. Co Mi1ton At.
F.O. #U,1905- u , LauY.el, Ave.,,, ,south tide , from Avon St.r to Grotto
F.O. #222433.;c -jj ►v ^on S9 jr- ,bobh..nsides, from Selby Ave. to - Marshall �Ay j��S
TOTAL EXPENDITURES ........................ 19,781 46
Charge to ................. 092U -... ..... $ 3,100 79
Non- Assessable,.... $ 771 78
Net Assessment ... ............................... $ 15,908 89
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 15,908.89 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper. /n - „ /7 _ i -
Dated September 13, 196613, 1966 // ComrarWoner of Ana
Form R -2 2M 10 -68 8,