D001417No . D o� I"(' 1 Date: CITY OF SAINT PAIIL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDLR for CONTRACT CSANGk3 AGRPs�NT NO. 5 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Rice & Arlinaton SDOrts Dome known as Contract 15542 , City Project No. B96-06-32 ,_Maertens-Brennv Construction, Contractor, is composed of the following claims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 (CP12A) Delete synthetic turf anchor around concrete light supports. (CP13) Reduce number of stress relief cables. (CP22) Revise electrical switchgear and provide temporary enclosure. (CP24) Relocate electrical switchgear. (CP37) Reduce quantity of synthetic turf by 320 S.F. (CP39 & CP39A) Synthetic turf subgrade correction. (CP41) Permeable aggregate base placement. (CP44) Remove snow. (CP46) Permeable aggregate base compaction. (CP47) Synthetic turf installation delays. (CP54 & CP57) Project delays and utility costs. TOTAL CLAIMS $127,781.00 NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT ADD $42,000.00 • It is agreed that this settlement is full, final and complete of any and all claims by Maertens-Brenny Construction against or upon the City of Saint Paul arising out of this project, through December 31, 1997, payments for change order number 3(Add $31,036.00), change order number 4(add $1,821.00) and payment requests for the remaining contract amount ($98,596.00) notwithstanding. ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 42.000.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15542 , and which amount is to be financed from: OYiginal Contract Sum $1,858,700.00 Change Orders to Date 141,336.00 Amoi t this Change 42 000 nn New Contract Sum $2,042,036.i '� ,��'�/ , F_� � . --'G� �' � - � , 326-23130-0894-33055 + � i ion i Chief Engineer irector of cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager 19 19 "rec r f Fin n ial ices / Administrati e Assi tant to the Mayor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy Contractor a No . D l)� I�� 1 Date: CITY OF SA2NT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Eor CONTRACT CHANGS AGREEMENT NO. 5 PDMINISTRaTIVE O�ER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Rice &&rliZCtc� Soo-ts Dom= laiown as Contract 155�2 , City ?roject No. 595-06-32 , Maerte.s-Bren.v Construc Contractor, is composed o: the following claims: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 (CP12A) Delete synthetic turf anchor zround coacrete light supports. (CP13) Reduce number of stress relief cabl=s. (CP22) Revise elecCrical switchgear and provide temporary enclosure. (CP24) Relocate electrical switchgear. (CP37) Reduce quantity of synthetic turf by 320 S.F. (CP39 & CP39A) Synthetic turf s�gra3e correction. (CP41) Permeable aggregate base plzcement. (CP44) Remove snow. � (CP46) Permeable aggregate base compaction. (CP47) Synthetic turf installation d=lays. (CP54 & CP57) Project delays and utility costs. TOTAL CLAIMS $127,781.00 IvcGOTIATBD SETTLEMENT ADD $42,000.00 It is agreed that this settlement is £ull, final aad complete of aay and all claims by Maertens-Brenny' Construction against or uoon the City of Saint Paul arising out of this project, through December 31, 1997, payr.ients for change order number 3(Add $31,036.00), change order number 4(add $1,821.00) and oaynent reauests for the remaining contract amount ($98,596.00) notwithstanding. ORJTER�D, That the City of Sair.t Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the s�eci'ications ia the sum of $?2.000.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum considzration ramed in contract, known as Contract 155?2 , and which amount is to b= financed from: Original Contract Sun $1,&58,700.00 Change Orders to Date 15�,336.00 Amou^t this Cl e2 000 nn N2w Contract Sum $2,0�2,036.( APP?_ n AS � 0 O. ( �� � 19 7 � � � sis ttorney } � - ^ � �..J._._ (/ / / � 19 �� r � 326-23130-0894-33055 �lSCperintendeat of Parks & Recreat:o.^. Ci:ief Engineer Director o` cc: City Clerk Finance Deoartme:�t Department Accou�ting Project Manager � 5 // .� — i , ,.� � _rec``�o_ �f Finazc�al� S ices 19_ / � /I -���.'/i �� \/ 1 Ad-_nistrati�e Ass�stant to the Mayo= IRSD°CCOT' Office Coov Contract ____ Co^y Contractor DEPAFTMEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL I DATEINRIATED � GREEN SHEET NO. 37159 Parks and Recreation COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL.^JhTE INITIAL.DATE Ken Wehrfe 266-6422 —� 1 D°_PARiMCp�D1AECTDR _CITYCOUNUL � �SS�GN NU�r6ERFOR Z CrtVl.iTORrvEY 5 CITYCLEpK � MUST BE ON COUNdL AGENDA BY (DATEI FOUi1NG ; pqp_p BUDGET DIRECTOR 4 FIN S MGT. SERVICES D:R. NA 3 MrtYOfi IOR ASS�STA�'n F PARKS & RECREATION j TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ICIIP ALL LOCAT10h5 FOR SIGNANRE7 ALTION PEnUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice and Arlington Sports Dome PECOMMENDATIONS: AOO�ove IA1 or Rejea 1RI _PLANNING COMMISSION __CIViL 5'cRVICE COM�d15Si0N _C1BCOfdMIiTEE __ A STAFF __ _DISTRICT COUNCIL _ SUPPORTS `/dHiCH COVNCIL OBJECTNE? INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV lWho, WM1at. W�en. Where, Why7. PERSOkAL SERVICE CONTFACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS 1. Hxs ;h�s OerSOML�m ever worketl unCer a co^ Vac: (or :��s Ce:xrtment? YE$ N� 2. r1x5 :'•s per»n;fnm ever �een a nry e^iployae� � YES NO 3. Dces t".�s persoNhrm Dossess a skill noi no�mally Oe�se=_5eC by any curren; ury e^�: cyee> YES NO Explain all yes answers o� separau sheet an0 anacM1 �o green sheet. Necessary to compensate contractor for additional work: for construction of concrete slab at dome entrance; for removal of snow and ice to allow electrical installation; for installation of electrical chase; for installing gas meter support; for painting game lines on synthetic turf and for excavation for underground electricai work. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: Concrete entrance slab required to stabilize electrical boxes and reduce synthetic turf wear; removal of snow and ice allowed installation of underground electrical equipment; gas meter support required by NSP to establish service; painted game lines required for programming facility; and excavation necessary for installation of underground electrical work to serve lighting system. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: None DiSADVANTAGE5IF NOT APPFOVED: Unabie to compensate contractor for revisions in contract. TOTAL AMOUNT QF TRANSFCTI�N S 31 036.00 PUNDINGSOUPCE Tax Exemot Revenue Bonds 3/3/97 CCSTIfiEVENUE BUDGETED �CIRCLE ONEI YES NO ACTIVITYNUt✓i6ER 326-23130-0894-33055 FINANCIAL INFOPMATION: (ESPLAINI � � DEPARTMEM/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DA7EINRIATED GREEN SHEET �� � NO. 14 Parks and Recreation � 2�22�9� � � r CONTACf PEq50N AND PHONE INITIAVDATE INrtiAL/DATE en Wehrle 266-6422 � DEPARIMENTDIRECfOR C(fYCOUNCIL ASSIGN NUMB61 Wfl ��CRYATTOflNEY 5 CRV CLERK BEON COUNCILAGENDABV (DAiEI pqp� �L FlNANCIALSERVICES DIR. E PARKS & RECREATION NA 3 MAYOk(ORASSISiA!!n _ TOTAL C OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCAilONS WR SIGNATURFJ AGTON REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice & Arlington Sports Dome RECOMMENDATIONS: ApOrove (A1 0� Rejec[ (R) PEXSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWEfl iHE FOLLOWING QUESTONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this person/firm aver worketl untler a conVact for this deparbnen[? CIB COMMfITEE _ VES NO /� $7p� _ 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? DISfFICT COUNCIL VES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any current ciry employeet SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&/ECTNE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate aheet antl attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNlT1' (Who. Wha6 VJhen, Where, Why): Contractor claims for additional payment in the amount of $127,781.00 were disputed by the City. Contractor will receive a egotiated settlement of 542,000.00. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: C`O 4 �,G ,��°��, Contractor will be paid negotiated amount releasing City from existing and future claims. ��j \P � Q ��� 4S ;O �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: �y�Ck . None JAN 131998 ����R CiTY CLERK �'���°��� �.� DISADVANTAGES IF N0T APPftOVED: Contractor cannot be paid agreed upon sum. Further legal process required. ���� �� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TFANSACTION S 4Z.00O.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED 1CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE Tax Exemot Revenue Bonds ACTIVRYNUMBER 326-23130-0894-33055 NCIAL INFOfiMATION: �EXPLAIN) � V' T:\WP\GREENSHE\DOME 7 2.97