D001416No . D(��?+ I�! I t� Date: ����_�v CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 4 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Smprovement described as: Rice & Arlington Sports Dome known as Contract 15542 , City Project No. B96-06-32 , Maertens-Brenny Construction, Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Install one "Quazite" electrical box. Add $ 510.00 2. Install and compact additional agrilime in slide boxes. Add 2,152.00 3. Provide additional general conditions. Add 3,547.00 4. Provide and install synthetic turf on winter electrical box covers. Add 8,201.00 5. Delete 4 extra exit doors. Credit 4,49D.00 6. Delete wind sensor/control station. Credit 7,324.00 7. Delete dome perimeter rope anchor. Credit 775.00 ----- — --------------- NET ADD $1,821.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance wi[h the specifications in the sum of $ 1.821.00 , said • amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 15542 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $1,858,700.00 326-23130-0894-33055 Change Orders to Date 139,515.00 Amount this Change 1.521.00 New Contract Sum $2,000,o36.00 APPROVED AS TO FORM �' g 19 �g Ma rten - / I � 7 19� !� endent of Parks & Recreation �1 4� Chief Engineer Director o£ cc: City Clerk Finance Department . Department Accaunting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy Services strative Assistant to the Mayor Parks and Recreation COMACT PERSON AND PHONE DA7E INRIAiED 12/19/97 GREEN SHEET INfT1AL/DATE � � OEPARiMENi DiRECSOR _CRY COUNQL n Wehrle ss4G2 nS+IGN NfIMeEli fOR �CT' ATfORNF1' 4 cm ataK NOUTING g MU5TBEONCOUNCILAGENDABV(DAlE7 ORDEN 3FINANCIALSERViCESDi. �Z D 5 PARKS&RECREATION NA _ MAYOq (OR ASSISTANT7 _ 70TAL 6 OF SIGNAil/HE PAOES � (CLIP ALL L000.ilON$ FOR SIGNATUpp AC(ION flEdUESTFD: Approval ofi CoMract Change Agreemeot Rice & Ariington Sports Dome RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Reject (W _PLANNING COMMISSION _QVIL SERVICE COMMISSION __CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ _DISTRICT COUNLIL _ SUPPORTS WHICH WUNCi� 0B3ECTNET INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �Who, Wha6 WM1en, W�ere, W�y): PEflSONAI SERVICE CONTNACTS MUSTANSWEH THE PpLLOWiNG QUESiI0N5: t. Nas Ynis persoNFlrm ever worked antler a conttact for this depanmentt YES NO Has this persoMtirm ever been a city employee? 2. YES NO 3. DoeS this person/firm possess 9 skill no[ normaliy possessetl by any current ciry employes? YES NO EzP1ai� al� Y� �s'�+azs oq sepamie aheet a�W attnch to S�ean sheet. Necessary to compensate Contractor for additional work: for supplying and installing additionai in-ground etectrical box; for supplying and compacting additional agrilime in slide 6oxes; for supplying additional generai conditions; for installing � nthetic turf on in-ground elecYricai box covers; and fior accepting credit for deletion of additional exit doors, for letion of dome wind sensor control and deletion of rope anchor. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Larger additionai electrical box required fior future public address system; additionai agrilime and compaction necessary because of settling; project administration required additional general conditions; newly designed iighting system included electrical boxes that required installation of synthetic turf on covers to match surrounding turf; the specified number of exit doors were not required in the final design; and the sequence of work required deletion of installation of dome wind sensor and rope anchor o� this project and inclusion of this work on the subsequent projects. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPpOVED: s'�ECEi �3 Et.°`"+ �A� 13199� Unable to compertsate Contractor for revisions i� contract and accept cred'+ts due the City. COST//HEVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE� �AL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S �.HZ �.00 FlINDING SOURCE Tax Exemot Revenue Bonds 'INANCIAL MFOFiMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) ACiIVRY NUMBER iNR1AUDA'(E ��� 0� 1998 YES / NO V V�i ,�� Q��, N0.37243 U� � { � �tta I O�y� Interdepartmental Memorandum C1TY OF SAINT PAUL February 2, 1998 TO: Council President Dan Bostrom and City Council Members FR: Robert P. � m RE: Administrative Orders D-001416, D-001417 and D-001418 Rice and Arlington Sports Dome t�GEt!'�t� ;�EG 03 i998 ���'�t3�'S O�FfG= I am writing to provide information about the referenced Administrative Orders which were laid over on January 28, 1998 for discussion at the February 4, 1998 City Council meeting. First, let me emphasize that these changes are to the sports dome construction contract, not the project budget. The budget remains unchanged. The decision to proceed with construction of the Rice and Arlington Sports Aome was finalized in August 1996. The intent at that time was to have the dome in use by mid-January 1997, an extremely aggressive schedule. The dome was therefore bid as a design-build type of project in order to speed construcuon and maintain the pzoposed schedule. A design-build type of project meant that much of the specific design and engineering details for the dome were completed as construction progressed. I would also like to point out that it is our understanding that the Rice and Arlington Sports Dome is the largest airsupported recreational dome in the country. The large size and round configuration allows for new programming opportunities. However, much of the actual design, engineering and construction methods were the first of their ldnd and necessitated changes in the project contract as work progressed. Because we utilized design-build to construct the dome and the dome itself is unique we anticipated that changes and additions in the work wouid be required to complete the dome. Construction changes have occuned as expected and the contract has changed accord'ingly. However, the contract remains within budget. An example of this is the dome field lighting system. This unique type of lighting consisting of custom racks of lights suspended in a circle around the perimeter of the dome was designed and installed as other work on the dome pro;ressed. Administrative Orders No. D-001416 and No. D-001418 deal to a large extent with changes in the contract rec�uired to install the lighting system. Councii President Dan Bostrom and City Council Members February 2, 1998 Page 2 Additionally, the winter of 1996-1997 was extremely harsh and contributed to project delays and additional project costs such as snow removal. The contractor made numerous large claims against the City, including claims for weather related problems. Some, but not all, of these claims were justified. We negotiated these ciaims in favor of the City as reflected in Administrative Order No. D-001417. Finally, as construction was in its final stages, additional work or changes were necessuy to include minor work items that were unknown when the initial construction contract was issued or came to light as being necessary to allow the facility to function properly. One such item reflected in Administrative Order D-001418 is painting the ballfield foul lines and the soccer field lines on the synthetic turf. At bid time, it had not been determined if these lines would be permanently sewn in the turf or painted on. It was determined that painting the lines allows us much more programming flexibility in the future. These type of changes to the construction contract were also made without altering the budget. I have enclosed copies of the administrative orders and I will be available to respond to further questions at the February 4, 1998 City Council meeting. c: Tom Fabel, Chief of Staff OAT£tNtT4ATED � GREEN SHEET and Recreation PERSON ANO PHONE 12/19197 NO. 37243 INRIAL�OATE i _�, Ken Wehrle 66422 Ass��+ NUMBERF�P aO�ING MUST $E ON COUNCiI AGENDA BY (DATE) OPDEF NA TOTAL l OF SIGNA'iLIRE PAGcS � {CIIP ALl IOCAT10N5 FOR SIGNANRE7 ACTION REQUE57E0: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice & Arlington Sports Dome PECOMMENDATIONS: Appmve lAl or Rejecc IA7 _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIViI SERVICE WMMISSION __C19 COMMITTEE _ A STAFF ,_ __OISTRiCT COUNCII __ SUPPORTS WNIGH COUNGI �BdECTNE? INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOfiNNITY (Wna, What, When, Where, Why1: INfTIAVDATE � D£PAPTMENT D�PECTOP C17Y COUNQL Z CRY AT70ftNEY 4 G1T'CIERK 3 FMnNCIAL SE�i`/�LES DIR. �J PARKS & RECREATION __ MAYOft fOfl ASS�STqN'!7 __ PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTqAGTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: Nas ih�s Oersonifirm Bve� wo�ketl unde� a roniroct fo� tfiis tle0artmenP. YES NO Hai th�5 9ersontlirm ever bean a city emO�oYeei YES NO Ooes this person/tirm possess a SWII not normally possessetl by any cvrrent city empiovee� YES NO Ezplain d�i yes an�wen on leparaie ahee[ antl atta<h to gr¢an sheat. Necessary to compensate Contractor for additional work: for supplying and instafling additionaf in-ground electrical box; for supplying and compacting additional agrilime in slide boxes; for supplying additionai general conditions; for instaliing synthetic turf on in-ground electrical 6ox covers; and for accepting credit for deletion of additiona{ exit doors, fior deletion of dome wind sensor contro{ and deletion of rope anchor. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Larger additionai eiectricai box required tor tuture public address system; additional agrifime and compaction necessary because of settling; project administration required additional generaf conditions; newly designed fighting system included electrica{ boxes that required installation of synthetic turf on covers to match surrounding turf; the speci{ied number of exit doors were not required in the finaf design: and the sequence of work required deletion of installatio� of dome wind sensor and rope anchor on this project and inclusion of this work on the subsequent projects. f150.DYANTAGE5IF APPROVEO: Jone SAOVqNTAGESIFNOT APPROVEO: nabfe to compensate Contractor for revisions in contract and accept credits due the City. fAL AMOIINT Of TRANSACTION � �. H 2 �.00 DING SOURCE Tax Exem�t Revenue Bonds COST//FlEVENUE BUDGETE� (CIPCtE ONE! ( YES / NO ACTIVRY NUMBER �26-2310-0894-33055 �NCIAL iNFORMAT10N. (EXPLAINI � 1 ho Date CITY OF SAZNT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE DIAYOR � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ' £or CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. 4 D 11?� I LI j(� : I-►3-9g FT�MIR2S?RATIVE 0�7ER, Whereas, a3ditions wnich proved to be ^ecessary to tre Imnrovement nescribed as: Ric= & Arlinaton g�crts Done knoHZi as Coatrzct 155�2 , City ?roject Ro. 996-06-32 , A`:aertens-Bren.^.v Cons�ruc�� - Contractor, is comoosed o£ the following: 1. Znstall one "Quazite" electrical box. Add $ 510.00 2. Irstall znd comnact additional agrilime in slide boxes. Add 2,152.00 3. Provide additional geaeral conditions. Add 3,547.00 4. Provide and install synthetic turf on winter electrical box covers. � Add 8,201.00 5. Delete 4 extra exit doors. Credit 4,490.00 6. Delete wind ser.sor/control station. Credit 7,324.00 7. Delete come perimeter rope anchor. Credit 775.00 � ---------------------- ITr.T ADD $1, 821.00 ORD=2.D, That the City of Sair.t Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoina zdditions made in accordance witri the specifications in the sum of $ 1.821.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, know� as Contrzct 155a2 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $1,&58,700.00 326-23130-0894-33055 Change Orders to Date 139,515.00 Amount this Chana= 1 821 00 New Contract Sun $2,000,036.00 APPRO�D AS TO FORM /'�' �aS3 ,� � � -��'-�^-�� ,���� , j -; �=� � _ � 1� �:1'� $y. Scper_rter.ce.^.t of ?arks & ?,=creatioa C , o_ _ Chief �ngine?r � 7_ / �s_ �� �_�ecter o_` cc: City C�=_r;: Pir.ance D=_Dartne^t Deoartr,�e�t Acceu^t_nc 2roj ect t;a�ager Co-^.tracto= Ir.spector O°_fice Copy Coatract zile Co?y LC�1 LCi111V L.'::J jl1(�L1OI1 O. actor � �h . Maer ens �.-�. Y11 �--� or of cinjzc-al Servic°s / ���/�J ��5. � istrative A=<;sta^� to t'r._ Mayor DEPARTMF�M/OFFICE/COUNCIL Parks and Recreation GONTACTPERSON ANDPHONE DATEiNIT1ATEb � GREEN SHEET 12/22/97 �� � � INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE Ken Wehrle 266 —J� � OEPARTMENT OIRECTpR _CITY COUNdI 4551GN rvUMBER FOR Z CRY ATTORNEY S CfTV CLEAK OIf�MG MUST 9E ON COl1NCIL AGENDA BY (DATEI QppEq A FINFNCIaL SERVICES DIR 6 PARKS & RECREATION NA 3 MAYOfl (OR ASSISTAM7 �_ TOTAL C OF $fGNATURE PAGES � (Cl1P ALL LaCAT1�N5 FOR S�GNA7URE1 ACTION REaVf$TED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Rice & Arlingtan Sports Dome REtDMMEN�ATIONS: AoP�ove IA) or Reject IR7 __PIhNNING COMMISSION �_CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION GB COMMfTTEE _ A STAFF __ __015TRItT COUNCiI _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNEl INITIATING PFOBIEM, ISSUE, OPPOF(TUNT' (W�o, WhaC When, Where, WM1y): PEf150NAL SEAYICE CONTRACiS MI15S ANSWEF THE FOLtOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has tTis D¢rsonl5irm eve� worked under a<onttaci tor this departmeni? YES NO 2. Has t1rs personff�tm ever be¢n a city employeet YES NO 3. DoeS t0i5 personffirtn possess a ski6 not normatiy possessed by any current city emploYee> YES NO Esplain all yea anawen on seDarete ahea[ anC attach to praen aheet. Contractor claims for additional payment in the amount of 5127,781.00 were disputed by the City. Contractor will receive a negotiated settlement of 542,000.00. AOVAMAGES fF APPFOVE6: Contractor will be paid negotiated amount refeasing City from existing and future claims. D15ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None �ISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: Contractor cannot be paid agreed upon sum. Further legal process required. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 4 Z OQO.00 __ COST/PEVENUE BUDGElEp (CIRCLE ONEJ YES NO °UNDINGSOVRCE Tax Exemot Revenue 8onds ACTNRYNVMBER 326-23130-089433055 _ 'INANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXP�qIN� W P\GREENSHE\DOMEt 2.97