229779Original to City Clerk ORDIN'ANCE COUNCIL FILE NO . r PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code of the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 64.06, Rezoning, is hereby amended by adding to the end of the third paragraph thereof the following paragraph: "If a petition for an amendment, supplement, change or repeal of the regulations prescribed --- for a district or part thereof is referred by the Council to the Board of Zoning and then withdrawn at the request of the petitioner prior to the time the Board of Zoning files -the report with the City Council as specified hereinabove, the City Council, in its discretion, may, at the request of the petitioner, or the party paying the filing fee, grant a refund of the filing fee not to exceed 50% of that filing fee. No refund of any portion of the required filing fee shall be made after the Board of Zoning has filed with the City Council the report referred to herein." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Ml A est • - c Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco •ti OCT I a 1966 Nays Passed by the Council - n Favor 0 n Against -Form approved Corporation Counsel PUBLISHED OCT 2 2 1966 Original to City Clerk d PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE `A r w. COUNCIL FILE NO Q J ORDINANCE NO — An ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SectN on 1. That Section 64.06 Rezoning is hereby amended by leting the portion of the first paragraph entitled, "Am ndments and Alterations in District Lines" which reads as follows: "Whene er the owners Hof 50% or more of the frontage o any street in any district or part thereof shall prese t a petition, duly signed and acknowledged, to the City ouncil requesting an amendment, supplement,c nge or repeal of the regulation prescribed fo such districts or part thereof, and shall have dep ited with the City Clerk the sum of Thirty Dolla s ($30.00) if the property involved is te,n.-ithousand 10,000) square feet, or less, in" area; and the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each ten thousand (10,0 0) square feet; or less in addition to the fir t ten thousand (10,000] square feet; to be paid by he petitioners to cover the cost of publication and th investigation, preparation and mailing of notices as ereafter required, it shall be the duty of the Council, \to vote upon said petition within 90 days after the,,filing of the same by the petitioners with the City.Clerk; provided that no petition to rezone any property shall be filed or considered within six months after the Council has rejected a like petition to \,rezone said property. Upon the receipt of such petition the Council shall consider same and refer it, together with all of the information they may have bn the matter to the Board of Zoning, who shall make`,•a careful investigation of the proposed change and view the district in which the change is proposed, pass upori;the evidence ob- tained through such investigation and file with the City Council their report upon sam4twithin thirty.days. The Council shall thereupon again consider the matter and fix a date for hearing and the Commissioner of Finance, not less than ten days prior \to the time set for such hearing, shall mail to every known owner at his last known address, or to the agent`•:of the property included within the area within 200 feet`;of the property to be changed, a postcard notice stating the time and place for such hearing, with such in.format�ion as the Council may direct, and shall cause to be published in Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: City Clerk _Q10® Form approved Corporation Counsel griginal to City Clerk s ORDI=NANCE 229779 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO — Page 2. the official paper at least one week preceding such hearing a notice setting forth the purpose, time and place of said hearing;" and insert the following in lieu thereof: "Whene er the owners of 50% or more of the frontage on any str et in any district or part thereof shall present a tition, duly signed and acknowledged, to the City Co cil requesting an amendment, supplement, change or re eal of the regulations prescribed for such district or part thereof, and shall have deposited with the City Clerk the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) if the property involved is ten thousand (10,000) square eet, or less, in area; and the sum of Five Dollars ( .00) for each ten thousand (10,000) square feet, or 1 s, in addition to the first ten thousand (10,000) uare feet, up to one hundred thousand (100 000) quare feet; and the sum of One Dollar ($1.003 for e ch additional ten thousand, (10,000) square feet, or less, in area over one hundred thousand (100,000) squ re feet, subject however to a maximum fee of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00); to be paid by the petitioners to cover th cost of publication and the investigation, preparation and mailing of notices as hereafter required, it s all be the duty of the Council to vote upon said petitio within 90 days after the filing of the same by the etitioners with the City Clerk; provided that no pe ition to rezone any property shall be filed or onsidered within six months after the Council has rejected a like petition to rezone said property. Upon the receipt of such petition, the Council shall consider same and refer it, together with all of the inf or)nation they may have on the matter to the Board of Zoni g, who shall make a careful investigation of the 3roposed change and view the district in which the change' \is proposed, pass upon the evidence obtained through succ� investigation and file with the City Council their report upon same within thirty days. The Council shall th reupon again consider the matter and fix a date for hears g and the Commissioner of Finance, not less than ten days prior to the time set for such hearing, shall mail to every known owmer at his last known address, or to the agent of the property included within the area within 200 feet of the property to be changed, a postcard notice stating the time and place for such hearing, with such inforination as the Council may direct, and shall cause to Ve published in the official paper at least one week preceding such hearing a notice setting fortht the purpose, time and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: Approved City Clerk Mayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By Oiiginal to City Clerk i PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE 229779 COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO — Page 3. place of said hearing. If a petition for an am"( ent, supplement, change or repeal of the regu tions prescribed for a district or part thereo is referred by the Council to the ' Board o Zoning and then withdrawn at the request of the pe itioner prior to the time the Board of Zoning 'les the report with the City Council as specifie hereinabove, the City Council, in its discretio , may, at the request of the petitioner, or the party paying the filing fee, grant a refund the filing fee not to exceed 50% of that fili fee. No refund of any portion of the req fired filing fee shall be made after the Board\ of Zoning has filed with the City Council the eport referred to herein." Section 2. This ordina ce shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and a ter its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest: City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against � :�, '. {___- r `' - .. -,- } y -rte f _` r �;�• s '�t.19 ;1966 - Dx. Noland Heiden Room 20 - - Building Dear Sir' 3 The City Council. twv Suggs "t!c i s of the 4ttached prop6sed ordinance be forded to- An n that when the matter is brought _up again' for its rd Reoi and roval of Fom on Sdp- ' tember 9th, 1966, your, c is There will -be taken into cgnbideration.. ` l truly y ours clerk City 2t/r _ ; • - - - _ dye - _ s, k - _ Avgumt i9; 1966 Ron. Oosoph J. Mitcl*il - City CaatptroIlor .� Imi.lding _ = Dear Sirt The City Council today silgodted the - , ie the attached propb,eed _ ordinance 'be forwarded `to you with' the t%t when the mattbr is brought up aga iin for its Th g ppr& l 6,f Form on Se - temb6r 9th, x:966, Year c n w'i taken into eonsidare%tioa. Very truly your$ $ ; A City Clerk '\ ng r m ' Z c LIP • m o N a o u L m m 'Ll > al/ t I o J-v T i � m � C Z o N + c u m 1n - C V V � 0 d to N en >- 7<Q .; 96G Dr, Nolana Haideen Roam 20 - Building a Q Dear Sir's ~ The M4 ,counail todv augo "tic i'a of the attached propcgbd ordinance be! forwt- Meed to Wi .in n that when the is brought up again for ite rd Read "d rdval of Vom _matter on Bete= - r= tamber 9th, X966, you c , to there will -be taken into '- congide ration.. ` - Very truly Yours y _ Oity Clerk V V ! s t• •_ 4 __ f v s • � -_ _M1 � , f it _ ..• r,• _ -- _ , - y: AuguOt 19j i966 - Hon. 4soph ti. Mitehel.l City comptroller - Building = t _ _ Dees Sir t Tne city Council to&w-suggested ,. ie the attached propoped ordinencd be forwarded to you with the that when the matt6x is brought tip again for its .r g pprove�1 of Fort on Se�- temb6r '9th ,%O yam' c n wi taken into considaiation. - - very tr1tv, ;YOUrm s , City Clerk _ ng fi - ., r r _ : ' - ^'... Y J `rya. _ . — • �' - L� Sept.- Mr. Robert L. Ames a City Architect Building.. _ Dear Sire. The City Council laid over for stud your the_Corportti,on Counsel and Dr.- Noland = Heiden an o inane nding the Zoning Code pertaining,to filing fees for pe ons:-t zone and - establishing - ' a policy for refunds. ; Very truly yours ° City Clerk - = .1 Sept. 9,-1966 _ r Mr.. Joseph' P. -_Summ ers . . ° - Corp6ration'Counse_1 - - _ Building ` Dear Sir: r. The,City Council -laid over for fur study you,. the City Architect- - and Dr. Noland Heiden an ordinan_c ndin a Zoning Code pertaining • t. to filing fees for petitions to re an tablishing a policy for _ refunds. - ry tru],y yours, t - City Clerk AO/ng i y �I IN { - Sept. 9,' 1966 Mr. _ Wola d Heiden Room 20 = 3 Y ' Building -Dear Sir: The -City Council laid over for furt study - you,- the'City Architect • E - -and the Corporation. Counsel an or ce ame ng the Zoning Code per- taining to: filing fees for__petit to re and establishing a policy .: for refunds. - - - Very truly yours, - AOingf 1 s City,Clerk -