229675ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. Ax qB-1-5- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUN IL ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE - WHEREAS, The Twin Cities Arms Plant is being;reactivated_ _and the Arms Plant Warehouse, which has heretofore been used for storing Civil Defense supplies, will no longer be available for such purpose; and j WHEREAS, There is a need for the City of Sai t Paul -to have a location where Civil Defense supplies ca be delivered -and subsequently distributed; and WHEREAS, The'Housing and Redevelopment Authority has a building suitable and available at 218 South Wabasha which can .be leased to the City for consideration of $1.00 aimonth; NOW, THEREFOR The proper City officials are hereby r authorized to execute .a lease of the Housing and Redevelopment' Authority of the City of-,,Saint Paul, as Lessor, and the City of Saint Paul, Bureau of Civil Defense, as Lessee, providing month to month rental of the eastern 1/2 of the second floor of the building located at 218 South Wabasha Street, to be used for the purpose of storing Civil Defense supplies. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish 4toilaand Meredith Peterson Tedesee- Mr. President, Byrne Asst. Corporation In Favor - V Against AUC 2 1966 Adopted by the Council 19- r AUG 21966. 19— Mayor AUG 6 1966 22