229674ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. 11A �FICE O THE CITY CLERK U UT N— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _ nATe_ Where s, he 4t of S au1, Department of Public Works,lhas initiated cond na ion ceeding. in connection with the following proposed public "impro ent: Dale Street from Central,Avenue to Fuller Avenue; and I 'Whereas, The Council finds that in connection with such proceedings it is necessary and expedient to hire and employ qualified real estate appraisers properly to appraise lands and structures which .are to be condemned under the process of eminent domain, so that the best interests of the City -may be protected to the end that a fair and not exorbitant value may be set on -such lands and structures about to be acquired under said condemnation proceedings and to call, if necessary, said real estate appraisers as wit- nesses in any court of law or before any duly appointed Board to give tes- timony and expert opinion evidence as to value; therefore, Resolved, That in all cases, when necessary for the purpose of expert real estate appraisal, the Commissioner of Finance, through the City Valuation - Engineer, is hereby authorized to hire and employ qualified real estate -appraisers to make appraisals of lands or structures about to be acquired -in condemnation proceedings initiated by the City under its power of .eminent domain in connection with the above referenced project.,,-5 said employment subject to approval of the Council; Further Resolved, That the compensation to be paid to such parties hired and employed as qualified real estate appraisers shall not exceed the charge generally prevailing in this community for a like service by quali- fied and technical experts in this particular professional field. AUG 2 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson AUG 21966 Dalglish 'i Approved 19- H,o1land: Meredith In Favor Peterson zi 1 Mayor Tedesm- A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED AUG 6 1966 22 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF THE I CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTRA- DEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION 1 TO: JAMES J. DALGLISH, COMMISSIONER FROM: J. William Donovan, Valuation Engineer DATE: August 1, 1966 l RE: DALE STREET OPENING FROM CENTRAL TO FULLER{ The attached resolution requests Council authorization for the Commissioner of Finance, through the City Valuation Engineer, to hire a qualified real estate appraiser to make a land appraisal for the acquisition of property on the east side of Dale Street ,from Central to Fuller in connection with the Department of Public Works' project to open, widen, and extend Dale Street between these limits. �I RB:If att. F,