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i i Original to City Clerk .O-RDINANCE �2 �2g6 COUNCIL FILE NO ,I PRESENTED BY � �� ORDINANCE NO- 132 — An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 13113, passed and approved by the Council December 8, 1965, granting permission to St. John's Lutheran Church to grade and surface with bituminous material and do all work necessary -- -and incidental thereto in the alley located on the W. 20' of Lot 27, Block 2, SchTmeier and Evans addition to St. Paul and to provide drainage facilities as necessary according to plans and specifications as furnished by the Department of Public Works and to grade and sur- face with bituminous material and do all work necessary and incidental thereto for a turning area located at the intersection of Beech and Hope Streets, and also to provide the necessary I, drainage facilities in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works and according to plans and specifications as furnished by th'e Bureau of Engineers of the Department of Public Works. 1 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance Number 13113 reading as follows: 114. Said permittee, after the inceptionlof said work, shall prosecute said work continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works on or before July 15, 1966. "; is hereby amended to read as follows: "4. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute said work continously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works on or before' October 15, 1966. Section 2. Said permittee shall, within teni(10) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a wr-itten, acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in force '30 days, �apassage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Carlson Dalglish H4hand Meredith Petersen. Vice '410* j 'Form approved Corporation Counsel �I AW 171966 Passed by the Council 1 Tn Favor Against auU i 7 1966 PUBLISHED AUG 2 0 188 Duplicate to Printer .ORDINANCE 29, %2 PRESENTED BY Yeas Attest: COUNCIL FILE NO r ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 13113, passed and approved by the Council Dedember 8, 1965, granting permission to St. John's Lutheran Church to grade and surface with bituminous material and do all work necessary and incidental thereto in the alley located on the W. 20' of Lot 27, Block 2, Schteier and Evans addition to St. Paul and to provid drainage facilities as necessary according to plans and specifications as furnished by the Department of Public Works and to grade and sur- face with bituminous material and do all work necessary and incidental thereto for a turning area located at the intersection of Beech and Hope Streets, and also to provide the necessary drainage facilities in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Works and according to plans and specifications as furnished by the Bureau of Engineers of the Department of Public Works. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 4 of Ordinance Number 13113 reading as follows: "4. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute said work continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works on or before July 15, 1966.11; is hereby amended to read as follows: 114. Said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute said work continously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Commissioner of Public Works on or before October 15, 1966." Section 2. Said permittee shall within ten (10) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. Sect This ordinance shall take effect and be in ar:F force 30 dayse assage, approval and publication. Councilmen Nays Carlson DalgUsh Holland Meredith Peterson fir Vice President (Peterson) -4w® City Clerk Form approved Corporation Counsel By Passed by the Council Approved: AUG 171966 In Favor Against AUG 17 1966 Mayor - ts Dlleato� W.Deparkaenl � '. ' � ' � , ■`•1( 0 Al �f {r V ; r / COUNCIL FILE NO. (� ('_,nom PRESENTED BY �-�,•..._�_._ . ORDINANCE 1 O .w An ordinance granting pormission to dto John ° s Lutheran Church to grade and surface with bituminous...., %, Lutheran and do all Fork necessary and incidental 'r ,t':,.,• , thereto in tho all to L •• �:; _ •;. •�. alley sated on the �. 20B 'of Lot �'' : F'�.'••. •.f , 27 s Block 20 8chumeier and .Evans addition to St. " . c, Paul and to provide drainage facilitios as necessary according to plans and specifications as furnished : by tho Department of Public Works and to gr,ade and surface with bittiraZno�ag material. and do all, work ; necessary and ,incidental, thereto for a turning 1 y. .' area located at the intersection of Beech and Hope �•' ` traRi:s and also tv provide the necessary drainage •jar '4 facilities in a manner satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public ,Works and according to plans and 'specificmtionsr'" as -turnishod by the Bureau of Engineers of the Department Sd•J!k ' of Public Works d , , , i ' �:• , .. � . THE COURCIL OF %'R CITY 0? SAI17T ;k173L DOES ORDAXNt Section I.' That pormf.csi m and authority are hereby grantod f:o ;t. John° s Lutheran Church to grade and surface • Frith bituminous material af> � e �z do a7.1 Fork necessary and incidantr�l,�,y-., ; thereto ia� the alley locnted on the W. 201 of Lot 27 Block 20 '` Y Schumoier and Finans Addition to ctEa Paul and to provIde drainage facilities as necessary according to plans-and tpccifications as furnished by the Depertmont of Public dorks and to grade and surface with tituminous material and do all work necessary and indiden.tal thereto for as turning' area located at the intersection Of � eech and Hope Streots and also to provide the necessary diainoge facilities in m manner satisfactory to the Commisnion(- :o of Public Works and according - i to plans and spociflcation-e an 17urnlahed by the Bureau of . ' ;} :Y;•' it Engineers of the Department on Public .Works. a` Oeation 20' That the Commissioner •of Publla,Works is f ' f` heroby authbri.ted to issue a permit to St. J ? -,hn °s Lutheran ''• Church to grade and surface with bituminous material the sbove, :' mentioned alley and turning Area$ sub je,ct to its compliance with the following conditions; le Said prrmitteo °htQ1 grade and surface said `allay and turning area ontirel y ~.t: � :b own expense and under the supervision and to the sat. of -: - Aon of the Commissioner of Public `' - ^ with the plans ,and spocif ications ��orlis And i❑ Jr1L'��aci;:ii��� of the Department of, Pub? ie tj%)j':s. i 2. ' Said peinittee hr.11 pay the cost „of engineering 4 0 and inepoction ,of said work and. shall pay, the cost of,,publication'. `�: • of this ordinance. laid p6rtnttte shf4ll properly protect all excavations Yeas Councilmen ' ' ' 1Vry8 "i�'` passed by the Council . - Da.lglish .,f '� Holland ' Y:j h :7' " • :; ; r ' Loss ':Y: ', t _ i,{,.,. ', rr Favor Mortinsan ” :. r •,. a : Peterson Y'r :. ', `; r' A. saint Rosen • �. Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved:- -- City Clerk ' „, ' Mayor !hi 8-62 e+22 , Form approved Corporation Counsel By.- pogo 2e wade in any subject alley or turning areas both day rand night$ ,`' ';t .• so an to avoid all damage or injury to person or property and csholl properly fill and tarp any subject alloy or .turning area,. to avoid settling.' 4. Said permitteca s id after the inception of s work, ' - . . shall prosecute said work continuously's with,diligence,and ful]y complote said work to the satisfaction and approval of ; tho Commissioner of Public Works on or before July,l5q 1966- Said permittee oxpre€ssl.y agrees and undertakes to silly indemnify and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any and all damegeog claims, losee si judgments$ suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned ! by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission and authority. t 1 - 6. Said permittoo shall not proceed to grade and Y? surface said alley and turning area unless and until said permittQe ' has fully complied with the provisions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Pauls Tepartment ' � of Public works Specifications for Street and Sewer Construationt' dated April 19 19599 as amended, Section 1.44 and Pound ` on pages 1 -13 through 1 -17 of said specifications applicable to contractors. For the purposes of this ordinances the aforesaid section of said Specifications numbered 1.44 shall be read as though the word "permittee" were sub$tituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same appears in the afb ressa.id Section 1.44 of said SpQeificationso Said Section 1.44 of the 3pecificaations for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul is hereby incorporated herein by reference as fully rand completely as if cot forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall be in such form as the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may directs and the documents required by the aforesaid Section 1.44 shall after submission to the Cozp oration i ..Counsel be filed in they office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. i 70 3eid permittee shall furnish a bond to than City of saint, Paul in the suit of $1090009 conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, loses judgments, sults9 ., } costs, charges and ®xpensea that may accrue to persons or ru ert� occasioned by the making of the sold improvement or i i arising out of the same° t• 8. Said permittees before entering upon or doing any of the grading and surfacing herein permitted and authorized, ' shall procure from the abutting owners such easements in and to the abutting property as may be necessary for slopesq eutO and fillss and shall obtain a written release frOM such ' Obi?%8 releasing and discharging the City from any and all r , damages by reason of than grading and, surfacing of said alley and turning area and ahall file oald writton reloaso with the Doyaartment of Public works, lleate to Depertmem , r( ',,COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY • ORDINANCE No. ' +. 1 `t '} 't`r';'; L:Y'�.. ..t ',, .i• � .t.'., ::r�,1r'rr "�P.�`:yr> "4''r. ;. `- �;�'X's �,�=at. �iy; ti:. .�.- :. '•r �',• %`J °`• • 1 1' - 1 ,,1 t •._ 77�Mj� •1 � AC' ,y'•, ;' .;..i,;i 1., G,r � r':i •+•.� _ ',` I ' }.• '. r' 1, li ro d 0 } ,,, '` 't •`.r •t. {!'' '1.r{ :r't ; :ia ' +''. +rf,; {, 90 Said pormittee shall, within' ton' days after the* pas off° this ordinance, file a uritte�r�' aeceptaraco thereof • ;..,, :,with the City 1 r� - . •• �; "'•,;; � � .��ction;.- ,e � This, or di�ana1 e • ' 4; a h. e,•r� ab,-1 - declared' , t , ,• . �: .� - - to- be an, "<; ; emergency ordinance rend©r�,d necessary,f'or, tho-proservation ` of the public, peaces. health and aafet ', :r• e ' This or����ne ' s 'and' be in ®dtib1 h �i ' i." force UpPa 1ta.'pQ8aEa9o0 approval and publicationor',,t',,+;,,,::r_I; •r ,'� i'��,r r 'j. -(! '� ., .P 'rlr,ii. /.. :!� 'i, j ;,`'.� +,' r' ,f ', 1 i,• -,J' n :.r el�;i r., ''r'• 'e:, vS�'Y •,i' ..5, .:r ,. ,.;::: ./'' l �'Jr '�'' .•�''- t :a /Y' �t %` :7' •.�.,�.� • - .i < } ;.• •s` _ t'r'y _ f ,rJSr }!', ':f •l�•rr�' '1.. •'r�'ri .f: %7 t, �✓` �'!`, !tL -�, i' �.,,; x' 'i+^ 'i.!` •r'`•,.! :1•;'r ' ;�' i� •'7 "� '�. ,•4.J..,. a .y,l.ir,,,�i r: ,•fi. ." '.r J. r rYii(' ,3 •.. /.'h� .,y.. 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' .�. •r/ fit• .`�::.j �; _;�'%� :.1: +- �;:. ;.,:,, i �`_• � ;��• � �' �-• � , •DEC 8 ti � • � '_ Yeas Councilmen Nays J ' 't °' ' ' Passed by the Council Dalglish ,u..s` Holland Loss ' 3�t: "7i�h•C��� �., . �; 'r, � • :' :' , ;, � ' ' to Favor - Peterson Against,,, Rosen �41r Mr. President (Vavoulis) }r `�.�•. ,; `, Approved: Attest: o. - City Clerk .'Mayor ►e "2 -M,�-zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By r 1 r' i I WM. BATIMEISTER CONSTR UCT][ON CORPORATION 4+15 HAMM 1=3UILDING TELEPHONE 222 -053T SAINT PAUL, MINNESO 5-5102 July 20, 1966 City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 VqOY7 9�� e 1331 Re: St. Johnts luth. Church Z,71 Margaret aint Paul; Minnesota Attn: Greg Beckett Gentlemen: We are asking an axtei-i-;ion of time on completing alley paving and cult desae p",vi n,; which was due for completion July 15 , 1966.- Very truly yours, 11M. BAUMEIST_ER CONSTRUCTION Y AHB,JR :jd Aug.. ��2 P �. . Win.' Bautitister,Const. yCo.-O - ' 415 -Hemm Building, . St. Paul.,- Minn* ' Gettlement - We enolode a copy -of brd.i No.. ].8s granting you. an extension of - time in connection the ng ,and zurfaclfig of - the alley located on the _W. �00' of 27, 21 Schwr *ier and R aM Addition, for St. John's Luthe C ; also bill. in ,the sum = } _ of $12.80 to.gover the cost of blica, of this brdinance*.` we can your s al atitte -on .t ation 2 w'hiah requires the filing of an accept of thia nance within ten days,t� be r filed In this - cMrica; R 366 j City If not so file.' the ordinawe beat ee ' void. . Very truly yours, _ -. City Clods - hp. St. Paul, Minnesota,- August 22, 1966._ ji To the H6norabie, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota. • , . _ • I _ G� , ' Gentlemen: j ; . ;'; ' w, 7'. RS We;-the undersigned,' do hereby accept and agree to _- abide by all the terms=-and conditions of Council File No.•229672; being Ordinance No: 13318,. ;adopted by the Council on August 17, 19660 _. -_ - ,, -_'� :: •',.: it -, # ', - _. t = ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH = + By 4 WM. BAUMEISTER CONSTRUCTION , C CORPORATION ` 415 HANIM BUILDING _ - TELEPHONE 222 -0537 y 'SAINT PAUx, 2, MINNE6oTA^ = _ Augus t 30 - 1966 s Mr. Harry'`E.. Marshall, City .Clerk _ Bureau of Records 386 -_City Hall Saint Pau. 1, - minne sots - - 55102 _ p - Deax' Mr.. _ _ _" � # :.. - :. •. _ �_ _- T .�,- :- -__ , -,� We. are 'herewith returning the f.aaceptance" of- ~Ordinance No.- :13318 granting an `extension of time in connection with grading' - _ - • _' ` = D _ -and surfacing of an, alley for St. Jobw a Lutheran.Church as,. _ requested 'in your-letter of August ,22, 2966. = - Very truly yours----, *M.' BAUMEISTER'CONSTRUCTION r '� ~ crota_ry; - - Enc. - '- ~ _ ' -• - - - _ _ l_. - _ . � _ _ `" rte, .� ,_ ., -: _ . 71 _ ' - = - y _ _ -, - ' _ - . ^ ", _ _ • - 1, f S a__ , ; - ^ `�• ' ` o� Ist 2nd r 1? Laid over to 3rd and app.P_Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �arlson Carlson '®algliah �alglish 'Holland 204967 \ d- I•olland' \Meredith lo�leredith Peterson �^ V Tedesco \Tedesco Mr. President Byrne1'r'.Ei'irrsi ` e? �`s1@ " "..... �. ® Mr. Vice Pregl'dent (Peterson)