229671r Original to City Clerk ORDINAN ;CE 2-1 COUNCIL FILE NO " �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO I An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 64316, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading "Group A ", the lines: "Boilermaker 4.3011 "Bricklayer 4. 29" "Cement Finisher 3.98" "General Blacksmith 4.30" "Iron Worker 4.09" "Iron Worker Foreman 4.54" "Plumber 4.34" "Steamfitter 4.34" "Stone Mason 4.29" ; and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Boilermaker r 4.45" "Bricklayer 4.43" "Cement Finisher 4. 02" "General Blacksmith 4.45" "Iron Worker 4.24" "Iron Worker Foreman 4.6911 ~ "Plumber 4.52" "Ste amfitte r 4.5211 "Stone Mason 4.43 ". Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, where they appear under the heading "Group B ", the lines: -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish In Favor Holland Meredith Against Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved Attest: City Clerk 11 ayor Form approved Corporation Counsel By Original to City Clerk � J W s = ORDINANCE 22967. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ` ~- '' '" ORDINANCE NO "Air Compressor Operator $3.45" "Backfiller Operator 3.83" "Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3.46" "Bituminous Spreader Operator 3.83" "Hoisting Engineer 3.83" "Mixer Engineer 3.711 ! "Motor Equipment Operator 3.71" "Motor Equipment Operator- -Water Department 3.71" "Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 3.83" if Shovel Operator 4.0-311 "Pumperete Operator 3.92" "Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3.561' "Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 3.8311; and, by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following lines: "Air Compressor Operator $3.46" "Backfiller Operator 3.88" "Bituminous Curb Machine Operator 3.48" "Bituminous Spreader Operator 3.88" "Hoisting Engineer 3.88" r � 10'Mixer Engineer 3.57" "Motor Equipment Operator 3.74" "Motor Equipment Operator- -Water Department 3.74" "Paving Breaker (Hydra Hammer Operator) 3.88" "Power Shovel Operator 4.07" "Pumperete Operator 3.96" "Roller Engineer (Under 6 tons) 3.57" "Roller Engineer (6 tons or over) 3.88 ". r Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II, under the heading "Group G", the following lines: Yeas Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Attest City Clerk Nays 11VA11 Form approved Corporation Counsel By where they appear Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Tn Favor Against Original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 229671 COUNCIL FILE NO 1 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- "Asphalt Batcherman $3.30" "Asphalt-Laborer 3.21" "Asphalt Raker 3. 62" "Bridge Crew Leader 3.50" "Bridge Laborer 3.30" "Building Laborer 3.21" "Concrete and Curb Laborer 3.21" "Ditch Digger 3.30" "Jackhammer Operator 3.35" "Kettle Fireman 3.30" "Labor Crew Leader 3.41" "Miner 3. 8Z'1 "Miner- -Water Department 3.82" "Mortar Mixer 3.33" "Public Works Laborer 3.21" "Roofer's Helper 3.21" "Sanitation Laborer 3.21" "Sewer Crew Leader 3.'50" "Sewer Laborer 3.30" "Sewer Maintenance Laborer 3.30" F "Sewer Pumping Station Operator "Street Sweeper "Tamper "Tunnel Laborer "Vibrator Operator "Unskilled Laborer 3. 60" 3..21" 314811 3-14Z " 3:3011 3, 21" ; and, by substituting in lieu:- thereof, respectively, the following lines: -3- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson 1 Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) • Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor ® j Form approved Corporation Counsel By I ' iJ ' , 4 v• r Orleinal to City Clark ' - ORDINANCE I I 229671 COUNCIL FILE NO J PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO -. "Asphalt Batcherman I I I $3.37" "Asphalt Laborer 3.29" "Asphalt Raker 3.68" "Bridge Crew Leader 3.57" "Bridge Laborer 3.37" I "Building Laborer 3.29" "Concrete and Curb Laborer 3.29" "Ditch Digger 3.37" "Jackhammer Operator 3.4211 "Kettle Fireman 3.3711 I "Labor Crew Leader- 3.4911 "Miner 3.8 711 "Miner- -Water Department 3.8711 "Mortar Mixer 3.4011 "Public Works Laborer 3.2911 i 11Rooferis Helper 3.2911 "Sanitation Laborer 3.29'1 "Sewer Crew Leader 3: 5711 "Sewer Laborer 3.3711 "Sewer Maintenance Laborer 3.3711 "Sewer -P- amping Station Operator 3.6711 "Street Sweeper 3.2911 "Tamper 3.5511 "Tunnel Laborer 3.5011 11Vibrator Operator 3.3711 "Unskilled Laborer 3.2911 v Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after/OctoPer 1, 196 . following he first day o the first payroll period i _4_ I AUG, 17 1966 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish `.) In Favor Holland— Meredith /J Against Tede.R _ AUG 171966 r /..' ..... .. Mr. Vice i t .. son) Approved City e'r - Actin ayo j / _0495000 55 Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED AUG 2 0 196G Irt 2, 966 For your iaomtion, ty a 1 today sd" Firat - ;o an Ordinance tip'- F* 22 nd3 c rto,w 61" by - tourly ratOls -of certain a 3 Mecba�nical.Trades bird ikeading and Approval. will be Aiwat 10th. city C1ork, Chit civi beta • Reuc Div9 hp p r = - Irt 2, 966 For your iaomtion, ty a 1 today sd" Firat - ;o an Ordinance tip'- F* 22 nd3 c rto,w 61" by - tourly ratOls -of certain a 3 Mecba�nical.Trades bird ikeading and Approval. will be Aiwat 10th. city C1ork, JAMES J. DALGLISH COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL 113 CITY HALL August 2, 1966 This ordinance covers raises in pay for certain employees in the mechanical trades. It is in accord with the long standing policy of the City to set such pay rates on the basis of &es paid by private industry in Saint Paul. Civil Service has prepared this ordinance with the approval of the Office of Corporation Council. .1 / J 24� ,!"� & 4444e--� 22 st i : 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app Adopted " Yeas Nays Yeas Na y �arlson �carlson alglish Holland I<Meredith HOIIIIF d-- 2296`7 \Meredith Peterson �Peter�8ii V I Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President Byrne ADO@ i Vice President (Peterson)