229632Original to City Clerk ,t PRESANTeD BY Yeas 0 Attes 1M a ORDINANCE I COUNCIL FILE NO 229632 ORDINANCE NO. - ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out subsection G of Section 8, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "G HOURLY COMPENSATION-- With regard to positions in the Graded Division, if it is desired to pay an employee on an hourly rather than a bi- weekly rate, such hourly rate shall be determined by increasing the bi- weekly rate by 1076 if the employee has less than five years of full -time service, by 12°/o if the employee has five but less than 20 years of full -time service, and by 14% if the employee has 20 years of full -time service, and dividing by 80, computed to the nearest quarter cent; provided, however, that no employee shall suffer any reduction in compensation as a result of the adoption of this amend- ment. (The additional compensation herein provided is in lieu of vacation, sick leave, and holidays with pay.)"', Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 9 B 3 (c), after the title "Supervisor of Ground Maintenance - -Parks and Recreations", the title "Supervisor of Inspectors ". Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title "Accounting Clerk I" where it appears in Section 9 B 3 (d', and by substituting in lieu thereof the title "Accounting Clerk H ". Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: Counci Nays Dalglish n HHolsleanndd ' erM edith Peterson` G' R L&,u usexr ivil Service ommi sione 1 AUG 1 1966 Passed by the Council IIn Favor d I Against Mr. President _ U AUG 1 1 196 Approved: 11441 City Clerk ay r X22 Form approved Corporation Counsel B PUBLISHED AUG 13 1968 r 1 4 229632 Presently employees whose rate of pay is changed from a bi- weekly rate to an hourly rate are granted an extra 1576 in lieu of paid holidays, vacation and sick leave. Since this 1576 rate was computed, the number of holidays has been reduced, the amount of sick leave used has been reduced, and the length of the vacation periods have been changed, so that new employees receive a shorter vacation than older employees. This ordinance provides different percentages which reflect the situation with regard to holidays, vacation, and sick leave as they are today. The new percentages would apply only to persons employed hereafter and would not affect present employees. I - I sty i 2nd Laid over to GG 0 3rd and app Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays \ ���arlson xJ Carlson al lish Dal lish 9 9 olland 22% \ Holland eredith Meredith / eferson Peterson lUi edesco Tedesco r. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne