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Council File No. 229829 —By James J.
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Robert W. Erickson, and others, that
section of public alley hereinafter de-
scribed be and the same, hereby is
vacated and discontinued as a public
alle :
The westerly 12 feet of that part of
the alley in Block 21, St. Anthony
Park North, lying between Doswell
Avenue and the northerly line of
Lot 20, Block 21, extended westerly;
subject expressly to the following
conditions and reservations;
1. That the portion of the alley to be
vacated be described as follows:
vacate the westerly 12 feet of that
part the alley in Block 21, St.
Anthonof y Park North, lying between,
the north line of Doswell Avenue
and the northerly line of Lot 20 of
said Block 21, extended Westerly;
2. that the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
228 of the Legislative Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure
and prescribing conditions for the
vacation of public grounds, streets,
alleys and highways in the City of
Saint Paul;
3. that a specific easement be retained
- to protect the interests of the North-
ern States Power Company;
4. that the petitioner pay to the City
the sum of $480 as compensation for
the vacatioh and provide the City
with a bond in the amount of $1,000.
Adopted by the Council July 27, 1966.
Approved July 27, 1966.
(July 30, 1966)