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Council File No. 229626 -By James J:
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Arlington Hills English Evangelical
Lutheran Church, that section of public
alley hereinafter described be and the
same hereby is vacated and discon-
tinued as a public alley:
The easterly 120 feet of the east -
west alley in Block 2, Evans Addi-
tion to the City of Saint Paul;
subject expressly to the following con -
ditions and reservations:
1. That the portion. of the alley to be
vacated be described as: the easterly
120 feet of the east -west alley in
Block 2, Evans Addition to the City
of Saint Paul;
2. That the petitioners dedicate to the
City for alley purposes the follow-
ing: the westerly 18 feet of Lot 3,
Block 2, Evans Addition to the City
of Saint Paul;
3. That the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
228 of the Legislative Code, as
amended, regulating the procedure
and prescribingg conditions for the
vacation of public grounds, streets,
alleys and highways in the City of
Saint Paul;
4. That the petitioners cause the dedi-
cated 18 -foot strip to be graded and
surfaced to conform with the exist-
ing alley, to the satisfaction of the
,.Department of Public Works;
5. That specific easements be retained
to protect the interests of the
Northern States Power Company
and the Northwestern Bell Tele-
phone Company;
6. That in view of the property ex-
change, the petitioner, be required
to pay $50 as compensation for the
vacation and provide the City with
a bond in the amount of $4,000.
Adopted by the Council July 27, 1966.
Approved July 27, 1966.
(July 30, 1966)