Resolution Ratifying Assessment By
In the matter of the assessment of bdA0it0# Coots #z4 exenses For coo�etruction ead-
•• r
xestoraticax Of s0eolka and York 1hei40tol theft-01 COAU76 t 0 302,. Levy Ito.
Y! r ASSESSABLEt ,!,• ':� } •r > - %�" - �-` _ s•r .sy - - - a
1F.0. 216 - - Forest St., :-both sides 'fromc Wend-
Si. ,o °Sins lAirQ.. 4 }•
x --'
-F.O. #2].9217 - Forest Ste both,sldes from Sias Ave. to Case Ave.
s -F.0. 019418 - Burr St., both sides from Cook Ave. to Msenolia Ave.a
F.O. #2189 5 - :Qes•anlua Ave.p both sides from Westminster St. to Arirfght St.
F.O. 019 -, Mendota St.; `rest side from Magnolia Ave. north approx. 1Q2 ft.
-and on the north side of Wpolis Ave. from Mendota St. vest
approx. 38 ft. abutting 875 )bzaolia Ave.
F.O. X219417 meals St., both sides frost Edgerton St. to POW Ave.'
F.O..#2195?7 - Jessie St., east side from: Cook Ave. to Magnollai Aire.'and on
I ui�Fr+e3ir ti�eksouth side of_ I�e�gaolia {Ave: rl sfdj:l =Sty: �eaat "tto`' `ths� e].1e ",_"'�"•
F.O. X219412 Sims Ave., both sides from Jackson St., to Agate St. f
�i 219!►95 .•cl�ry' Ave bot2 aideaF_ fros►'�Arc de St:° to' t 'w d -150 4 ue
F.O. ,#218936 - Bedford Step both sides from Beaumont St.- to Hinnebaba Ave.
Fii�Y 'R -'^�= �r.}n�a.. aft+. �rt�wtr'it.y.a,.e..t��in*ar.r.a *,ra.tcer�.�. tWY'► ax. ni: a; w�. srt�FSrY. �wr,�rps.x�caia.wwG.+etl+F•�«r
....192 ltr s ;*striSt lippbothl side �€Ifroattcweltetg't: tto gl" WVe- .pver lei.t, and said as. ess-
F.O. X21$935 - tieranitms Ave. bQ th sided Westrdneter St tQ,Aj'kwri t St-
} '• -- +'.. -,i nr �rnP : Ca z7r. ^+ •tTt' to A �� -1(� "'rlv • T r
e�frb�n'�0 en�rtkx'ap`riuc: `122 ft:`sfacto.a,
1,c i thcz efo�o
-and on the north side of Magnolia Ave. from Mendota St. west
a�pprou. 38 ft. abutting 875 Magnolia Ave.
F.O. (219417 - Bells St., both sides from Edgerton St. to Payne Ave.
F.O. 1219.5.77'i�,; Jessie lPt.;, e�le fo.zllag< olia'Av+e':l'etidrein is .anal the
the south side of Metao]ia Ave. from Jessie St. ,east, to the alley .
F:0 =219495' >`'•'"Itly -Av6.b bbthis $es rlYrom£`AY'Rade'��St: `tob �'t st'�']:j0:`lt: for ZZ- 711M
F.0. 9936:- ftdtoridSt�L�;bo�thdeL,�n�Tra�a
,St > «r SAraingd ;tc, be
payable in equal installments.
Yeas Nays }
Meredith ,
Byrne . i Tn Favor
Form R -2 2M 10 -63 8LO go.. Against
• °� , r
k �
JUL 2 71966
Adopted by the Council
r. `• JUL 27 1966
s APP A.Up ra
*Y" or
, QLISHED 0 166
• 1
Report of Completion of Assessment
_In the matter of the assessment of 1rid$"E Qi31L4
r - •
1.0joXtbrI at Aoo 3
.40: 9216 Forest Ste, both sides from Wells St*- to S3ma Ave.
F.O. 19217 - Forest St:i both sides from Sims Ave. to Case Ave:
F.O. #219418 - Burr St., both sides from Cook Ave. to Magnolia Ave. ,
F.O.: # 935 - Geranium Ave :,'both sides from Westminster-St, to Arkwright Ste
F.O. #219544 - Mendota St., west side from Magnolia Ave. -north approxi 122 ft,;,•
i and on the north side of Magnolia Ave, from Mendota St: west
i approxi 38 ft.. abutting 875 Magnolia Ave:
F :O. #219417 - Wells St *, both sides from Edgerton St: to Peyne Ave:
F.O,2i9577 +Jessie 3t,, east side from Cook Ave: to Magnolia Ave. and on
the south side of Magnolia Ave: from'Jessie Ste' east to the alley, {
F.O.. - 219412. - .,Sims Ave ,,,,both.,.sides. from•' Jackson .:S.t;,,tto.:Agate, -St._,
FA:. -Ivy Ave:, botfi+ sides from Axcade St4 to the
att4:t,c.s . w Meist nc e 1 50 f:
F.oO :: X218 d side
i_96 to � ,bth V
NON7 ASSHSgABLE -'4Rua" 9i'7fia+try�.F+,r et+ Ssr�:t+p,dt.9•"yi 34� =.. ii ` �'Y� �i�`l'�.r?'T a= "F ` tirlt.:cs, ,.:.Y ' ^vN'.,k ±�'x v.-tOk bik +x;:+76.1 .r Y$�eSe `-
:0: 1921. Forest "St - -both sides From Wells St: to 9iins Ave.
F:Ot both sides from Westminster St. to Arkwri t -St.
F4 f2195 - �Meridota 5., west side from Magnolia Ave._ north approx: 122 ft.
The Co n,.and.,on the -no�.} hy� aide ofyM gnolia Ave ,frown Mendota „St west
TTl a.i.a �•.'_8 u,C"3ia . �r _ ' I. ,Y,._,• !RSC _.� ient C1f the km
approx4 A. abutting 875�o Ave.
it z enent, ui�: op ' : v FWls 'St hs g fom gest t%ayefve
F404 #21.9577 - Jessie St., east side from Cook Ave. to Magnolia Ave: and on E
; Ahe��south- side of Magnolia Ave, from Jessie- St': east t1�;the�allsy.:
F.O, #2.19495', �,Iv'y�,�Ave :, both sides from'Aroaiie `St: i o� the. west 150 f w
F.O. #218936:' dfora St:, 'iotfi' si`d'es 'from B�sumont' 8t: io'Minnehalia
Ins 01ma ......................... • .....: _ ... • . + �Q�, yy�
eAPliA...,.- . -.-. -- - -. �.�- ....�...._�._._. _ .- •_...�ir` - GV �� �'5 --
Publications .......... ........................... $ 202 50
Collection costs ................................... $ 05 00
Court costs for confirmation ...................... $ 20 25
TOTAL EXPENDITURES .... ......... 19, 432 54
Charge to .................... ... $$
1.,357 12
. ...................... ...Non.Assessabie.... $ 449 20
Net Assessment ... ............................... $ 17s 2 22
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to-wit: the sum of $ 172626/22 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated - June 28, 1966 Co issioner 'nance.
Form R^2 2M 10 -68 8