229612ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK n CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r` NC SOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONS DATE WBMMO, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the proposed construction of the Shepard Road Bridge, 900 feet southwest of Otto Avenue over the Shell Oil Company and the Mobil Oil Company pumping facilities, as approved July 7, 1966, by Council ,Resolution C.F. No. 229409; now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, be it I RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as approved by the Council, be and the same' are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. 4, which is attached to and made a part of this Resolution and of the afore - mentioned plans and specifications; and that further, all interested parties be notified of this Addendum. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson r Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Xedesca­ MY. Vice President (Holland) Adopted by the Coune, U L 2 6 19M I9_ JUL 2 61966 �_c Tn Approve 19— Favor J Acting Mayor Against PUBLISHED JUL 30 1966 X22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 229612 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WA W"$ It 1*9 bean 'tomA no"Issary to ObA." * ADWY W WMd ftftlu potims of the plats and Ap"ift"ums huewr6re - �tw tJ* PrOWftd emobnwItion of the ft"rd ft" W141po 900 r"t 80uth"Bt Of fttO AVGmW 0"r +,J* SbAU, 04 Compaty *ad t4w Wbjl compay raving ftewtusi 00 vpxw" "]$ 7,0 Iwo W C6=wu R0w1uWLw CNIP. lkoe 999h4gi. Ww$ tbomfMa,0 up= the nation Of the 0=401510mr Of ftbUo Iforks, be It W=09 Mgt VA %KlAm smd ft the 0a" nom*d 11111110m, i I - ts " OVPrcw*d bpi the Coun*ll,,. b* omd the Mm a* hereby W*Uods Abd1f.Ud WA SuRnUd IU Wcwd*W* Vith'Addeubm No. h* vuch Is xtbwb" to aud a*& a port of thU ftWautlWN&U of the &ftra* ,BwmU*3&d rims *Ad 434 tbat. furt.bws 611. jut"offbad yattUi► be nqUft" of Wig A&Ian&*. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish " Hoflaud- Meredith T-e� Tedesco Mr. Vice President (Holland)" Tin, Favor 6 Against JUL 2 61966 Adopted by, the :Council 19— .-JUL 2.61966 Approved' Mayor XU d Read. Bridge 900' S.W. of Otto No. 4 AD�xrx Proj. 1-258 Mak 64- 194-04 �+s WELDED CONSMUMON: '2?96 01e3 following notes Mall mVearse3de air conflicting notes in the plans or speciflcmtions. All welded construction shall be dame in accordance with the require-. amts of M.H.D. 2471.3J, except me modified below: (A) The - -I mrants of the Amwiceann Welding Society "Specifications for Welded Him and Radlvey Bridges" - 1.963 Edition.* Section 4, Workmnsbip MA 'DAniem, AeragMh 4" • QUlIty of Welds (b) and the s-iuis�nct8 of the Minnesota Dapartmee0ct of Hi is "Standard 9pecificatiems for High Constructice - dated Jmuny 1, 1964, un"r M.H.D. 2471.Abl - General, of t&*L first two lIMS on Padya IIot 5% shall be cbmed to read as •follow: "WQlds shall have no cracks aor inCOMlete fusion cr peastratim and, regardless of the mthod of dnspee tion, null hawse no dofiee:ts exceeding the follaering 13mits in size or freqummy of occurrence," (B) Field weldi1 g,, for the purpow of preae►ieiing supports for construc- tion loads, such as running rails for power - operated strIke-off machines, falcovark brackets., etc. will not be permitted on prlmxyr stress carrying (stool bm=, girdeersffi, eat$. ), except uben such volding is done on ea r lugs or other appurtenances which are not an Integral part of the Pr1=7 stress carrying umber. (C) vslding on prIMM7 stress carrying mmaers (steal bed, girders, etc. ) for the purposs of providing supports for the constmetion loads M=Uomd above, sill ba permitted only when so indicated can the shop detail, dmwbw and shall be sabjOCt to the eg novel of tb2 Stroml Dtatals Engineer. (D) X3gmtIc Perticle Imapee tioM is required and M.H.D. 2471.3J4d2 shall be modified to include the following: The Contractor e1a11 test at least one foot of every 10 foot length of fillet Wald and am foot of each fillet veld. Less than 10 fint in length of each adze and type of ZLU&t mald made on girders, floor bamm, strigprs, bearing shoos and other n3mbers, including the end connections for mwh mss, by the Dry Parader tic Prartlele inspection Method in the presence of the Str ctursal m tal,s Lumector. Mm tests eheal be located at rand= in the ors so as to be typdeesl for each size: and type of weld. T#e CesatrV.Otw shall be fully responsible far the soundness of all welds and be such iurniesh to the 8trumftral. Motels Ingimer or hia authorized reap - recentati" a detailed report of mW evidence of cracking and vnaound colds which do not meet the requdremsents for saundames as specified in the Standard Specifications and those Special Prcmieaiams. The 8traatura7. Metais MuPeeetOr vl.3.1 exandne the magmtle particle tests and all meldea shall heave his appravval before the mmcbers will be accepted. -1- Shepard Road Brides Addendum No. ' S.W. of Otto (Continued) Proj. w258 wA 64- 3.94.04 If umeceptable deflects ere found in coy test length of geld, the full length of the geld, or five feet on eittber side of the text 2=gSbjp Tichever is lesser, oball be magnetic particle tested. Welds requiring repalrs a aall be retested after the repairs are weft. The regt:iralelato of this section shall anly equally to ahop and field voids. (B) Radiographic Lotion M.H.D. 2471.3J4d4 shall w wfied to tmiude the following: 100 per cent of all butt gelds shad be exazimd, by radiographic Inspection. -M radio&Whia inspoaUon shall be cis by the Contractor in vlth the requlremants of M.H.D. 24 i.3Ad$, extept as =d1fled above, and at his expense. The requisenaents of this antion abal.l apply equaUs to shop and field velde. RADIOMME DIAGRAMS: Ze reggaiseneents for zhop detail drmvinp apecified In M.H.D. 2471.3B are hereby mcdifled to Include the mabadt't3ng of apparate raftogmh diagm detail Shaets. The inf'brmsKon aontalmd in the radio~ dlag= retail ebataU WW3 be srranipd In acaordswe with the admmUe lay mt sbown on Shy "U" entitled "Typical R&AUo~ Dle ." A standard COPY of Match -W dated Jay 20, 1964, Is "ter-bed heater for than purpose of ad daa" in the motion of t?w ech2mtic lqqout wets. Tha r k1lograph diapm detail sbsets aha3l- indicate and Imlude &U ascessarg Wormation pertaining to emeh radtographia iasgeetion photo. The "Rath og:Mh D3sgi me detail drawings shy conform to tha require - =nts sat forth in N.H.D. 2471.3B fbr abap detail drawings and all costs thereof will, be considered to be incidental expense for which no direct Mien vM be made. -2- fi D c0 z m. rny,�z m 303 v m m £ n M cn D• v -n D0Zm X- RAY ' FOR a Tn 3 - p n n N ° FLANGE.SPL10E51 �Z ° � r< D D-o�� N b d x N r c v f Z F -rn-I n •,� Sj° �vF b C a z pr '� B A`4 ` 73 rn J. S�q uL FILM uMBER Z: W -A W w W ti z bad ►- r r F'- N- r r r}.. ► - N N r tJ • m -� ro = r -i D z T �q �^ in Z v rF rn �° N P•� ••- cu M" o�P to D v ~NN n ER x ,n `n -n .n .n m m m Z ,� r .- � t- i po p 9 X46 A4 ,o f"NN �0 0r? ron� o N r N ►-- N r N tJ fi D c0 z m. rny,�z m 303 v m m £ n M cn D• v -n D0Zm r a Tn 3 - p n n N p r 2 0 �Z � r< D D-o�� N b N r 0 f Z -rn-I n "0 r in 3 rn Z I . D� Z rn II6 IP I I I "TA r Z F— Cl M rn D r n rn O N :Z 11 b D cn m m v o c o 0 oz b ZZ N D D in cin WEB BUTT WELD' FLAMGE PUTT WE4D N r .WEB BUTT n WIELD rn • FLA�IGL WDUTT I - �% rJ 0 (l Q1 r DUTT O N r? (J N N WELD p W •P W p W (P 41- z m Z a p1 o �n n o ° "°{ -a-! ,a ll.. j n -1 Z N --n 3 3 ,cnxrn�roZ�rnr -{ r ��z3� o�� t f 61 � xm3�xz�rnN 0 502 33 i (A J rn D�� m m m rn r t�n wn vynp 0�31° oa zp rn in m z o 0 O o �" -n N C m G u► r N Z_h' v ypm' -nnd o rn v D U v rn CO:M o r .c `� E o 3rnm m Zz tq X G Z N N 3 Z £I o 0 cn m ° z r u) `C r p v _ (D z (Z 1A 2 in a