229563ORIGINAL TO CfTY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE HE CITY CLERK COUNC Rf UT C 1 E�'IE�a FORM PRESENTED COMMISSI, COUNCIL 229563 NO. FILE Wkefreaz, lhi:nneapolL 4- Saint Paul Ao-6 e4oryed nonztop aiA c0AAieA, ,eeJry ice o and glrom Wo-dlz,in�.ton National ona,L A,iApolr �oh mart[ yeair.J; WAehea j, Ae 3edeAa.L Aviation Agency opened Wo-d iny-ton Nat iona. i%utpoAt to het ai.&c za�t og A ee enained o.& lean on A pAil 2q$ 1966, to .include nonatop deAvice to and � om 14i.nneapolid- Saint Pau.L; WAeAe",.1ie }ede-, a,l Aviation Agency ha,6 oAde -Aed W"A_ . ton National A ,* oltt clo ,6ed a�teA Auffwt 7, 1966, to aZI nowtop aiA caluueA aiAcAa�i on g l y t d in excej,6 o� 500 mile-6; McAea,j, Such OAdeA pno17.,i6,UA noru ,top aiA caluueA .deAVXCe W A aruy hype aiAclra�_t gAom Wails inaton Nat i.ona,L A.uzpotU to and gAom lhi.nneapoliz- Saint Pau,L; %Aene�oAe, 6e it solved, Mat. ;�Ae Council og tie City o� Saint Paul uVe- Me AAin i .tAato,& o� Ae 3edeAa.1 Av iat ion Agency to Ae4 rind die 500 -nvL& maximum norw t o p oft.den and employ Ae ai&li.ne .schedule o� ApAa:l 23, 1966, not to exceed die num6eA o� g,&gkt,4 0-4 6c iedu,Led on ApA a 23, 1966, and to .include jet aiAcAa�l o� IAAee engine-4 oh. COUNCILMEN JUL Z ®196 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays _ Carlson JUL 2 p 1966 Dalglish Approved 19- ir,.t-azv:izciicai— , 5 Meredith In Favor C�J �,Z,La_ Petergmr -- - Mayor Tedesco Against WeYW9�n) PUBLISHED UL `; J 22 . July 2o)-1966 tr. William F. McKee.-Administrator,, - _Federal Aviation Agency 800 Independence Ave. B.W. _ Washington, D: C: - . The City Council - today- adopted.ths to resolutiw.4 Council File No.- 2295639 urging you to rescind th mile maximum nonstop order and employ the airline sch Apr 32 1966 not to exceed the number of flights as sch ed 0- ri1 , 1966, and to include, jet - aircraft of three`engin or less, t r Very truly yours, / City Clerk HM z e ng July 20; 1966 Hon. Walter F. Mondale r •. United States Senator ; - Senate. Office Building Washington, D: C, Dear` Senator Mondale:.. t The City Council directed me to -se ou enclosed copy _'of their resolution ;,Council File No_. 2 adopted today.., z urging the Administrator o dexa ation,Agency to-' -" rescind, the 500 -mile max non o ore d employ the airline schedule of Apr 23, 1966; of to xceed •the number• of flights as schedule n April 239 966v and to include = jet. oircraft of three a nee or-le - Very truly yours.,l -City Clerk Embig - . July 20, 1966 _ Hon., Joseph E, _ Karth Representative in Congress - House .Office Building Washington, D. C, Deis Representative Karth: _ The City council directed me to s you t nclosed'copy of their resolixtion; Council -File No. 229563; o today, urging the Admin- istrator of the Federal. Aviation Agen : -rescind the 5.00 -mile maxi= mum nonstop order and emp rlin chedule of April 23s 19669 not to exceed, the number fl.igh s ge uled on April 23, 19.66, and to' � include jet airc tt of thrde ngines or less.. - Very truly yours,' City Clerk ✓ HM % ng `F - ,. •. •_.. - .- ... .. mot_ - -- -- = -y_ y ... 4uly•20., 196G Hon.. Eugene J. McCarthy United States•Senator ` Washington, D. C. - . _ Dear: senator McCarthy:' _ The City Council -.directed me to you th nclosed copy of their resolution, Council File No. 229 do today, urging the Admi.n- '. •istrator of the Federal Aviation Age rescind the 500- nii.le maxi= mum nonstop order and emp irli chedule of April 23r "1966 not to exceed the numbe f1i as s duled on April 23, 1966; and to include. jet air of t engin s or less,-'-' Very truly yours') ` --City Clerk HM/ng , • - _ July 20, .966 Hon. Hubert H. Humphrey r Vice President, of the United States Washington, D. C: ]dear Vice_ President Humphrey! • - - ` The' -City,Council directed me -to. se- ou the a 40.0ed copy,of their - reaoluticn•, Council File No. 229 adopte oday, urging the - z Administrator of the Federal Avi t Age c to rescind the 500 -mile maxi -,­ mum nonstop order and employ the air chedule of April'23, 1966, not' to exceed the number of fli s sc •d led on April 23s 19669 and to include jet aircraft. of .en s or as* �• Very truly yours.; /ng _ City Clerk HM Ge., DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 229563 �; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE — McAead, Mimeapoli4- Saint Paul.ha;d en�,'oryed nonstop a,iA caruueA .denvice to .and �Aom Wh4hinyton Nat i.ona.0 AA'ApoAt �oA many yea"'; Wheitea d, die 3ede ta. Aviation Agency opened Wa dh ing ton Nat i.ona l A,, *Apo&t to k-i a iAC wJf o� tutee erWZw-d oA .x.d d on ApAi l 2q, 1 y66, to inc.Lde now top .dwmice to and gAom MZmeapo Iii -Sa cnt %tau,[; WheAead,Ae ..?eo6a -1Av at-ion Agency. htu oAc&ed Wad&&zy.. on Naeion&Z Ai,tOoAt c wed aPeA Auyudt 7, 1 y66, to a U nondtop aiA calut.i.eJ a.v�P on klig ,s in exee," og 500 Wu &J; WheAea d, Such oitde)t pAolz i&U4 nons top a.uz mati.eA .dercv ice w itk arty 4pe a v=l q JAom Wain uzy ton Nat ional AiApoir t to and iAom h1 nneapo,&A- -Saint Paul; 7heA4oAe, 6e ,c it A"olved, � Mat, Ae Council og Jie Cry og Saint P41d UAffed Ae AAinZ&tAAZt0A og ate 3edeud Av4at :on Agency, to Aedcind ate 500- m.i.Le maximum nowtop "oAdeA and employ Ae aih." .dclieaule og Ap&a 23, 1966,, not to exceed Ae num6eA o� JJ, ,a ad .dc zeda,Ld on Ap iZ 23, 1966, and to ,include jet .a Au4a�.t og I/vtee enfined OA COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish mod, Meredith Tedesco IS::l::••�e:: �....�...;...�:fire tj�:l I Mn�1T'•reiii�n Byi:ria Mr. Vice President (Peterson) In Favor A gainst JILL 2`01966 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 2 01966 Approved 19— Mayor 22 CLINTON P. ANDERSON, N. MEX.. CHAIRMAN RICHARD B L . RUSSELL, GA. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE WARREN G. MAGNUSON. WASH. BOURKE S. HICKENLOOPER, IOWA • STUART SYMINGTON, MO. CARL T. CURTIS, NEBR. JOHN STENNIS. MISS. LEN B.JORDAN.IDAHO STEPHEN M. YOUNG, OHIO GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. HOWARD W. CANNON, NEV. SPESSARD L. HOLLAND. FLA. ' WALTER F. MONDALE, MINN. HARRY F. BYRD. JR., VA. JAMES J. GEHRIG, STAFF DIRECTOR 's l nif eb Ziof ez Zonate COMMITTEE ON AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES August 1, 1966 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: zz9�^b3 Thank you very much for sending me the resolution urging the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency to rescind the 500 mile maximum nonstop order and employ the airline schedule of April 23, 1966, not to exceed the number of flights as scheduled on April 23, 1966 and to include jet aircraft of three engines or less. I appreciate having the views of the City Council.-and I have taken the liberty of passing these along to the appropriate authorities in the Federal Aviation Agency. With best wishes. Sincerely, U)Ag& �'a" Walter F. Mondale FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Washington, D.C. 20553 i IN REPLY REFER TO Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pear Mr_. Marshall: zzC?3%3 JUL 2 8 1966 CAI-10 Administrator McKee has- asked me to reply to your letter of July 20, 1966,1 concerning the 500 mile limitation on nonstop air carrier flights at Washington National Airport and also the enclosed copy of the Resolution by the Council of the City of Saint Paul urging that this limitation be rescinded. In response to the protest which we have received from many Members of Congress and the public,. the Agency has thoroughly reviewed the - situation and we believe we have found an acceptable alternative . solution which will satisfactorily relieve the congestion problem. This solution restricts air carrier operations to forty - flights per hour. For your information, I am enclosing a copy of our press release describing this in detail.,.' Thank you for taking the time to write us regarding this matter. Sincerely yours, I L l Arven H. Saunders, Director Bureau of National Capital Airports Enclosure OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES • FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY • WASHINGTON, D. C. 20553 66 -74 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Area Code 202 962 -6460 or 962 -5563 July 27, 1966 RULE PROPOSED TO LIMIT NUMBER OF HOURLY FLIGHTS AT WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT The Bureau of National Capital Airports announced today a proposed regulation that would limit scheduled airline operations to a maximum of 40 an hour at Washington National Airport. The limitation was issued in the form of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking which directs the 13 airlines serving Washington National to cancel or move to another airport those operations in excess of 40 an hour. Airlines will be given their choice of scheduling operations within the 40 per hour limit by cooperative action or being assigned individual quotas by the Bureau of National Capital Airports. September 1 is the effective date of the limitation. The limitation replaces a previously- adopted operating policy for the airport which restricted Washington National to a non -stop service perimeter of 500 miles. Ten of the 13 airlines serving the airport had proposed this'• perimeter as an effective method of reducing the congestion problem. Its acceptance resulted in a storm of protest from a large number of travelers who frequently are required to fly to points beyond the perimeter. ' Under the proposed rule, the airlines may continue to serve a radius of 650 miles. In addition, the airlines will be allowed to continue to provide service which was available in 1965 to a few points as far away as 1,000 miles. Cities included in these categories are Memphis; St. Louis, Tampa, Miami, Minneapolis -St. Paul, Orlando, Fla., Milwaukee, West Palm Beach, Fla. (over) v 1� Al 2 Nashville, Chicago, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Fla., and Huntsville, Ala. Prior to the aviation mechanics' strike, the airlines were exceeding 40 operations an hour at Washington National nine hours each day. These periods came in the hours of 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., 9 p.m. This volume of operation was far in excess of the capacity of the airport's parking lots, terminal building and aircraft ground facilities. The new hourly limitation will restrict total daily operations at the airport to a more manageable level. It also will halt the rise of operations at the airport. With no limitations, daily operations at the airport would have risen to approximately 760 by this fall. In announcing the new limitation; the Bureau rejected a new proposal from the Air Transport Association to cancel the 500 -mile perimeter and place a limitation of 44 operations an hour on the airlines. "A limit of 44 operations an hour would not relieve the ground congestion problem at Washington National when the passenger carrying capacity of aircraft presently using the airport is taken into consideration," Arven Saunders, Director of the Bureau of National Capital Airports said. "In our judgment, a reasonable use of Washington National will be achieved with 40 scheduled air carrier operations per hour with allowances made for extra sections. Congestion must be relieved at the airport but 44 operations an hour will not do it. The Air Transport Association's proposal would permit total operations to exceed the airport's capacity." The Bureau carefully studied another proposal to roll back the schedules to a pattern existing at an earlier date but found that this proposal failed also to take into account,the larger passenger capacity of the jet, Mr. Saunders explained. Airport operations on the proposed basis will also require limitations by other users both private and corporate to keep all operations within a total of 60 an hour when instrument flight conditions prevail. The proposed rule will further require the airlines to obtain written permission from the Bureau before changing type and model of aircraft flying in and out of Washington National Airport. The limitations provided by the proposed rule will be reviewed every 60 days by the Bureau to make certain that they provide sensible utilization of the airport. Distr: WRNNC -2; FAE -0; FAT -7; FIA -0 (one copy) J. W. FULBRIGHT, ARK., CHAIRMAN JOHN SPARKMAN, ALA. BOURKE B. HICKENLOOPER, IOWA MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. • WAYNE MORSE, OREG. FRANK CARLSON, KANS. ALBERT GORE, TENN. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, DEL. FRANK J. LAUSCHE. OHIO KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. STUART SYMINGTON, MO. THOMAS J. DODD, CONN. JOSEPH S. CLARK, PA. CLAIBORNE PELL, R.I. EUGENE J. MCCARTHY, MINN. GALE W. MC GEE, WYO. CARL MARCY, CHIEF OF STAFF ARTHUR M. KUHL, CHIEF CLERK Cuffed zf of ez 'Zonate COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS July 28, 1966 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I have now received a report from General William F. McKee, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, regarding the decision of the Federal Aviation Agency to modify the restrictions placed on the operations at Washington National Airport. I am enclosing a copy of his report and a press release which I thought you would be interested in seeing. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, {I��' Eugen thy EJM: g j Enc . 2 FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY ' .Washington, D.C. 20553 FATES Of _ ` = JUL•271966 , OFFICE OF F THE ADMINISTRATOR Peat a agpre 'oolothig 0 c_ copy .pf -, 'pt4olutioti acdvp ed the -. #tiy C.atxiic t iyf the citY fit. �Aul; it )neex�� n asking �t ]patio 1 gQ •. In teeFon a to tl�e protest which, � veoeiyeci from many ?} x!lie tbet .b€ Gon effia end the publie:' the ge�tcy h a' r - thores4kl -geviewed the situatidn acid. ,bWeve wis h4ve z • . .olutiQn vvhich w.i tib-alter atve $u zp fttt *ily-�;eU6%#a .tie �4i�BtEtiaix proTAein, 'hi v .ev ndd rei tt 'et.i6 ` Ix; ,? zler .d$m, :t�.tie ng ,tv forty ' #light:o peg ho.ut. ..rod °ypur #u£okrawgn. do 'off Qua i e e elaaee deetcribi �g thin in d�+t i1, Signed) William F.c "cR�e ondr irle- t e e me t1�y r ifinitct Stated Smote ' - WfshingtQn,: D: ' 0514. _ .. i ! • �f i it rj, 4 1 ! r4 •; �' + 'ii•.Irr it D t .<e 0 (:UPY ti `!Ihu•i. OFFICE OF INFORMATION SERVICES FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY WASHINGTON, D. C. 20553 } r s66 -74 OR IMMEDIATE RELEASE `�;:_ Area Code 202- 962 -6460 or 962 -5563 4 G ;July 27,''l 966 ' `i '�t...t' � �'''. r" p,i •`d to '1. I :��.J,' l J.Y. ; •6 ,, it'll,i RULE •PROPOSED TO LIMIT NUMBER OF HOURLY FLIGHTS' , r t s.' : ti,• s 'i; "' AT WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT The Bureau of National - Capital Airports announced today a proposed regulation that would'limit scheduled airline operations to a maximum of `40 an hour' at Washington National Airport. ; 7r v'�• :,'The limitation was issued in the form of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking., which directs the 13 airlines serving Washington National to cancel or move ' !,' •, ';� ­'to to another• airport those operations in excess of 40 an hour. Airlines will .' •be•given their choice of scheduling operations within the 40 per hour limit ; by cooperative action or being assigned individual quotas by the Bureau of ' `National Capital Airports., September 1 -is the effective date of the limitation. r, �''d`.' ' ',• The limitation replaces apreviously- adopted operating policy for the `; - 2 - Nashville, Chicago, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Fla., and Huntsville, Ala. Prior to the aviation mechanics' strike, the airlines were exceeding 40 operations an hour at Washington National nine hours.each day. These periods`•came in the hours of 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 7 p.m., 8 p.m., 9 p-.m. This volume of operation was far in excess of the capacity of the airport's parking lots, terminal building and aircraft ground facilities. The new hourly limitation will restrict total daily operations at the airport to a more manageable level. It also will halt the rise of operations at the airport. With no limitations, daily operations at the airport would have risen to approximately 760 by this fall. In announcing the new limitation; the Bureau rejected a now proposal from the Air Transport Association to cancel the 500 -mile perimeter and place a limitation of 44 operations an hour on the airlines. "A limit of 44 operations an hour would not relieve the ground congestion problem at Washington National when the passenger carrying capacity of aircraft presently using the airport is taken into consideration," Arven Saunders, Director of the Bureau of National Capital Airports said. "In our judgment, a reasonable use of Washington National will be achieved with 40 j scheduled air carrier operations per hour with allowances made for extra sections. Congestion must be relieved at the airport but 44 operations an hour will not do it. The Air Transport Association's proposal would permit total operations to exceed the airport's capacity." The Bureau carefully studied another proposal to roll back the schedules to a pattern existing at an earlier date but found that this proposal failed ,y'• also to take into account,the larger passenger capacity of the jet, Mr. Saunders explained. Airport operations on the proposed basis will also require limitations by other users both private and corporate to keep all operations within a total of 60 an hour wheg instrument flight conditions prevail. " The proposed rule will further require the airlines to obtain written permission from the Bureau before changing type and model of aircraft flying ,`• ' in and out of Washington National Airport. The limitations provided by the proposed rule will be reviewed every 60 days by the Bureau to make certain that they provide sensible utilization of the airport. b Distr:• WRMNC -2; FAE -0; FAT -7; FIA-0 (one copy) • • i " ^•w. ! XERO t 1 XERO I? - .1 COPY COP Y .� '�Il ll;'��.7 tq •wn�r�•� .�m �i.,s -.� r,+^ -u of i •- [�7L•�r � `i : .. {, r 4, i' r i XERO rM COPY (4t METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION 2429 UNIVERSITY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55114 OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE 646 -6584 August 2, 1966 Commissioner James J. Dalglish 113 City Hall St. Paul, Minn. 55402 Dear Commissioner Dalglish: As requested by you, we are enclosing a copy of our memorandum which was read to the Commission in its meeting of yesterday. As we understand it, the present position of the Federal Aviation Agency would permit the continuance of such service as we had prior to April 23, 1966. Thus we would have nonstop service by 727 jet aircraft on_.the same basis as we previously had ser- vice by Lockheed Electra. Very truly y urs, .'G. Kui to Executive Director HGK'g encl. • . ;`.yam, -- • ' , 4 .L ` • { .'J `- , . _ •,1 - . r • • �j � t y Board� File .No: 7082 - ? . MINNEAPOLIS -SAINT PAUL" '. ' Meeting Date August 1,`1966_ - .. , , METROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION Comriii ttee: Filed a. _ 2429 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55114 OFFICE OF THE : s EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE 646.6584 COMMISSION MEETING. ,- AUGUST 1'; 1966 MEMORANDUM TO ALL COMMISSIONERS RE:- AIR CARRIER-.OPERATIONS TO'WASHINGTON.NATIONAL:,AIRPORT ." Recent' FAA,- rule.'that, would l imit''al t non- stopt -fl ightsr from Washingtori. National Ai+r'po•rt'to 500.mi les has been•' revoked.. A 'new 'r. ule- making directs the airlines '.to_ schedule operations withi',n a '40: per hour 'ldini;t. i The ai "rl ines w.i 11 •be permitted -to r' . _ - t . n: r ve c i t I•es within a 'rad,i us of 650 mi 1 es`. &d - continue service "to , cities as far, away_ as'IOOO,'m11•es if such `service was'.,avallable I i D••'1965 ' � � ''� ' • ° '",`.•. - � �`,3_�` . , �;�- ' � ,' :' -.'. -'.; _ -'- .' • _ - ` ;:. _ K, This new rule,aIlows Minneapolis. Paul to be'..served' with non -stop service from•Washington National Airport as,Ahey, ,.'have been, - " -. in the past. r. - = ,4 - - i •Y. •- v' • -~ _ + -• -'- - ` ~ a _ � ' - .- chi ' H. G:.Kuitu,' Exgcutives;Director WKM; hU' k. - .ter. -� .. ' - :-. � _ _ .. •-. _ :.'' _ .• . ,, • . - = MANAGERS AND OPERATORS -OF: - HOLMAN, WOLD- CHAMBERLAIN," FLYING CLOUD, _CRYSTAL, LAKE ELMO ANDS ANOKA' `COUNTY FIELDS ' 1 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Harry: I have personally objected to the Administrator of the FAA is 500 mile ruling. I have put a lot of time in on this one and hope it bears fruit. A reversion to the April 24th schedule is being sought. We should have a decision within days. Please extend my best wishes and wholehearted support to the Council. Since ely yours, se E. Karth JEK:pt 3 JOSEPH E. KARTH COMMITTEE ON 4TH DISTRICT, MINNESOTA SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS CHAIRMAN, SUBCOMMITTEE ON 1094 LONGWORTH HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING . SPACE SCIENCES AND CAPITOL 5-6631 Mniteb Congreo of the Otato SUBCOMMITTTEEON GERALD W. CHRISTENSON NASA OVERSIGHT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 3boua of Reprezentatibeg COMMITTEE ON y { ry{'�w O.C. Nobs �gton, OC 20515 MERCHANT MARINE AND FISHERIES SUBCOMMITTEE ON FISHERIES AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION _ SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEANOGRAPHY July 25, 1966 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk City of Saint Paul Bureau of Records 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Harry: I have personally objected to the Administrator of the FAA is 500 mile ruling. I have put a lot of time in on this one and hope it bears fruit. A reversion to the April 24th schedule is being sought. We should have a decision within days. Please extend my best wishes and wholehearted support to the Council. Since ely yours, se E. Karth JEK:pt -� �'� �'6 3 J. W. FULBRIGHT. ARK., CHAIRMAN JOHN SPARKMAN, ALA. BOURKE D. HICKENLOOPER, IOWA MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. GEORGE D. AIKEN, VT. WAYNE MORSE, OREG. FRANK CARLSON, KANS. ALBERT GORE. TENN. JOHN J. WILLIAMS, DEL. FRANK J. LAUSCHE, OHIO KARL E. MUNDT, S. DAK. FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. STUART SYMINGTON, MO. • THOMAS J. DODD, CONK. JOSEPH S. CLARK, PA. CLAIBORNE PELL, R.I. EUGENE J. MCCARTHY, MINN. GALE W. MCGEE, WYO. CARL MARCY, CHIEF OF STAFF ARTHUR M. KUHL, CHIEF CLERK 'ICnifea ,%fofe.0 Zenafe COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS July 25, 1966 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Office of the City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Marshall: I appreciate having your letter and the copy of the resolution adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul urging the Federal Aviation Agency to rescind the 500 mile maximum nonstop order and to employ the airline schedule of April 23 and to include jet aircraft of three engines or less. I have previously taken up this matter.with General William F. McKee, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, and I have also called his attention to the resolution adopted by the City Council. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, Vl� Euge J. Mc - thy EJM: g j