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Orlg&al � City Clerk , ORDINANCE 229541. COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY C/ ORDINANCE NO- 1,3 3,n An ordinance'providing for the Expenditure of .Money for the Purchase of Certain Items of Clothing hereinafter enumerated, Worn by Plain Clothes Police Officers of the Bureau of Police, and the Establishment of a Fund to Pay said costs as a Budget Item of the Bureau of Police. -THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 13284, approved July 14, 1966, be and the' same is hereby rescinded and the following sub- stituted in lieu and in place thereof: "Section 1. Definition. Plain clothes police officers -shall mean sworn police officers assigned to the office of .the Chief of Police and the Detective Division of the Bureau -of Police. Clothing shall include the following items of - apparel only: top e-0a. suits, sport coats and trousers. "Section 2. From and after January 1, 1967, each plain clothes police officer of the Bureau of Police as herein defined shall be entitled to and given by the department a .credit allowance in an amount not to exceed that which is authorized by Section 487.08 of the Legislative Code of the City of Sa*nt-P aul, which can be used by him for the purpose -of replacement of worn or damaged items of apparel as herein defined. Said allowance may be accumulative from year to -year. Said allowance shall not in any case be used for the - purposes as defined in this section until specific authoriza- tion of the Chief of Police or the person or persons .authorized by him to perform such functions has been obtained by each police officer seeking use of his credit allowance. When permission is granted to any plain - clothes officer by the Chief of Police or such other person as authorized by him to administer the fund, said .police officer shall submit to the Chief of Police, or such .other person as authorized by him, a receipt for purchase together with the item of purchase for examination and approval. The credit account ` of -eaph police officer shall be kept by"the- 'Chief -of P61ice or -such persons ag-'authorized by him to perform such function. ''Section 3. Any credit remaining in the account'of an ,individual plain clothes police officer at the time of his -separation from service for any cause whatsoever or trans- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland - Meredith Peterson Against Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: ' City Clerk ayo Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrilMal to City Clerk ��-• � ORDINANCE 229541 QCOUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N• -3 3 y Council File No. 23980Q- i Ordinance No. ferred to uniformed dt 13284 —By Willi Z..,CarlSOn— d. No police officer shall receive 'n ordinance providing for the Ex- penditure of Money for the Purchase for any period of in which said police c aaftere numerated, Worn nbyhePlain rom service. Clothes Police Officers of the Bureau "Section 4. The Ch. of Police, and the costs iss a B of a Fund to Pay said costs li a Budget he direction Of the Commissioner O Item of the Bureau of Police. ' The Council of the City of Saint Paul rein charged _with the administrati Does Ordain: SECTION 1 "Section 5. Each y Definition. Plain clothes police offi- cers shall mean sworn police officers amount set up in the budget of the assigned and the D t ctive the of of e ty to pay the cost of the allowance the Bureau of Police. Sntd clothing shall include the following items of d under the terms of this ordinance." apparel only: top coats, suits, sport coats and trousers. .. SECTION 2 From and after January 1, 1967, each plain clothes police officer of the Bureau of Police as herein defined shall be entitled to and given by the depart- ment a credit allowance in an amount not to exceed that which is authorized This ordinance sha by Section 487.08 of the Legislative the Saint Paul Legislative Code � and Code of the City of saint Paul, which therein and can be used by him for the purpose givenan appropriate of replacement of worn or damaged g items of apparel as herein defined. Saldl number at the time of the next revi allowance may be accumulative from innyse be aa case be for the purposes lative Code • as defined in this section until specific authorization of the Chief of Police or the person or persons authorized by him to perform such functions has been obtained by each police officer This ordinance sha2 seeking use of his credit allowance* in force thirty days from and after i When permission is granted hi any y y lain clothes officer person the chief of nd publication. Police or such other person as author- ized by him to administer the fund, said police officer shall submit to the Chief of 'Police, or such other person as authorized by him, a receipt for purchase together with the item_ of purchase for examination and ap- proval. The credit account of each police officer shall be kept by the Chief of Police or such persons as au- thorized by him to perform such func- tion. , SECTION 3 • Any credit remaining in the account of an individual plain clothes police i officer at the time of his separation 1 from service for any cause whatso- ever or transferred to uniformed duty; shall be cancelled. No police officer shall receive any credit allowance for C any period in which said police officer is suspended from service. Yeas . Councilmen Carlson Dalglishv) Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco SECTION 4 The Chief of Police, under the di- _ _ rection of the Commissioner of Public Safety, is herein charged with the ad- ministration of this fund. SECTION 5 Each year there shall be an amount set up in the budget of the Depart- ment of Public Safety to pay the cost of the allowances which may be in- curred under the terms of this or- dinance. �SECTIO 8 ' ofd ce s e effect and b� upon age approval and publication. Passea by the Council July 14, 1966. Yeas — Councilmen Carlson, Dalglish, Meredith, Peterson, Tedescd, Mr. Pres- ident (Byrne) -6. Nays --O. Approved July 14, 1966. Nays THOMAS R. BYRNE, Mayor. Attest: HARRY E. MARSHALL, City Clerk.( (July I 1966), 1 LM AUG 41966 Favor PUBLISHED AUG 6 1966 L 22954. An zardimmae provl4i ng for the Expenditure of Money, for the Purcahase of Certain Items of Clothing hereinafter onumeratedt Worm by P1ai a Clothes Pali ce Officers of the Suream Of Pollast and the Este'blistmtent of a Fuzed to pay said coats as a Budget: Item of the Bureau of Police. THE COUNCIL € F TH3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DQES ORDAINS That Ordinance No. 13284 approved July 140 1966, be and the same is hereby rescinded and the following sub- stituted in lieu atd in place thereof: t)Se©tion 1. Definition. Plain sloth *s polls,* officers shall .mean svorn poll** offlaers assigned to the offi'c• of the Chief of Police and the Detective Divisioa of the Bureau of Police. Clothing. shall itelode the following items of apparel onlya top coaea, suits, sport coats and trousers. Ov ation 2. pram and after -Tsnunry 10 196 ?1 each plain clothes polio* officer of the Bureau of Pollees as herein defined shall be entitled to and given by the department a credit 411ovance in an amount not to exceed that which is authorized by Section 487.08 of the Legislative Code of the City of Saint Paul, vhich can be used by him for the purpose of repiaaement of worn or damaged items of apparel as herein defined. Said allov*Aaee may be accumulative frog year to year. SaI4 ftllovana* .shall, not in any case be used for the purposes os defined in this section until specific *dthorisa- tion of the Chief of Police or the person or persons authorized by his to perforce such functions has been obtained by ea►eh polio* oftic or seeking use of his credit allowance. When permission is granted to any plain clothes officer by thaw Chief of Police or saah other person as aothorizod by his to administer the fund, said police officer shall x0mit to the Chief of police, or such other person an authorized by hims a receipt for purchase together with the i.tex of purahaae for elamination anal approval. The credit taeount of each polio* officer aharll be kept by the Chief of Police or such persons as authorised. by htm to perform such function. "Section 3• Any credit remaining in they aceount of an individual plain clothes police officer at the time of his soparati.on from service for any cause whatsoever ar trans- 229541 forred to uniformed duty, shall bt cancollod. Na p©li.00 officer shall receive any credit allowaace for any poriod, In wbich said police offi.eor is suspended from service. 0 8eati.on 4. The Chief of Police, under the direction of the Coemi s si.oner of Public Sataty, is hereln charged vi.th the admri.nlotration. of this Fund. " Seati.on 5. Bach year there shall be an amount set up is the budget of the Department of Publie Safety to pay the cost of the allowances which may be incurred under the terms of this ordinance. is - ZE-CTIO17 20 This ordinance shall bo doomed a part of the Saiat ?eu1 Legislative Code and shall be inaorpoaratsd, therein and *iven an appropr-lato chapter and /car section number at the time of the next rovi.si,nn of the said LogislatLve Cone. SECTION 30 This crdiraanoo, shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and attar its passage, approval and publioatioan. 1h -vo§0`1