230394ORIGINAL TO'CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OIL MOLUTI0N- GENERAL FORM 230394 FILE NO NO WHEREAS, Section 47 C of the Civil Service Rules provides that the Council shall adopt by resolution a statement of grievance procedures; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That all grievances of employees shall be handled in accordance with the following "Grievance Procedures" Foregoing resolution not published; Council File No. 230425 pertaining to same matter was adopted Oct. 5, 1966. OCT 41966• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Carlson Nays Dalglish !ACT 41966 Holland ANproved 19- �.e9s Favor Meredith l Peterson v Mayor Tedesco Against itosew- Mr. President, Wavm4rs Byrne Xzir -t ions "2 Q.� l t •- -_ _ _ - - � —• _ _ _ _ •_ a �I' J s - = ( ricva_nce Proceslui.•Qf, � • Grievances coming, uike�c:i this procedure: shall be Ii:-Aited to q_ueetionS rn;ard'!ng the application and interpre --tation of poli.ci,!;s ails' ,.g eemo�ltF, and hall not in• - elude matters involving cha ig4s in ,policies or agreements or such items as - discharge, 1'eduction, )alary or %wage rates,, cla�ic anion Of job dutieso allocation of positions, grading of classes, fringe benefits,, overtime or over- time allowancit., s; examinations, sorvice -ratings, or changes in the Rule's, 'these :natters are covered under Procedure B. If any problem or cause of complaint not listed above, such as zrorhing conditloxis, job sssigllMetits, personnel problems involving a supervisor or follow employees, etc. , arise in the course of employment, the following procedure; shall be followed- Step 1. The employee shall bring his grievance orally to the attention of his immediate supervisor• if the grievaxicc is beyond the Jurisdiction of the immediate; supervisor, 11e shall refer the hatter to that level of sitpe-rvision wha re a decision can be made, After hearing the grievance the supervisor shall give the employee an anower within two days, If no settlament is reached. the employee may present his grievance in writitl- and utilize the assistance of either another employee or any �a ther. discussing his grievance repres;:n�u:.iw:: of his c�va�1 G ?1oiCe in fur Aftor hearing `;ie further prt� ent;.46ox1 by the e:xlployees, or the employee and iris repre&entati•ve, the supervisor shall give the employee an answer in writing tiAthin five clays and a cop; /,hcyli be sent to the Director of �s.csonriel, If the c�:n =�J.o�jec wi41r; to a�;peal this dc;cisior_ he must do so -.rithin fire world- , 0 -ay'� _ StEy �. iA i:'' grZCV nC:: 714t 1'C £ G1V3C� 1t1 S`CP 1, ilc empployee and his i epresent- alive (if a.ny; nzay appeal 'in writing to the ditrision head, When the division head has reached a decision, a written statement of his decision and the _1_ E reasons therefor shall be ae:it to the errploye-e and copies shall be cent to the appointing u�hority and to the Director of-Personnel. The division head shall give his decision in writing; within five work- ing days, If the employee wishes to appeal this decision he must do so within five working days. If the department is large or the organization provides for a iditional supervisory levels, there may be additional appeals to successively higher supervicory personnel at c s ' this point before appealing to the appointing authority. Step 3. If the matter is not settled in Step 2, the employee may appeal to his appointing, authority. The appeal shall be'in writing and shall set forth the grievance and the adjustment that is requested, The ap.. pointing authority shall arrange a conference with the parties to the grievance, and the Director of Personnel shall attend such conference to act as consultant. When the appointing authority has reached a decision, a written statement of his decision and the reasons therefor shall be sent to the employee and a copy shall be sent to the Director of Personnel. The appointing authority shall give his decision to the employee in v✓riting `,vithin ten v ✓orking days, A Step 4. If the grievance is not settled in Step 3, the employee has fifteen days frorn'the date of the appointing authoirity's decision to appeal for a hearing, The hearing shall be before a committee of three: one chosen by the appointing authority; one by the employee or his representative; and the third mutually aarced to by these two. The Director of Person- nel shall act as secreia.ry to the committee. At the conclusion of the hearin,t the committee shall send its recommendations to the appoint ing authority, and to the cmployee. The appointing authority shall inform the Director of Per 7onn -1 on tine action taken. A verbatim recording shall be made of the procee6ings of the hearing and such recording shall be kept on file for at least one year, -2- 11, the case. of gri e va n'cos -w it h rdj;ard to'-the following 'matter .9,. the iridicai-ed_pt•ocedureS shall be followed., - - - Dischaffre and reduction' — _ Follow. the provisions- of Section 32A of Ordinance No, 3-250--- - (Civil Service -Rules,,' ' Ex minations..- - Follow the provisions of Section 12B and 12C of Ordinance. No. 3250 (Civil Service Rules} Classification -of job duties, allocation of positions to classes and _ grading of classes- - A letter outlining in.detail the nature of the complaint and' the remedy sought should be sent to the Civil Scrvi.ce ' Cornillissioner, Fringe benefits, overtime and overtime allowance or other matters , ;which can be changed only by a revision of the rule -s,- - k • A letter outlining in detail th'� nature of the complaint and the remedy sought should be sent to the Civil Service Coln- _ missioner.: , _ Salary or <.age rates -- letter outlining in detail the nature of the complaint and -the „ 1:etnedy sought should be sent to the City Council, Sex ;rice ratings -.- Bofore the eroployee utilizes this procedure he should discuss his r r'tlCF' r wing and citi.empt 1;Q .i:esolvC his TlrobJ-ern .Eli s 'wit.h the super; f r :faoorr, =. =1) ; have ratr'e, him a):­i, if the nrobiei -.n is not then to t at rr:p! fr r z-olve tit iii?i for appointing authority, - Discussions E. 7 ✓"t xin HiF! ci :,naitiTini, ina'y conci•i n any 13 a ter regardi)) ? tale : C'i'Ylfii: ,t The following pxocedure set forth below may'be utilized by the employee after he has exhausted all attempts to resolve the problem in his department, but such appeals shall be limited to, and must be based on, alleged : - (a) - Prejudice or bias; (b) Inadequate knowledge of employee's capabilities and performance on the part of the rating officer; or (c) A combination of (a) and (b). In the conduct of the hearing the Board will, disregard any information not based on items (a), (b), or (c) above. The appeal of the employee shall be before a committee of three — one chosen by the appointing authority, one lby the employee or his representative, and the third mutually agreed upon by . these,two. The Director of Personnel shall act as secretary to the Committee. The employee who wishes to appeal a service rating must submit a written request for an appeal hearing within sixty days after notification that ratings are available. 'The appeal hearing request must be submitted to the Director of Personnel. In the appeal, the burden of proof rests on the em- ployee. The findings of the Board will relate to the allegations rather than specific items in the service rating. If the Board finds prejudice or bias and /or inadequate knowledge of the employee's capabilities and performance on the part of a rating officer, the Board may order that the aggrieved party be re- rated. The Board shall determine how this is to be accomplished by determining to the best of its ability under the circumstances how and who shall fairly rate the aggrieved party. The recommendation of the appeal board shall be delivered to the employee's :O,; ,.pOiZ.t4ng authority and to the employee within ten days after the hearing. The appointing authority shall inform the Director of Personnel on the action taken.- A verbatim recording shall be made of the proceedings of the hearing and such recording shall be kept on. file for at least one year. 7 ��DUrLIWTC TO rRINTlR 303 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATA WHEREAS, Section 47 C of the Civil Service Rules provides that the Council shall adopt by resolution a statement of grievance procedures; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That all grievances of employees *hall be handled in accordance with the following "Grievance Procedures" : COUNCILMEN Yeas Cr� 1�� Nays Holland ,—Los— Meredith 7Tn Favor Peterson Against Mr. President,-Vnvoais._ tong e-62 IS66 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved.-OCT 4 I-SR9 19— Mayor i QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT 230394 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE H" MW* 800004 41 C , of tht C t 0oviev Ruts* pr d** vormdtw+ st. tow th a * ** bo it 00INWo TbAt 04 9fWM9*w of -exxx , so #UU be mod: to Accord" to *11th fU COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Against Mr. President, Vevuuh-r !� 10M 6-62 OCT 41966 Adopted by the Council 19- If OCT 4196 Approved 19— Mayor