230381" COUNCIL FILE NO. B•Y Q 230351 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS _ In the matter of _ _ Part ia.l:ly opening, widening and extending SHEPARD ROAD` frotn:_Davern Street �fo StVeet`by , condemn- ing,a_n_Vtakingr_th e•- following described = property together with all- right'- Vii. '. of'`access,� being the "right -of -ingress to arid''eg,ress f.r -om all . that port-ion, of _the following r tract, notes ac_quired� herein; ` to. the Shepard Road: r' 3' Y Lots 16, b and 18-9-- B1oek',15, -Lots- 3 'through 9 -S' Block' 14; Lots 3 through 10,,, Block 13;x, of,Y_oungman &Lamm "s Addition,; Ramsey= Co:,:Minn., and the adjacent vacated' °Lamm Place and vacated Springfield St et Also the easterly half of Lots 1 and�2, Block 13 r. CUli� reoruszy o-� ! Hi1a of�cY-oungmari;t&"'t Lammers ._Addi.tion,,,�,Rams.ey_�o.�r, I��in,zed�_.,_�. _ . - _- _ �' Lots through 10 and the Westerly half of Lots 11 and 12, Block 12 Youngman & �L. LTamcn:_4lsaeAddif't - dri,— Ramse -y .Co.,,.._Minn.--y approved I•ots 1 through 9, Block 11, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn. <�©tSAIT. 44& i2;griTo`e'Sk9n9d:d -t ton upon the above improvement upon Clue notice, and the Council having i F, Xfceit�k�June� 's3,Addition;a`Blocksu6;n7;ti8 art'da9 -4 of.FY:otix�gmav tb avlzmiSVs7 Add 3^ePonl,t-,ams;ep; Co.,. MfryW- !c-a­ndira&jacent vacated Washington Place, Linc6ln Place and Rosenberger Place. Those parts of Government Lot 4, Section 21, Township 28 North, Range 23 West of the 4th L,ots'- f3fdndf 2;bSnre:.li'n`g;tCi tlro'tssbou• rid .- edeby.zth'eua'oY,l{bwing- desei�be'dt2ines d�Be`gi'nriingdatit:thie point of intersection of the east line of Davern,: PattiaiStrEetnand;kth "�north� 1'intetofERes6ryeHBou;lvard ; l thence= iiorthSon `said'ea�t�kl�i'ne of Davern i Street Strect!ta�rd stance; of k8.2:,65.1tEeetr2 o rirg.pin:t;'rthen'cei : coun ercl'ockw_ise onha 40 f`ootir t ,of accer-a4ius'ia�rc cS.hose c' ntrr"al rtg'16? i-s) 172,2.' 07,'Cfarid.wlfose ='reenter i-s t40.cf eef east fof tthe n, tract', last cd-es'e.rib'ed!fpo-iait, and tort, a>hlirie'epetger'dicular to the east line of Davern Street Lotto 1a�tpoi'ntn20 if: eet% Tnorttiwe. ste' r`- 1y'° of: r�theYF ,n'o£thwes- �erly�?,lirie�tof� Reserve' S�u,levar'dy lt'hence of nothe 'aste,rliyronzats.t'raigltt. 1iiee20Cf:eeti'northwe's ' erTy'- ofi and`rpara�lliel'dto,.`thehlace anenorth-5esteply^1;triet6f :Re`setve Bou`T�vardtto.�tHe� point cof iiriterse(feion wilt -1 -the) east df 1'ine�of,rSectiona2l'; T:ow.riship28xNorthy`�Range.23• `West of the 4th Principal Meridian; Lotthe" nce, ts- outhe'rly :r:on*'saidirs-ectionkT_ n"ertt'oltWe^ po`in'tieot,i -n6 rseci:Cdnlw- i_tl_--th-fnorthwesterly .arlinetof;Re .erve ":eBoul`evard;2_ttience southwesterly' on- the northwesterly .line -of `Reserve 6vat h"1g6nClof bg - i' n,�. �,Rt,=ey : -a,,, Minvi LotBbL,- 1 g i'grL'otsll -andn2 sJuneRst�Adcli;t onr �11Z1L17g anrr AU-TVAU`rTW _T StrBxcept ftneA: Sv Add ition ;,:Blocks!a6,f71I8:-and 9t frYburigman ,. &rL•:amrn';scAdditlion; Ramseq-.,,Go., i of Minn iandoadjacentrvacated Washington P1ace3yLinc6ln- P.lae.ei and =Rosenbergert'Flaee ;: n8 traThoseopartsuof,-Governmentt .Loth.4,hSect•izoiic2,,ls; - Township 28-North, Range 23 West of the :4thsPiincipa�lnMer di&noabdILotseliandt2;oSnel1 ng,30u 'tlots .bout�dedtbyrsthe follow,i�r�g I3� d;sc-ribeda7line's : mm--;iBegiiiningc.at thesp• pint„ pf' intersectioneofdtheeeasta ,linedofapavernet S:trA eta andethepn6r,th. l iieSbfeiiesezveoBoiilevard .;rthencefnortheon "said•deastBline of Davern Street4at'di'stanceY4of 82;65tfeet t4zae oint;' Sthence' counterclockwise on °a 40 foot radius ' 't ',4 feet {eas�ttgf _the las.tf detLet b6diip6in_t,-t'andCoti - a4line perpendicular to- the east line of Davern Street • � i :tota pointo2g hfe et4 horth�iestervly�. ofntheLn.- ox thwe,. s; teriynlinerofyResery .,e+iBQUlevard, thence ' iiorthba',terly •on�a.V stzaightoline. 20 feet northwesterly of and -parallel • to the ' nornthwestterly li •xi #-tbf.r,Rese•rvesB6yl'o�yatdat6 thefp 'oin.,tg;ofniinte.rs.eetiondw th:l,�het_gast'_'�'w (line lif n So!- ot,16na,2 Li cT own ship t28 Nofitfi gRange1283 We:stn.o£1:the1,4_.th Pmintipalh�Ie�i�dian; s ;thence southerly fi said section line to the point of'inter-section with the northwesterly i aeeofaReserveGBoul 'evard;t�,henceSsoiuthwe" stirl y„;. onh' the2aioY tthwester:7yelXne��lot;RegerVe \ youloyardiroltherpoint o dbeginning_.d 23 Snelling itlots bounded by the fbIlewing described lines: Beginning at the point of intersection of the east lin'e/of Davern` f Street And the north line of Reserve Boulevard; thence north `on said _-east .—line of noun ejunen Davern of 82..65 feet to a point,,_thentce counterclockwise on. a. 40 �f00t);yayd u ;j arc whose central angle is 122 007r and whose center is 40 feet east of the '. last3{�described point and on a line perpendicular to the east -line of-Davern Street to „aApoint. 20 feet northwesterly Qf the northwesterly fine of Reserve Boulevard, thence northe �sa, ,erly,`on�a.jst.ra ght�line 20 'feet northwesterly of and paral,l'el to the ,northwe -ste ly line of Reserve Boulevard, to the point of inte,r-secti- 2n with the east kind rSec't•iori,, 21,, Township 28,Ngr-th9,'Range 23 West of thfL4, —g i:LPtiinc3pal Me�`ridian: therieq soutY4er]yt,on },- sa_id; js:ect,ion_line- to' the point of intersection with the northwesterly r line of Reserve Boulevard; thence southwesterly nn the northwesterly line of Reserve T,-_vard:'to• the point= _of• beginning f , � "�� t - • - 4; '” ,_, -r;" �Ir In the matter of partially openin , widening and extending SHE PARD ROAD from / Davern Street to Rankin Street by condemning and taking the following described property together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from all that portion of the following tract, not acquired herein, to the Shepard Road. Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 15; Lots 3 through 9, Block 14; Lots 3 through 10, Block 13 of Yoiu4,Tman and Lamm's Addition; and the adjacent vacated Lamm Place and vacated Springfield Street. Also the easterly half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13 of Youngman and Lamm's Addition. Lots 3 through 10, and thr•, westerly half of Lots 11 and 12, Block 12, Youngman and Lamm's Additi.on. Lots 1 through 9, Block 11, Youngman and Lamm's Addition. Lots 1 and 2, June's Addition. Except June's Addition, and zubject to Shepard Road, those parts of Blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Youngman and Lai m's Addition and adjacent, vacated Washington Place, Lincoln Place and Rosenberger Place, and Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 22, T28N, R23W of the 4th Principal Meridian bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at the quarter- section corner between Sections 21 and 22 located at a distance of 253.20 feet south of the intersection of the west line of Section 22 °00' and the southeasterly line of Youngman Avenue; thence bearing N 0 on the west line of Section 22 a distance of 45.00 feet, to the point of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing r 61Q3O'E 385.58 a distance of 1817.36 feet to a point located at a distance of feet southeasterly from the point of intersection of the southwesterly line of Madison Street and the northwesterly line of Youngman Avenue; thence bearing N 53 °001E a distance 1308.05 feet to a point on the east line of the northwest qua.r•ter of Section 22 located at a distance of 359.47 feet southerly from: from= the intersection of the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 22 and the north line of Youngman Avenue extended from the southwest; thence northerly along the east line of the northwest quarter of Section 22 to the point of _' ntersection with the southeasterly line of Youngman and Lamm's Addition; thence bearing southwesterly along the southeasterly line of said Addition to the southwesterly line of Alton Street; thence northwesterly on the said southwesterly line of Alton Street to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, June's Addition; thence southwesterly on the southeasterly line of June's Addition to the point of intersection with -the west line of Section 22; thence south on said Section line to the point of beginning. Those parts of Government Lot 4, Section 21, T28N, R231-1, of the 4th Principal. Meridian and Lots 1 and P, Snelling Outlots bounded by the following described lines: Beginning at a point on the east line of Davern Street intersected b,.,/ the north line of Reserve Boulevard- thence north on said east lire of Davern Street a distance of eet to a point; thence counterclockwise on a 40 foot radius are whose central angle is 122 °07' and whose center is 40 feet east of the last described point and on a line perpendicular to the east line of Davern Street; thence northeasterly on a straight line 20 feet northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard to a point of intersection with the extended southwesterly line(::of Maynard Drive; ' 1:._..- -2- 222" ,78 thence southeasterly on said extended southwesterly line of Maynard Drive to a point of intersection with the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard; thence southwesterly on the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard to the point of berrinning. That parcel of land 'being Part of Lots 1 and 2, Snelling Outlots, bounded by the extended northwesterly line of Youngman Avenue; the east line of Section 21, T281d, R23W, of the 4th Principal ?Meridian; the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard as opened under C.F. No. 181746, approved March 5, 1957 (Public Works Drawing No. 1098); and the extended southwesterly line of Maynard Drive. _ J OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /lam 7�Oi 2300,8 u ME; Mal To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 222078 approved_ February 25, lg 65 relative to and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ 2, A pla rofi` 6 ?ID and ade°�' 1 3. Ini &j P at�GB'\� 4. Imp o�vemS a! sketch of said improvement is hereto attached �eof, 00 missioner of Public Works x d for upon petition MILTON, � S 7 �' B� J - Y Deputy CommiaQioner Commissioner of Public Works