05-655Council File # RESOLUTION Presented By: Referred To: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SAINT P�1UL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # �- ��. 3oa�i �-- � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has entered inta a memo of understanding with the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force; and WIIEREAS, the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force will reimburse the Saint Paul Police Department for participation in the task force; and WI�EREAS, a 2005 financing and spending plan needs to be amended for this task force; and WI�EREAS, The Mayor pursuant to 5ection 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriarion funds of $25,700 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2005 budget: CURRENT BUDGET 436-Police Special Projects Fund FINANCING PLAN: 34164-MN Financial Crimes Task Force 4398-Services-Special Projects Total Changes to Financing SPENDING PLAN: 34164-MN Financial Crimes Task Force 011 l-Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0283-Rental-V ehicles 0439-Fringe Benefits 28,021 0 0 3,021 CIIANGES 25,700 25,700 20,700 1,500 3,500 AMENDED BUDGET 53,721 20,700 1,500 6,521 28 Total Changes to Spending 25,700 29 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council approves the changes to the 2005 budget. 31 32 Yeas Benanav AbSent � Requested by Department of: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � . . _ . . - l 1� ��w �� � DepartmerHloffice/council: Date Initiated: vv ..c rv ` pp — ro�ice��a�m,�n 29-JUN-05 Green Sheet NO: 3027152 Contact Person 8 Phone: Deoartment Sent To Person InitiaUDate , Chief John Harrington � 0 l; De rtm [ P iice D rtrn [ � 26S55S8 /�jgn 1 o6ce De arlmen De armi t Director � MUSt Be on COUncil {�qenda by (Datej: Number 2 m OCIBI e' � ancial rvi For � �� Routing 3 Attorn C Attorue OMer 4 a r's Office r istan . � 5 oancil Con cil r 6 erk Q' erk � 7 olice De en Police D artment �. „ Total # of Signature Pages (Clip All Locations for Signaiure) Action Requested: Signatures requested on the attached council resolution amending the 2005 financing and spending plan for participation in the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Pollowi� Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contrect for this department? . CIB Cammittee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No � 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any � current city empbyee? , Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � The City of Saint Paul, Police Depaztrnent, has entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force. (Attached is a copy of the agreement.) The Saint Paul Police Departrnent is reimbursed for participating in this task force. ,'' '` AdvantageslfApproved: ParticipaHon in the Minnesota Financial CrimesTask Force which invesrigates and prosecutes consumer identiry theft cases,and financial crime cases. DisadvantageslfApproved: None. ' �� V �� , Disadvanta9es If Not Approved: ' J �� �� �oOe Inability W participate in the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force. �� � ��1( ATTOR(�El( , Total Amount of 25700 CosURevenue Budgeted: - , Transaction: „ ���� ��r�$�g Fundinq source: Minnesota Financial activ�tv Numner: 34164 �'" �' Crimes Task Force Financia{ Iniormatiorr. � � �} ��.�r (Explain) ,�� � � �'�'�' „., �- lZ`� 5l-G 05-(�5S MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ORGAIVIZING THE NIINNESOTA FINANCIAL CRIMES TASK FORCE This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into this - 6 day of Anril, 2004 by and between the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force ("Task Force”) and St. Paul Police Denartment ("Effective Date"), by and between the undersigned participating agencies of govemment. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Minnesota enacted Minn. Stat. § 299A.68 (2003), which creates the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force, for the purpose of investigating major financial crunes as provided for in Minn. Stat. § 299A.68, Subd. 2(2003); and WI3EREAS, Minn. Stat. § 299A.68, Subd. 3(2003), provides that agencies that participate in the statewide financial crimes task force shall oversee the task force's operations by establishing procedures and guidelines in a memorandum of understanding signed by the person in chazge of each participating agency of government; and WI3.EREAS, this Memorandum of Understanding is entered into pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 299A.68 (2003) for the purpose of establishing procedures and guidelines to oversee the operation of the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force. WHEREAS, there is a Minnesota Financiai Crimes Task Force Grant-Reimbursement Agreement between the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Farce and the Saint Paul Police Department, as a participating agency; and NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed and understood as follows: I. PURPOSE Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 299A.68, Subd. 2(2003), the duties of the Task Force aze as follows: • US- t� 55 1. The Task Force shall investigate consumer identity theft cases and financial crimes, which aze reported by individuals, businesses and entiries vicrimized by such crimes. 2. The Task Force shall focus on financial crimes including, but not limited to, statewide crimes such as: theft, fraud, and forgery crimes, including identity theft, check forgery, fraud in obtaining credit, finaucial transaction cazd fraud, theft from merchants, possession or sale of stolen or counterfeit checks, issuance of dishonored checks, creation or use of counterfeit state idenrification, obtainiug counterfeit state identification, fraudulent Intemet transactions, fraudulent merchandise reriirns, investment fraud, insurance fraud, vekucie insurance fraud, financial institurion fraud, fraud related to state or federal programs, tax fraud, maii and wire &aud, and other related financial crimes. 3. In particular, the Task Force shall investigate individuals and organizations, based on their cruninal activity, that: a. commit multiple, cross jurisdictional, fuaancial crimes; b. employ computers and other sophisticated technology to counterfeit documents or commit fraud; or c. illegally obtain consumer information for idenrity theft. II. AGENCIES ELIGIBLE TO JOIN THE TASK FORCEBECOMING A PARTICIPATING AGENCY/WITHDRAWING FitOM THE TASK FORCE A. Agencies that aze eligible to join the Task Force aze local state law enforcement agencies, federai law enforcement agencies, and state and federai prosecuting officers ("Eligible Agency'� B. To become a member of the Task Force, the person in charge of an Eligible Agency shall sign this Memorandum of Undexstanding ("MOU") and agree to be bound by the provisions of this MOU, resolutions and by-laws established by the Advisory Committee, and the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 299A.68 (2003). 05 • 1� 55 C. Upon execution of this MOU by the person in chazge of an Eligible Agency, the Eligible Agency shall become a Participating Agency, eligible to participate in the Task Force begiuning on the Effective Date. D_ When an Eligible Agency signs this MOU and becomes a Participating Agency, the origival signed MOU shall be forwazded to the Chair of the Advisory Committee who shall forward copies to each of the Participating Agencies. E. A Participating Agency may withdraw from the Task Force by providing 60 days written norice thereof to the Chair of the Advisory Committee. The written notice of withdrawal shall be signed by the person in charge of the Participating Agency. F. The Chair of the Advisory Committee or the designee shall keep a current roster of the Participating Agencies. III. TERM OF MOU The term of this MOU shall be perpetual, unless and until the Task Force is disbanded as hereinafter provided. IV. PARTICIPATING AGENCY Each Participating Agency shall designate one representafive to the Task Force. The person in charge of the Participating Agency sha11 be that Participating Agency's representative to the Task Force unless the person in charge of the Participating Agency designates someone else, in writing, as that Participating Agency's representa6ve to the Task Force. Any such written designation shall be forwarded to the Chair of the Advisory Committee. V. STATEWIDE COMMANDER A. The Participating Agencies shall select a Statewide Commander ("Commander") to direct the Task Force. SelecUon shall be made by each participating agency exercising one vote. Federal law enforcement agencies and officers participating in the Task Force may not participate in the selecfion of the Commander. There must be at least two participating agencies to choose a Commander. The Commander may designate such subordinate supervisors and prescribe their powers as the Commander may deem appropriate. B. The Commander, in consultation with the federal, state, and local Participating 05-�55 Agencies, shall make ali tacrical decisions regarding the coxnmencement, continuation, and conclusion of all maYters that aze to be investigated and prosecuted. C. The Commander shall make all decisions regarding the assignment and transfer of state and local law enforcement officials assigned for duty with the Task Force in consultation with the Particigating Agencies. A. The Commander shall be a member of the Advisory Committee. E. Qn an annual basis, the Commander shall establish an operafional budget and present it to the Advisory Committee for approval. F. The Commander's term of office shall be for four years, or until a successor is appointed or elected by the Participating Agencies. The Commander may be removed at the pleasure of the Advisory Committee. G. Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 299A.68, Subd. 10, the Commander shall report annually to the Commissioner of Public Safety on the activities of the Task Force. VI. ADVISORY COMNIITTEE A. The activities of the Task Force shali be overseen by an Advisory Comxnittee. The Advisory Committee shall be responsible for the care and control of Task Force properry and management of the Task Force funds and business. The Commander shall appoint the members of the fu'st Advisory Coxnxnittee. The powers of the Task Force shall be exercised by the Advisory Committee pursuant to resolutions and by-laws adopted by the Advisory Committee. Contracts and/or other written instruments made by the Task Force shall be executed in its name by the Chair of the Advisory Committee and by the Commander. A majority of the Advisory Committee shall constitute a quoruxn, and no business shall be done unless voted for by a majority of the whole Advisory Committee then serving. B. The Advisory Committee membership shali consist of the Commander, a county attorney from the metro azea, a county attomey from greater Minnesota, and three chiefs of police or sheriffs from law enfarcement agencies that have the longest continuous participation in the Task Force. The Advisory Committee shall appoint a Chair from among its members. The Commander shall not be eligible to be the Chair of the Advisory Committee. Except for the Commander, an Advisory Committee member may appoint a designee to represent that member on the Advisory Committee. Any such designation shall be in writing, which shall be Forwarded O5-�SS to the Commander and the Chair of the Advisory Committee. C. Except for the Commander, Advisory Committee members shall, after their inirial term, serve a term of three years, or unfil their respective replacements are appointed or elected. The inirial term of the Advisory Cominittee members shall be staggered as follows: Representative Initial Term Me�o Area County Attomey Greater Minnesota County Attomey Law Enforcement Agencies: Representative 1 Representative 2' Representative 3 two yeazs three yeazs one year rivo yeazs three years D. The Advisory Committee shall adopt by-laws, which shall include, among other things, procedures for the conduct of the election and filling of vacancies to the Advisory Committee. E. The Advisory Committee shall select and oversee a fiscal agent who is qualified to handle the financial accounting of Task Force funding. The fiscal agent shall report to the Advisory Board on a quarterly basis. The financial books and records of the Task Force shall be audited by an outside accountant on an annual basis. F. The Advisory Committee shall approve the annual budget prepazed and submitted by the Commander. Task Force funds may be used for any Task Force related purposes, including salaries, overtime, achninistration, office costs, law enforcement equipment, computers, soflwaze, vehicle expenses, travel, and training. Except upon approval by the Advisory Committee, funding for overtime shail be limited to 10 percent of all grants, funds, or other financial contributions received by a Participating Agency from Task Force funds. G. A participating loca] agency may seek a grant for reimbursement for the time and resources that a peace officer, investigator, detective, prosecutor, and administrarive staff dedicate to the Task Force, or for any other Task Force-related purposes. H. The Advisory Committee shall consider and may approve grant reimbursement 05-(055 requests from participating agencies seeking reimbursement for the time and resources that a peace officer, invesrigator, detective, prosecutor, and administrarive staf�'dedicate to the Task Force or for any other Task Force related purpose. The Advisory Committee shall adopt resolufions and by-laws establishing procedures and protocols for approving gant reimbursement requests. In order to receive a grant, a Participating Agency must provide a 20 percent match in non-state funds or in-ldnd contributions directly from its budget or as hereinafter provided. The Advisory Committee is authorized to allocate toward an agency's 20 percent match any contributions, in-land or otherwise, received from any entity or individual donating or othenvise providing support to the Task Force. T'he Advisory Committee shall have the authority to increase the percentage match required from Participating Agencies. The Task Force is authorized to accept grants, contributions, forfeiture proceeds, or court-ordered payments from any state or federal source, legal entity, or individual. I. The Advisory Committee shall meet at least quarterly for the purpose of conducting the official business of the Task Force. No Advisory Committee meeting at which official business of the Task Force is conducted shall take place unless three (3) days notice thereof is sent to the representative of each Participating Agency. Notice may be sent by U.S. Mail, facsimile transmission, and/or e-mail. VIi. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS/ASSIGNMENT OF DUTY A. A Participating Agency may assign one or more of its law enforcement officers for duty at the Task Force. Ail assignments shall be in writing and signed by the person in chazge of the Participating Agency, ar that person's designee. All assignments shall state the duration and amount of rime each law enforcement officer shall dedicate to duty on the Task Force. All assignments of law enforcement officers are subject to the approval of the Commander. B. All law enforcement officers selected to join the Task Force shall be licensed peace officers under Minn. Stat. § 626.84, Subd. 1, or qualified federal law enforcement officers as defined in Minn. Stat. § 626.8453. C. All law enforcement officers assigned and selected for duty on the Task Force shall remain an employee of the Participating Agency that assigned them to duty for the Task Force. Compensation, personnel evaluations, gievances, merit increases, and liability insurance coverage, such as general, personal, vehicle, and professionai liability insurance, shall be covered by each law enforcement officer's employing Participating Agency. Law enforcement 05-6 55 officers assigned to duty at the Task Force aze not employees of the State or of the Task Force. D. A Participating Agency which assigns a law enforcement officer for duty on the Task Force shall provide written documentation in a form acceptabie to the Task Force, which provides that: the assigned law enforcement officer shall remain an employee of the Participating Agency during his/her assignment of duty to the Task Force; and 2. the assigned law enforcement officer is covered by workers compensation coverage provided by the Participating Agency; and 3. other liabilities arising from the assigned law enforcement officer's activities while assigned for duty on the Task Force is the responsibility of the Partieipating Agency. E. Law enforcement officers who are assigned to duty on the Task Force shall, in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 299A, Subd. 6, have statewide jurisdiction to conduct criminal investigations into financial crimes as described in Subd. 2 of said statute. F. Law enforcement officers assigned to the Task Force shall follow their respective county, state, or federal arrest procedures, booking processes, reporting processes, prosecuting attomey charging requirements, and notification protocol to the appropriate local or county law enforcement agency where arrests aze made and search warrants executed. The Commander is responsibie for ensuring compliance with applicable locai practices and procedures. G. Agencies assigning law enforcement officers to the Task Force shall also provide vehicles for such officers to use. These vehicles shall carry the same iYSUrance as other police vehicles of the agency and the agency shall so certify. H. The undersigned agency, St Police Department, having signed this Memorandum of Understanding to participate in the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force, hereby designates Chris Abbas as its selection for the position of Task Force Commander or the Commander selected by the Advisory Committee if Chris Abbas position is changed. VIII. REGIONAL OFFICES 05-�55 The Task Force is authorized to establish seven regional offices to investigate financial crimes throughout the state pursuant to Minn. Stat. 299A.68, Subd. 6A. The Advisory Committee and Commander will exercise their best efforts to utilize Task Force funds to establish such regional offices as funding permits. The regional offices shall be composed of Participating Agencies from designated geographic azeas. In consultation with the Commander, the Participating Agencies of each regional office shall select a supervisor to duect the office. The regional supervisors shall report to the Commander. IX. F'EDERAI. LAW ENFORCEMENT PARTICIPATION The federal Task Force members shail decide whether to adopt a case as a federal investigation either upon the request of the Task Force Commander or following consultarion with the Commander. Any dispute concerning whether a matter should proceed as a federal investigation shall be resolved by the Advisory Committee in consultation with the appropriate prosecution authorities. The federal Task Force members shall select a lead federal law enforcement agency for each adopted federal investigation. T'he lead federal law enforcement agency shall make all tactical decisions regarding the continuation and conclusion of adopted federal investigations in consultation with the Commander and Participating Agencies. X. FORFEITURE All money and property seized by the Task Force is subject to forfeiture and sha11 be forfeited pursuant to laws and procedures established by the Advisory Committee. A percentage of the Task Force forfeiture proceeds agreed upon by the Advisory Committee will be deposited into a forFeiture funds account to be maintained by the fiscal agent and used by the Task Force to offset equipment or operating costs of the Task Force. In the case of federal forfeiture actions, established Federal Rules shall be followed. �YI. COLLABORA.TION WITH OTHER PROSECUTORIAL AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICES To the greatest degree possible, the Task Force shall cooperate and collaborate with existing prosecutorial offices and law enforcement agencies. �-�,55 XII. DIST'RIBUTION OF ASSETS ON DISBANDMENT/DISSOLUTION OF TASK FORCE Upon disbandment/dissolution of the Task Force, and after paying or adequately providing for the debts, obligations, and liabilities of the Task Force, the remainiug assets of the Task Force shall be distributed as follows: 1. Assets of Participating Agencies loaned to the Task Force shali be rehuned to the respective Participating Agency. 2. Money and/or assets purchased with funds from a grant shall be disposed of pursuant to any terms and/or conditions provided for in the applicable gant. 3. The remaining assets, if any, shall be distributed to any public andlor non- profit organization, as determined by the Advisory Committee, that provides the same or similar functions of the Task Force. XIII. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS All disputes between Participating Agencies concerning the operation of the Task Force shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of this secfion. Participating Agencies with disputes concerning the Task Force shall first hy to resoive the dispute by conferring among themselves. If the issues cannot be resolved by the Participating Agencies, one or more of the Participating Agencies involved in the dispute shall file with the Advisory Committee a written report sutmnarizing the issues involved in the dispute. Any Participating Agency affected andfor involved with the dispute may also submit a written report to the Advisory Committee. The dispute shall then be resolved by majority vote of the Advisory Committee. XIV. ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS The Task Force may, by resolution adopted by the Advisory Committee, receive by �ant, gift, devise, or bequest, and take charge of, own, hold, control, and invest in accordance with the terms of the hust or the conditions of the gift, personal properiy and/or real properry for 05-� 5 5 the use and benefit of the Task Force. XV. SALE, LEASE OR CONVEYANCE OF TASK FORCE PROPERTY No sale, lease or conveyance of real estate owned by the Task Force, nor any contract or option for it, shall be valid without first advertising for bids in a newspaper of general circulation in the azea where the property is located for three consecutive weeks. The notice must state the time and place of considering the proposals contain a legal description of the real estate and a description of any personal property. Leases that do not exceed $15,000 for any one year may be negotiated and are not subject to the comperitive bid procedure ofthis secrion. All proposals estimated to exceed $15,000 in any one yeaz shall be considered at the rime set for the bid opening and the one most favorable to the Task Force shali be accepted, but the Task Force may, in the best interests of the Task Force, reject any or all proposals. Sales of personal properiy the value of which is estimated to exceed $15,000 or more, shall be made only after advertising for bids or proposals as provided for real estate. Sale of personal properiy the value of which is es6mated to be less than $15,000 may be made either on competirive bids or in the open market, at the discrerion of the Advisory Committee. If the real estate or personal properry remains unsold a$er advertising for and consideration of bids or proposais, the Task Force may employ a broker to sell the property. XVI. CONTRACTS OF THE TASK FORCE Acquisition and liquidation of equipment, office space, transportation contracts and all other matters shall be performed by the laws relating to counries. XVII. DISBANDMENT/TERMINATION OF TASK FORCE The Task Force may be disbandedlterminated upon written agreement by all Participating Agencies of the Task Force. Upon disbandmenUtemrination of the Task Force, provisions must be made for the winding-up of business and the dissolution of assets as provided for herein. XVIII. MODIFICATIONS TO MOU 'This document and accompanying exhibit(s) constitute the full and compiete agreement between the Participaring Agencies. Modifications to this MOU will have no force and effect l0 �S � 55 unless and until such modifications aze reduced to writing and approved by an authorized representative of each Participating Agency. This MOU wili, at regular intervals, be subjected to review to deterniine if changes aze appropriate. Representatives from the Participating Agencies shall confer on the interpretation and application of this MOU as necessary. Any disputes concerning the interpretarion or application ofthis MOU aze subject to the dispute resolurions provisions contained herein. XIX. ENFORCEABLE RIGHTS The provisions set forth in this MOU are solely for the purQose of internal guidance. This MOU does not, is not intended to, shall not be conshued to, and may not be relied upon to create any substantive or procedural rig�ts enforceable at law by any party in any matter, civil or criminal. Nor does this MOU confer any ri�ts, benefits, privileges or form of due pzocess upon individuals, associations, corporations, or other persons or entities. This MOU does not, is not intended to, and sha11 not be construed to exclude, supplant, or limit the otherwise lawful activities of the Participating Agencies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the person in chazge of the Eligible Agency hereunder has set his/her hand. � H:\data\doc�rmaj\Financial CrimesNlOU.Stp.wpd 4 oriainals reauired, Dismburion: 1-St Paul City/Police Depathnent 2-MNFCTF Commander Office 3-Anoka Co Attomey 4.MNFCTF Office copy By: IB A NCI' (�t. Paul Police) Chief o Polic a: 3—a \ Ci Attorney ( B9 � � ��irector 11 � Z -,.' �`; i-G- OS-!o � 5 NIINNESOTA FINANCIAL CRIMES TASK FORCE GRANT -REINIBURSEi +NT AGREEMENT This Grant-Reimbursement Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into this — 4 dav of April. 2004, by and between the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force ("Task Force") and St. Paul Police Deroarttnent, a partieipating agency in the Task Force ("Participating Agency"). , WITNESSETFI �NHEEREAS, St Paul Police Department, is a Participating Agency in the Task Force;. � WHEREAS, the Participating Agency has assigned one or more of its law enforcement officers for duty at the Task Force in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 299A.68 and Pazagraph VII. of the Memorandum of Understanding Organizing the Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Force ("Memorandum of Understanding"); and WHEREAS, the Task Force and the Participating Agency have entered into this Agreement to document the terms and conditions of the grant relating to the Participating Agency's assignment of law enforcement officer(s) for duty at the Task Force and reimbursement for related costs and expenses thereof. fYa �tS-�55 NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed and understood as follows: I. ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL TO TASK FORCE A. The St. Paul Police Department hereby assigns the Mark 7ohnston a law enforcement officer, for duty at the Task Force as provided for in Paragraph VII. of the Memorandum of Understanding. T'he duration of the assignznent and amount of rime that such assi�ed law enforcement officer(s) shall dedicate to duty at the Task Force is also described in E�ibit A. St. Paul Police Department shali, as part of the assignment, provide a vehicle for this law enforcement officer assigned for duty at the Task Force. The Participating Agency agrees that, except for exigent circumstances, the law enforcement officer assigned for duty at the Task Force will not be recalled for duty at the Participating Agency. The Participating Agency understands and agrees that pursuant to Pazag�aph VII. of the Memorandum of Understanding, the assignment of law enforcement officer is at all times subject to the approval of the Commander who may, at hislher discretion, revoke the assigzunent of the law enforcement officer. B. The Participating Agency understands and agrees that while its law enforcement officer is assigned for duty at the Task Force: The assigned law enforcement officer shall remain an employee of the Participating Agency during hisJher assignment of duty to the Task Force; and 2. The assigned law enforcement officer shall be covered by workers compensation coverage provided by the Participating Agency; and 3. Other liability arising from the activities of the assigned law enforcement officer(s) on the Task Force shall be the responsibility of the Participating Agency. The Pazticipating Agency fiuther agrees that the vehicle provided For the assigned law enforcement officer(s) shall be covered by and have the same insurance as other vehicles of the Participating Agency. lI�7�11 �1�11:7.y���\`E�',7\� St. Paul Police agrees to provide at least one full tune officer to be assigned to the MN Financial Crimes Task Force. The officer's base salary (full time hours) will be donated as a in- 13 05-655 kind contribution to the MN Financial Crimes Task Force which provides the dollars for the required match of the 20% pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 299A.68. St. Paui Police Depaztment will not be responsible for any financial contribufion for participating in the MN Financial Crimes Task Force. It is also agreed that any overtime hours used by this St Paul Officer or other officers assigned to the any MI3 Financial Crime cases will be reimbursed back to St. Paul Police Department through the Grant Reimbursement process on approved overtune hours. The MN Financial Crunes Task Force has an approved budget by the Advisory Committee and anticipates participating agencies will require overtime payroll coverage to defray their cost to partieipate. The overtime allocation is drawn from an overtime pool and may vary depending upon caseloads and availability of the St. Paul Police officer assigned. The overtune cost of this assignment will be reimbursement to the St. Paul Police Deparhnent for amount specified in Exhibit A. These funds will be reimbursements on a quarterly basis. The Commander of the MN Financial Crimes Task Force shall complete Exhibit A and submit the Grant request to the Task Force Fiscal agent who shall forwazd payments to St. Paul Police Department (Fiscal Agent: Anoka County Attorney's Office) III. OTHERS: St. Paul Police Department agrees that Mark Johnston and any other St. Paul Police Officer(s) that may be assigned on a temporary or full time basis shall be covered under this agreement, including the same provisions of the in-Kind contributions and overtime payments made to St. Paul Police Deparlment. The officer(s) assigned and selected for duty at the Task Force shall remain an employee of the St. Paul Police Department. St. Paul Police Department shall be responsible for and provide compensation, personnel evaluations, grievances, merit increases, and liability insurance coverage, such as general, personal, vehicle, and professional liability insurance, for each assigned law enforcement(s) officer assigned for duty at the Task Force. Furthermore, the Participating Agency understands and agrees that the law enforcement officers assigned to duty at the Task Force shall not, for any reason, be considered employees of the state or of the Task Force. IV. TERMINATION 14 OS-b55 This agreement may be terminated by either party by providing 15 days' written notice to the persons occupying the positions of tbe persons executing this document. Payment upon termination shall be made in proportion to costs incuLred to the date of temunation. IN WITNESS WFiEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands on the dates so indicated. FTIVANCIAL CRIMES TASK FO By; Its: Advisory Coi Dated: ,�'/� � � ��.;t Its: Commander Datedc '�,0��''� , s j — �� r. �, ��'�, Its: Director, OFS �rz 15 Dated: � - �ti -b y J HIV 13. �7J �� �� ,�� e .-��; GRAN1` REIMBL'RS�MIENF TU P912TICIYATIlV G A6E�ICY �T . � L j �^� Name of Participatiag Agency �kaa-r �'u,r�l,,�, ��.� O �. I'IN hll'JHIV_1HL C.K1f�S Reimbsrsement p�maent Dnration of rPota! amoont for � ment duratioaofass�tmcntl Pat'ticiusrinP Anancv 20"/a 1Vlatch Be 'n date Sala�yr 2S �' � Source 1. c'� ot Z.co+{ �n $ O' hQ��°-��p`� ertime -�"'—' �� lo.cco�.�.° �( '�, `? f+T j'� '�� Tnd date yehic[e cost � �� (p ruanrYH S ��?f Zcd`f Qt�er(s�ecifvl S � Amount Be '� $g�gC�, � ��-,Solsce Z. b7 C�I 'Lao� grinees O�[ Iv 1}7�tX,,�w�_ (� S OveitIIne $ p�S�G- End date Vehicie cost �` � ��?0��5 Other(meri£v) �_ ` � � � 7{'� '�"T'A`�1L - WtLC..�Kt�'V � `�"� J'��Y� �J N�.JI NLO . c'�T'�C�N L.� —� �1�V { PF. � �L4 I1 /`�C L � �-� J V�J)�{1! IS �N 1— ~ t." T �v� Z N � IZ- A�U�f `L � NI�I N�Q ' � � ! �� � - U � l � �o � Zpoc�. Amount P. �id2 C��1v55 Tf oart-time Amount aF T_�me �nt on T�ic Forre DuGes hrs/wk hrslwk � za �a :� � ;�..� ���4� � "�y �s�. �z-� � � TOT�IL P. �2 2�, S?� D 05 �55 c��lY� 4 oriainaLs zeauized, Dishibution: 1-St Paul City/Police Depar�ent 2-MNFCTF Commander Office 3-Anoka Co Attomey 4.MNFCT'F Office copy m -1�- . ��- � 05-�55 MINNESOTA FINANCIAL CRIMES TASK FORCE ]une 2Q 2005 Commandes Kevin Casper St Paul Police Department ICevin: Heie is the lettez iltat you zequested. Please feel free to contact me with any questions ot concems. MNFCTF Reimbursement Sgt. Mark Johnston St. Paul PD UP TO THE FOLLOWING: SALARY � Julv 1 2005 to September 30. 2005 BENEFITS OVERTIME VEHCILE 16,95�.Q0 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $1,500.00 TOTAL $ 25,450.00 *"*"The MNFCTF does not reimburse for vacation, holiday, compensatory or sick time. There is also no reimbursement fior non-TF retated work; such as federation days or departmental training. After this three month period St Paui PD will have to submitt a qrant to DPS for the costs related to Sqt Johnston and his aarticivation on the MNFCTF. Sincere� / � �/ � � ( 06Y//Y/lr`y�t" " Chris Abbas Commandex Email: cmabbas@netscape.net PO BOX 21007 • COLIMBIA HEIGATS• 554421 PHONE: 763-5�2-775G• FAX: 763-502-7758 � �_.�-*= ----- - � Council File # �� � Green Sheet # 246061 ; . . � L �' � -�5 � RESOLLTTION 05 5 �Y OF SAINT PALI., �SO'I!A Preseated By- / �`� Committee:Date: Referred To: i„ �f Sa�ut Paul to enter into and 1 BE TT RE30LVED= Waf d� S�t Paul Crty Counc�� II�nd M�orandum of Understandeng ('.�'iOL� 2 Ctuef W iS[iam Finuey to implement tl�e attached ag 3 with tlee Minnesota Financial Crimes Task Forca 4 eogy of said a�'eement is to be kept on £ile aud on 4 record in the Office of F'maucial Serviees. 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za 21 22 23 aa 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3i 33