230312ORIGINAC'XO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL O NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY CO NCIL R S LU;TI N- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city owned lands: All of the three following described tracts: 1. The west 300 feet of Block 15, Ridg, to the City of St. Paul lying south according to the duly recorded plat ,10° Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title , stered and evidenced by Certificate 230312 Rwood Park Addition of Jefferson Avenue, thereof situate in thereto being regi- of Title No. 168866; 2. That part of Block 15, Ridgewood Park Addition to-the City of St. Paul lying south of Jefferson Avenue except the west 300 feet thereof, according to the duly recor- ded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 158548; 3. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 16, Ridgewood Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 168870. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish J Holland Meredith -Peterson Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne SEP 2 3 1966 Adopted by the Council 19— In Favor Against PUBLISHED OCT 1 1966 .EP 2 31966 'Approved 19— r May A� �S TMW thi y of _19 (4 -- 22 Assistant orporatlon Counsel DUVLICATE'TO PRINTER 23031-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city owned lands: All of the three following described tracts: 1. The west 300 feet of Block 15, Ridgewood Park Addition to the City of St. Paul lying south of Jefferson Avenue, according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being regi- stered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 168866; 2. That part of Block 15, Ridgewood Park Addition tothe City of St. Paul lying south of Jefferson Avenue except the west 300 feet thereof, according to the duly recor- ded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 158548; 3. Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 16, Ridgewood Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 168870. SEP_ 2 1966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 2 3 1966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland "16/ Meredith In Favor —plete c__ o_ I _ a Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne OW 22 mm STATF, o or XWOCRA .2303-12.. Irr 0? MOVAU SOPA' 640 0 ) 912 9091► , 4� cowty of RO%W O"r ad, Add mast CIV of, %o, Pons Hop- r, cith Haut stal poult x1mootso Zn om4ftratloa pt tba of ow Dolur ($1-000) InborA Paid, -Xw4pt Ubome 4. the Uwe 4mtv- � A Of Humasota 4n aptica bar!-alw 4—mom A4 -t b ft - a tau ,ftm tho d6te 6rd Ind 90 DAYS" FROM. DATE OF OPITIV19060 to puftht"t b" end ,0103r of 4U cacumbMcsg. for trots or, IVA bituAta It P-00w CoUntyj Xtmootao deddribod A-U Of W tbr4a S410VU0 dawAbed U00tes 4 Ibe *bt, 300, febt of Mq4,154 Ricigaw6od � Aoj to j6 ' MY Of S•i► :P #d. IAng coU% of 060*00, Aveams doOrding to tbO 44V rwordG4 plat tbaroot sitootd. in. may, cowntio m.ivwsqta# t title thoroto 'b0IM'roffi4drw of OVU60 P0 V tote of TWO 166s, ,96. ThAt Ps&t of MWA 13s Ridpvocd PA* Addition to 04 QV df' 300 r"t tboroort, Aword$zg to the do "cor" put. UUwwf 4tuat* $.A gmew comwo ftmsotmv tho W14 thoroto Wag ,ft",bred *4 isvidwzcO by CortifUsito of fttlo No, 1503481 Uto' 4s'.51, 6- Ot awl x.160 160 r4d -ovaod Addlti to the '.Cl ty of Sty P4Ujjj R400""AS to the Qdy' repord6d :014 th0ftf situate 34 Roboy *AmtV07 XW000ta tW103A tharato baln$ v b Cor=0044 of Title, Vhb stato UvIi'vith'a the tlft� 'qw- �k%dt 40(Kvt this eaw oflbr Alid optsm IV duo not igo 14 siritina ftUed to tho uworvtg� 'at the'a0wo adampok "0 Tb* Onlm�'. turftr' 6006 woo 'a tom of this eptim as atomsold to oto 700d,d*U oar to, the State of 12=mwta a mod v4 WrAbleot dew of smrauvrw doh duu. etmvv a 800a utle or roaro ft o Wil Olen '-Of AU tbo*Ibr&n X1,6 the UWs horobaWoxe doscribod, The m"Pt by tho W"Imw of Old sW obAU40 In =,ccqporA4*tj44 for the 0 i` tha, U�rctWed Of the PromUO am r$84ts tfto desm1W w4 for sps, ► rboutim to AAY' odjoinlM 14146 of tb* Wdand 00A ty ro.voom of the use MMtao" Tile UW0ftJgWd ftfthf�e moft of thoabovodei vo'-Abad.p"njoft byL tho Stat$ a 1* "d. tbati 04 WO Of this 4Cqt$W the ft►t* of XJM%4tAtA OUU hoo the 4401t to ,enter 4od 40nAVU0 * -YOU10 hiOm W- -wm tho prwicob hemby �� to bb, omwayWo T UxWrdawd AwU*r'4gIw3# duos thd U110 Of WA opt'10s W)t to cuts 4090s deptrWor fIfto or, Abrub or, other natural 'Goribod prwfaw. PvIwth UP= the borolabefors 4 40 Ih ths OvMt that tho stag rAdU A.00OPt. tbld ..as aftftsd4t' it U - no* .+ rO tin the: Wow U then ! at that tim *Wuto o dow Uv� tO tast Rto 044 dood at wvmty, -for 641d plot bm that the state sUU :h o 60 dqb, 6m arA, dtbr tw doZ v,Y lot said' me cut d d to awmbw title wd case a tt► b � . drawa tho Tr t HIgh �# paynblo to the u ro In thA Oald 00 at _ stUh oW for t UiWwAgnad aka .0 o f ad p4mentCa�gx. E d. STATE OF WWM$VrA. C Y ,OV Aw MY OF SAIRAM Zt it$ moor As Clark fe- on 19%9• borom ms, a rKow dos 'fit for 0AW O linty* psrsanOW '' + aOd .iao toh$12.4 tQ jMs pO,y MY CIO *5 CangetooLoftr of s C o d*_ Of .. ... _ of 04atfw4t Mmmoothr nomad fora. 94 UdMMts m4 that the aoal a£!fUW to ea34 U40=0t U thopoa of tba City Of SAIM, ftQ# 04 th9t 144r t VAo of d 0466 la bab4fof said Oity of $Oat PO4 IV.aUtbority Smtod, puurtuot to formAl "04 *1U )of the COWA or t C Of .saw, P44s -emu- yF40, 004, fW,moo I .M.,,mp pu. � tip , .- ow they ou fir, aty cater ft=mo#io' or - f l atg*d ssJA UwW=ftt to be tM 40t Wmi ded 0"r e44 City of 9441 Pats * pumost to y•/ I t+?e"* ;Wa, Cowtys Wma*ta