230311ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 230311 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL y y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ UN ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city owned lands: All that part of the following described tract: Lots 1, 22 3, 42 52 62 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, in Block 14,, 0 and that part of the westerly 200 feet of Block 15 lying 0o northerly of Jefferson Avenue, all in Ridgewood Park Addition in the City of St. Paul, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 170658; which lies southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Jefferson Avenue with the east line of Baldwin Court; thence run . northeasterly to a point on the west line of Lot 14, said Block 14, distant 80 feet southerly of its intersection with the southerly right of way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as now located and there terminating; together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that part of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to Trunk Highway No. 35E. SEP 2 31966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 2 31966 Dalglish 9 proved 19— Holland Meredith- �U In Favor Peterson ---- Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne � �a iorm Y QY f _ •_ _19 V l� 22 nwastant Corporation Counsel PUBLISHED' OCT 1 1966 UBLISHED I DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 230311 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. L _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city owned lands: All that part of the following described tract: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, in Block 14, and that part of the westerly 200 feet of Block 15 lying northerly of Jefferson Avenue, all in Ridgewood Park Addition in the City of St. Paul, according to the duly recorded plat thereof, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 170658; which lies southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at the intersection of the north line of Jefferson Avenue with the east line of Baldwin Court; thence run northeasterly to a point on the west line of Lot 14, said Block 14, distant 80 feet southerly of its intersection with the southerly right of way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company as now located and there terminating; together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and egress from that part of the above described tract, not acquired herein, to Trunk Highway No. 35E. SEP 2 319 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 2 31966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor •Petersen --- r� Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 2a 3W., zw Sof*,62E* (1 90) 913 « 19 Count of #*MOW OW10-vi d ihddrwb$ City of St#.;., PaVILO, tUowt, City HaUk St� p4a* amwwt4* 41 Obdddmtun:of the m or *w.D*uw (�1400) hW4 p ro"iptwhomf sota an Optim to -'sle 90 DAYS F" 'aM* fr M DATE 6F C� uwl "I iW. 4nd 0149r: O$ rO WN; du VIO, tMet Olt lod -borlbod 40", 4YO do All tbat phA Of U6 $011009 Amwibad matt Lou tj "go, .9 3* 4# 5* do 70 Aw %Ot pwt of the wederlo 2DO foot or mock is IYU0 Ordw to -in tho'CAY Of st# :Paulo see t Aw dt,4, VNWo of gat a3.tt tea in Ramsw 00"IY6 AMO-taos, tho utlo 0,l &-O to 0,M W44WOA * Cor4iftoat -0 of TWO $6* 1706581 - - - Uhi& U43 W-UthOA404$ Of tho fWO#U* 09044bW U%t B00=14g at tho intwowtion Of thb MAOrth JUO Ok J4190rOM MONO v4th tiro toot U" Ot Baa" Ca 4, tbwo r4ft 0 a poukt 00 ter "Jut lim of L x4f aw diiteot M foot -Watborlo of to ltR4r4aotj.= v4ft th's mutj*rly right Of VOY.I.Ans pf thochiftov wiftawoo, Ottlea and ftwio ftuioad" Ctepow *0 Aw. i;04i�d An'd Owm tt tc&MOV ViW 41, K*lt of OCCOO� baUlg tb* tUU of Uoots* to And OHM" fhn that Ort Of tom; AM dAOOrMVd tract# not 44qulAmd bWMt, to -TM* Hi&wW Ro-*- 3%. The: ftatenv$ 141WO the t ACCOt WA 004 Offorl 4w Optum dw, 60tud Ap virtins 40144 to th(2 uilderAVW, alt tho abom oUresew Vb*'*4.wAewd furbhW Ag*oo OPU04 as aforoba- 4 to QXO=W awl &.Uvtr to the Stato of ftnwooU VW, am Igraoicat do& of geftr4 Var. rantit, %sAch thaa omar a gow titu vf reoorid# froa ona 'Roar or an Owumbrowq# +4 tbA tai tho Wds:�Ololmd OfsalA am sbaU bo In, foUtompwaalbu for ft & wd vlghtq as #b d a dap�* OWO of the IuWorateWd by rosom of tho uw- $t4to of Himsasotto: Th6 up derma ,fir the %Atq of, Minposoto ='h4" _ h* to tha pmts ummd to bo *6wqVd4-- Tho uu r tba � agrwv* f t1a a OPWU Mt to 100411 4040* 06-stroy, or t."*. or "Ib or Othor natur4 A"t-h V'POU- ti 4;UW" dlemdbed pvoto$ 01 a. L '0. p - 14R lovOlt thOt. the Stato Omal tepopt We Vptlm 49 otbrouldo It $0 oVMOt. 4' ate: 'i4d UWarObood th4t tbb roUlp3d, WWU tbm opd at that �tjM oxwuto on& oqj. U"r, the MAO Uld 4"d of "Pranty for Sam pr4awo OrA thot tho state thga boo Z U14 -iw cause .60 AN" 9.,=l,,Wd OftOr the deU*o* of'-said oze"64 dew t VOUO*r- to b* 04Y UtO04 W ppon bTw & ft,Wbo to ft Ell u I MkA 0 i STATZ OF "MURTA cbm OVY OP SAM PAUL - u6 r .1 ir. 1%44*2 ot 10M, r4# 4 W.t4rY PA*W#, Wilth$a oud tDr r4tA omtyo po=0a4.Vpe4jW &4 J04 fit du* to � pw4malzr *o# bobV 000t by, r4 d4V Arno coA:-OW, thgt tbq a" - rovoctuaw the moor* City -cu*o, Ctuptr K*Wootok 40* U tho foro- vim ubt +# ow that um vul of ea to, o t it is the e"l of tho- city of Saint Vrvaf Ard Wt add inote a te. va" ItW 'bah :of odd,,C:J* of Saint P44; W Othori* ormtta pw-""tl to roma 1"Gautim Of thlo IC6400a or tko Citly of sault V44#: comloa mo, omtoa tho so..-,o Wd the Oad Coro City' comigaUmv. of city ocopuono tlo:, ho tto ot Od ftod of gold Cit"V OR oolot ftlaf "-"U=t to sou ", pauticaor Ivr