230289Coale No. 230289 —By Bernard T.
Hollan d, by request —
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Lan -O- Sheen, Inc., that section of pub -
lie alley hereinafter described be and
the same is hereby vacated and dis-
continued as a public alley:
Subject to railroad easement, the
east 69 feet of the alley between
Blocks B and C, Robertson's Addi-
tion, to West St. Paul;
subject expressly to the following con -
ditions and reservations:
1. That t description of the portion
of the he alley to be vacated be der
scribed as:
Subject to railroad easement, the
east 69 feet of the alley between"
Blocks B and C, Robertson's Addi-
tion to West St. Paul.
2. That the vacation be subject to all
the terms and conditions of Section
228 of the Legislative Code, as
amended, regguul1ating the procedure
and prescribing conditions for the
vacation of public grounds, streets,
s alleys and highways in'the City of
F Saint Paul.
3. That this vacation be granted sub-
ject to the easement granted to the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and
Omaha Railway Company for main-
tenance and operation of a spur
railroad track over this vacated
I ortion of the alley.
4. That the petitioners pay to the City
the sum of $414.00 as compensation
for the vacation and ' provide t h e
City with a bond in the amount of
h Adopted by the Council September
j 22, 1966.
t Approved September 22, 1966.
(September 24, 1966)
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