05-648Council File # � ��� Resolution # Green Sheet # �V °2 � `�� RESOLUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA `Q U 2 3 4 ;8 19 20 41 42 43 44 45 46 4� 48 Presented By Referred To Coimnittee: Date Preliminary and Finai Pfat Approva{ for Victoria Park WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul HRA, File Number#04-12&956 has submitted for City Council approval the attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of property at TRACT A, REGISTERED LANQ SURVEY NO. 330, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA and THAT PART OF TRACT B, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 330, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF REGISTRAR OF TITLES, RAMSEY C�UNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ASSUMED BEARING. ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT B, A DISTANCE OF 1155.04 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID SOUTH LINE AND BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE 70 BE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 42 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ALOPJG A SOUl'Fi LfT�fE Of SAfD TRACT B, A DfSTANCE OF 34U.80 FEET TO AfJ AiVGLE POINT; THEiVCE CONTINUING NORTH 42 DEGREES 23 MINUTES OD SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED LINE, A DfSTANCE OF 636.58 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT B, AND SAID LINE THERE TERMINATING and THAT PART OF THE EASTERLY HALF (30 FEE'� OF VACATED HATHAWAY STREET, LYING SOUTIiEAST OF WEST BEVENTH STREET AND LYfNG NORTHWESTERLY OF A LINE PASSING THROUGH THE SOf1THWEST GORNER OF SAID TRACT B, AND FORMING A RIGHT ANGLE WIT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID HATHAWAY STREET, for the purpose of subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sites for redevelopment , one outlot and one park to provide for 322 housing units and Iimited commercial along West 7"' Street at 1428 West Seventh Street and 778 Otto Avenue; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapier 67 of the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all propefij situated within 350 feet of the subject property; and 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 b0 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 34 73 74 75 76 77 79 $� WHEREAS, the City Councii held a pubiic hearing on the proposed plat on April 6, 2005 where all interested "�� parties were given ihe opportunity io be heard and the Counai considered all the fiacts and recommendations concerning the plat; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe C"fij Counci( accepts and approves the attached preliminary and finai plat for the City of Saint Paul HRA at 1428 West Seventh Street and 778 Otto Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. If the adjacent Mobile site is not secured by the Saint Paul HRA, the City wiil seek to condemn necessary lands to connect Victoria and Madson Streets, and Adrian and Thurston Streets; 2. The applicant shall fiie a copy of the Councii Resolution approving the ptat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Requested by Department o£: Adopted by� Adoption Ce. Byc Approved by By: , � �� .. - ,t'� i. r - . i, i � � Plannin � Economi.c Develo ment By: Approved by Financial Services By: Form Approved by City Attorney !�l✓, L✓u.vw� 7- �� o s by Mayor £or Submission to Council � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PE - Flammg&EconoaucDevelopment ContactPerson & Phone: Allen Lo�ejoY 2G6-6576 Must Be on Council Aaen� ContradType: RE-F2ESOLUTION Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopt resolurion memorializing City Council action of Aprii 6, 2005. laations: qppro�e (A) or KeJe6t (K): Personal serv�ce contraCtS Must Mswerthe Following Questions: Plammrg Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er waked under a contract for this department? CIB CommRtee Yes No , Citil Senvice Gommission 2. Has this pefsaYfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cur2nt city employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Memorializes the City Council decision of April b, 2005 approving the combined Pla[ for the Koch Development Site. AdvanWg¢s If Approved: Makes official the decision of the City Council. Disadvantages IfApproved: None Disativantages If Not Approved: Redevelopment of the Koch site may not pzoceed. Dafe hiitiated: v✓ � ��� � � Green Sheet NO: 3027164 -' OeDartment SentTOPe�son 0 annm & Eco omic Develo Allen Love'o Pssign 1 lanain &EconomicDeve IliredorlS. ' bect Number Z • Attome ' Attorne Por Routing 3 onacil ' Cuancil Order 4 Yv Clerk C'N C1e k 5 lenuiu & Eco omic Derelo leu I.uve do �iv��� Y � � Transaction: Fundinp Source: GosURevenue Budgeted: C�1 F��!s+��rr.h Gt?!?t�f Financial lnformation: (Expiain) AcfrvilY Number: s�� � � 2D05 June 30, 2005 5:25 PM Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Martha G. Fuller, Dirutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C. Kelly. Mayor March 9, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 25 Wu[ Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 � o5�-c.�g Te[ephon e: 6.i I -266-6626 Facsimi[e: 6J I-228-3347 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, 2005, for the following zoning case. Re: Zoning File Number: 04-129-956 Applicant: Housing and Redevelopment Authoriiy Address: 1428 West Seventh Street, 778 Otto bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and W est Seventh Street Purpose: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sitss for redevelopment, out outlot and one park to provide for 322 housing units and limited commercial use along West Seventh Street Previous Action: Planning Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the March 30, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6576 if you have any questions. Sincerely, vV �- ` Allen Lovejoy � City Planner cc: File # 04-129-956 Joan Trulsen Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employei NOTICE OF PUBLIC HLARIIRG The Saint Paui CiCy -ouncil w'rH� con,- duct a publie hearing on VV�ednesday, Apnl 6,. 2005, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Crtq - Hall to consider the application of the Housing and Redevelopment Authoritq for subdivisian by prel'vninary aud Snal plat at the Koch site in order to creatz 13 sites �fpr redevelopmeat, oae ontlot �� and one park to provide for 322-housiag unitssua.limited commercial use at^ 1425 West Seventh 5treet and 778 Otto (bouaded by the Soo Line Railroad, OtW Avenu¢ and Weat Sevent�.Street.(Zon- Ing E51e 04-129-956). � � . Dated: March 15, 2005 MAf2Y ERICKSON . �. " "�lasistant City Cossncil Secretaiy (Mu'ch k7j � _ _---_= 84: PAEIL LSGAL fF•DGER — 22094364 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEUELOPMENT Manha G. Fuller, Dirutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, M¢yor March 9, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � � Dear Ms. Erickson: z5 west FouKh street Saint Pau[, MN55102 05- c�`d8 � Telephon e: 651-266-6626 Facsimile: 65I-228-334! f would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, 2005, for the following zoning case. Re: Zoning File Number: 04-129-956 Applicant: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Address: 1428 West Seventh Street, 778 Otto bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street Purpose: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sites for redevelopment, out outlot and one park to provide for 322 housing units and limited commercial use along West Seventh Street Previous Action: Planning Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda for the March 30, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice ot the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6576 if you have any questions. Sincerely, VV� ` Allen Lovejoy � City Planner cc: File # 04-129-956 Joan Trulsen Paul Dubruief Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer . . �NOTICE�OP',PUB iue ua au�;_B;:P uigP31e-�4129-95&):;`.= ..-. - .- _ Dated::March 1b 2fl05 ' �--'..- - . . " � � � -'MAR.Y'ERICK50N � � , tlssastant City Cuuncii'Sec'tetary � = 13Nash17}v;-- —= 5C PAI7L.L£GA7.IEDGER s=- 22U94.984'.. ,. . - . DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING &fiWNOMIC DEVELOPMENI' Martha G. Fidler. Direcmr SAINT 2HL'L � AAAA CITY OF SA1NT PAUL RandyC. Kellv , Mayor March 21, 2005 Ms. Mary Erickson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 i�nn ary H��a,�� 25 West Fourth Sveet Sain[ Paul. A9J i5102 05-�48 Telephone: 611-266-6�6.i Facsimile: 611-2283314 Re: Zoning File #: 04-129-956 Applicant: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Address: 1428 West Seventh Street, 778 Otto, bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street Purpose: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sites for redevelopment, one outlot and one park to provide 4or 322 housing units and limited commerc+al use along West Seventh Street City Council Hearing: April 6, 2005, 5:30 p.m., City Council Chambers • Staff Recommendation: District Council: Dear Ms. Erickson: Approve None Received This applicarion is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 6, 2005. Please Allen Lovejoy, 6-6576, tf any member of the City Council has quesrions regarding this case. Sincerely, Allen Lovejoy � City Planner ca Joan Trulsen City Council Members West Seventh District Council W endy Lane Larry Soderholm Ailen Torstenson Peter Warner • AA-ADA-EEO Employer DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Martha G. Fuller, Director 05-t��f � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C. Kelly, Mayor March 9, 2005 � � Ms. Mary Erickson City Council Research O�ce Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: 15 West Faurth Street Telephone: 65/-?66-6626 SnintPnu[,MN5510? Fncsimile:651-228-3341 I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, 2005, for the following zoning case. Re: Zoning Fi1e Number: 04-129-956 Applicant: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Address: 1428 West Seventh Street, 778 Otto bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street Purpose: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sites for redevelopment, one outiot and one park to provide for 322 housing units and limited commercial use along West Seventh Street Previous Action: Planning Staff Recommendation: Approval with conditions My understanding is that this public hearing request wi11 appear on tfie agenda for the March 30, 2005, City Council meeting and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please call me at 266-6576 if you have any questions. Sincerely, � � Allen Lovejoy City Planner cc: File # 04-129-956 Joan Trulsen Paul Dubruiel Wendy Lane Carol Martineau Allan Torstenson AA-ADA-EEO Employer �, , � � � � PLAT REVIEW STAFF REPORT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FILE # 04-129-956 APPLICANT: City of St. Paul HRA HEARING DATE: TYPE OF APPLICATION: Subdivision Review - Combined Plat LOCATION: 1428 West Seventh Street, 778 Otto area bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street PIN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT A, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 330, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA and THAT PART OF TRACT B, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 330, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF REGISTRAR OF TITLES, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA, LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE DESCRIBED AS COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 51 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ASSUMED BEARING, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT B, A DISTANCE OF 1155.04 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID SOUTH LINE AND BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE LINE TO BE DESCRIBED; THENCE NORTH 42 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ALONG A SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT B, A DISTANCE OF 300.60 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT; THENCE CONTINUING NORTH 42 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST, ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY EXTENSION O� THE LAST DESCR{BED L{NE, A DISTANCE OF 636.58 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT B, AND SAID LINE THERE TERMINATiNG and THAT PART OF THE EASTERLY HALF (30 FEET) OF VACATED HATHAWAY STREET, LYING SOUTHEAST OF WEST SEVENTH STREET AND LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF A LINE PASSING THROUGH THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT B, AND FORMING A RIGHT ANGLE W IT THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SAID HATHAWAY STREET PLANNING DISTRICT: 9 PRESENT ZONING: I-3 and B-3 ZONING CODE REFEI2ENCE: §69.301, STAFF REPORT DATE: March 6, 2005 DATE RECEIVED: March 2, 2005 §69.406 BY_ Alien Lovejoy DEADLINE FOR ACTION: June 30, 2005 A. PURPOSE: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat at the Koch site to create 13 sites for redevelopment, one outiot and one park to provide for 322 housing units and limited commercial along West 7` Street B. PARCEL SIZE: 923,029 sq. ft. (21.19 acres); total area of the parceis is 625,826 sq, ft. (14.37 acres); the remainder is for alleys, streets and railroad rights-of-way, C. EXISTING LAND USE: Predominantly vacant, formerly the site of tank farms D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: To the northwest and southwest are commercial uses. To the southeast is the unused Mobile site, bluffs and the Mississippi River. To the northeast is residential. E. ZONING CODE GITATION: §69.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision (1) creates five or more lots or parcels each of which is 2%z acres or less in size, or (2) requires paved streets, alleys and other public improvements, or (3) is previously unplatted land. §69.406 provides criteria for review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: in 1937, site was rezoned from "Unassigned" to "Heavy Industry." That decision was appealed in 1937 by Harry Farrell on behalf of the parks commission, but was denied. In 1939 J.L. Shiely applied for an oil storage tank and was approved. In 1940, Shell Oil applied for a second oil storage tank, which was also approved. In 1953 Sheil Oil applied for an oversized entrance to 778 Otto, which was approved. in 1963, Erickson Petroleum requested approval for a fiiling station, which was approved. In 1989, Koch Fuels applied for a parking lot Site Plan, which was approved. Finaliy, in 2001, Koch Fueis 05 -b4� G. H. filed for certification of lead contaminants clean up, which was approved. DISTRICT COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received. REQUIRED FINDINGS: § 69.406 of the Zoning Code requires that all of the following findings shall be made prior to approval of a subdivision: 1. All fhe applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. This condition is met. City staff has reviewed the proposed plat and have determined that all applicable provisions of city codes are met. 2. The proposed subdivision wiil not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses. This condition is met. The proposed plat is consistent with the surrounding land uses, and will not be detrimental to present and future use of surrounding land. 3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compafibility with the proposed subdivision. This condition is met. The area around the proposed plat is already developed and compatible with the proposed plat. 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive plan. This condition is met. The subdivision is in conformance with the housing chapter of the comprehensive plan, which calls for "...production of 300-400 housing units a year that can be sold or rented to smaller households...in both the downtown/riverFront and on sites throughout the city." (Policy 5.1, p14). It also conforms with the Koch/Mobile Redevelopment Plan. (10/24/01) 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the sife's important existing nafural features whenever possible. This condition is met. The site is in a fully-developed part of St. Paul with limited remaining natural features. The site is predominantly flat. 6. All land infended for building sifes can be used safely without endangering residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. This condition is met. The site is a flat, fully developed area with no flooding, erosion, high water table or soil condition problems. Necessary soil pollution remediation will precede housing development. 7. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. This condition is met. The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services from surrounding existing streets with water and sewer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on required findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the final plat for the Koch site in the area bounded by Soo Line Railroad, Otto Avenue and West Seventh Street subject to the following conditions: i • 1. If the adjacent Mobile site is not secured by the Saint Paul HRA, the City will seek to condemn necessary lands to connect Victoria and Madson Streets, and Adrian and Thurston Streets; 2. Monuments shall be set prior to the recording of the finai plat. 3. All lot, block and addition lines must be shown as monumented on the plat. 4. "O.L. A" should be spelled out "Out Lot A" 5. The appticant shali file a copy of the Council Resotution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Attachments: Application Preliminary Plat Site Location Maps � os-��� SUBDIVISION REVIEW APPLICATION Department of Plannirzg and Economic Development Zoning Settion I400 City Ha11 Annex 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN SSIO2-I634 (65l) 26b-6589 APPLICANT • � • City J� Yaw1 Name of Owner (if Contact Person (if T,� /O=° Daytime Phone � Address / Location Legal Description TKA[ T �LS tSv, 33tr PP�.- o� T�. r C3 � o. � ��i �30.�+) a� t�AtAiFD �A'idIP� S�[�� CurrentZoning � (attach additional sheet if necessary)S�� p,�.���Eb Si��� TYPE �F SUBD1VIStOfV: � � Lot Split PIaB ApplicanYs .. � x � ;{;6'f[Iti`lE�.��:' -. �. =i '. - ' , ':,.:; . � Lot Split with Variance � Final Plat ' ' . .. x .�_�' '.z S "� � � ... . -. _ �� . (attach addiCioiral sheets if ne�essafS+j:-: ❑ Reg. Land Survey ❑ Combined Plat City 7�23Z( UGC�2, Z� 2'� 2�1 Oo� � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SusanKimberly, Director 05 -bv� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rnndy C Ke11y, Mayor IiWestFourthStreet Telephone:6�1-166-6�6� Sairtt Pau1, MN SSIQ? Facsimile. 651-?28-3261 February 15, 2005 To: ... A4.Lovejo,y: ; From: Joan Trulsen � , Re: Preliminary and anal Plat for Koch 22 Acre Site Thanks for meeting with Lucy and me to discuss reinitiating the plat review for the Koch Site. We are now moving ahead with the project and plan to submit specifications for construction of the streets and utilities in March and hope to begin construction work in Apri1. At the meeting today, we agreed to submit a combined piat to City Council for approval. There � are several minor changes to the final plat and today 1 notified Paul McGinley from Loucks McLagan to complete the final plat for your review. Piease let me know if I need to do anything else to expedite the plat approval process. Thanks i M\KOCnMObil�zoninglfinal plat memo wptl AA-ADA-EEO Employer S-� �l � � Z � €_ _ -;� $ v � °� ':= a � .� = a-: �_ � � � � � x� _� ; _'= - � s � � s� ;: E_� ,°� �� � ,. � F �ja, � � ��-_� ``§ ' g• ' � > ; �: a �o� : €� ��_� � � Mo�a,�r�e�� - --«-- ' "`�'_ _ � -- - - �---;� ------ - _ _=. ,�% x; �us �a�v R �„, .. • �� ^R � -� � mq�� `+q�`a�\ % }� / /n p �� a � / � o � . cv . P'?..j./�\ � _ g � E,��� 1 � _ �✓� �• • �/ d' �� . `\ - lT :. � £ �.` e . I�1 � 6�3 vcm � '. 88n.M £_ � � i wn � �� ���. � � �� 1 �8� � r � .. � o Q , .` . ., p ii� � !, i� ��� '��� - Iy � .. �ni c—i ffi�� �. I .. : `u�_� ____i: '8 : �t � V IS - � .'�". ' Y el.�•°•'R �r �4 �`. � . 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