230243ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE 230243 FILENCIL NO. V • WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has accepted the option for acquiring certain lands described below, as authorized by C.F. 229333 dated June 30, 19665 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city -owned lands: 1., All of the following described tract: Lots 15, 16, and 17, Block 2, Lexington Park Plat 4, according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County,{ Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 159177. z I ' L Y COUNCILMEN SEP 2 0 1966 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 2 01966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor - Petersen— Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED SEP 24 1966 22 230243 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE • COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota has accepted the option for acquiring certain lands described below, as authorized by C.F. 229333 dated June 30, 1966, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of Minnesota of the following city -owned lands: All of the following described tract: Lots 15, 16, and 17, Block 2, Lexington Park Plat 4, according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, the title thereto being registered and evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 159177. COUNCILMEN SEP 2 0 1966 Adopted by the Council -19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 2 01966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson` Mayor Tedesco d Against Mr. President, Byrne Paz S.P. 6280 (35F,-390) 911 Neg. 26 County Of Ramsey, WARRANTY DEED. THIS INDENTURE', Made 0 1966, between City of Saint Paul, - a ' '' Fth; a mupicipal. corp6ratio under the laws'o. State of Minndaotaj party of the first part, and the STATE OFLMINNESOTA, party of the second part, I WITNESMH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of Dollars Ui to it•in hand paid .40i" gmpq-- by t party --or t5d Wec_dn-_d_-j*r-E;_t1�e receiptL wher o, Os hereby aaknowledged* does he s= NO P 1� I I hereby Grant, Bargain, Sell and,Convey unto the said -party of the second part, its sue- cessore and assigns,, Forever, all the tract or parcel of land lying a44.bping in Ramsey County, Minnesotas described as follows, to.-4dt.': All Of the following described tract: Lots 151 16 and 17, Block 2., Lexington Park Plat 4; according to the duly recorded plat thereof situate in Ramsey County,, Minnesota, the titld thereto being registered and evidenced by.Qertificate of Title Nap - 1�9177 - State Deed Tax Due ke'r6o_n'$' TO HAVE ANDITO HOLD THESAME, Together with all the hdreAtamentis and ap- purtenances thereunto beloAging_'or In snywise appertalnip g, to the Paid'p&rty of the second part, successors and as5ighp j Forever� And the said City of paint Paul$ 'party of the first 'part, for i its successors successors - and assigna, does qovenaut, with•the said party of the second partt its 6 is well seized in;, fee ther lands'�nd i3 xforqt&id* and and assigns, that I promise , I - , and , that has good right to sell and convey the same in manner and f6rni aforesaid, and t.,at the tame are free from ail enqA#r-an0qsq And the aboVe'bargaixed and granted IM as pr OM ises, in the quiet 'andveaceable possession of the said party qf thezedqbnd pattg its successors and assigns, against tall persons to. . the "h6ld or an thereof, subject to lawfully alaiming or 0 W part he ntioned. the said,pa'r' 'of the first part the inqumbranoest if my hetei4bpforp me will Warrant and ))0fdnd:. IN TEST334ONY-WHEREOF, The said first party has caused thesO pres'enis to be executed in its corporate namL.. by !.,quth6rity og its officials and its corporate .1- '' sea! to be hereunto affixed the day-and year firs i above wKttent IN PRESENCE OFt -4. 1 s# CITY OF SAINT PAUL I. Its mayor its Clerk. Co sioner -60=6701=, Countersigned_ ""City Comptrolldr STATE' OF NINNESCft dot" OF PAtEr, au -it' n6tatgrpubMk,, vd-bbift ddy Or 196& lo t ..... am awl' 'faw' sat persona].T,y appeared 0, me per�olv aig�v-sw6rv�j,,'cad say' that he aine, tespoct ve- td, 017, kri� - -%h6- balbg ea& by me Y Xv the Mayor., Cit�r Cie*-.,, Cbinmipsiowkl be and C#y Comptton *' .df th6 City of Saint Zaul; in the foregoing Anstrapent., and that, the seal pfflmd to said last is the seal, of t4e, City of Sattib Pau -; And that said instzument. was si sealect gnpd 4�hd in be4alg of sdid City of SalAt Paul by autiority,,Wanted pursuant to forma rosolu+4,00 of the Counoll of tho, City, of Sdint Paul COL ih F116 No pak s bd d A -opjwov&d thd ,da y of '" + cit 19 'hwaaid Aud Mew$ -614 'of city acknowledged s4id Dist nt too be�- the -Adt' tnd d6ed'df- 'jdid- 0:&*, of $A10t. 9. PabliCS,.- Ramey �Gourxty* w