230222original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 30222 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 3 Yeas _010® An ordinance for the purpose of licensing those persons engaged in the business of Well Drilling. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of digging, drilling or constructing wells for domestic, industrial, air conditioning, cooling or commercial use or purpose witlinthe City of Saint Paul without being licensed under this Chapter. Section 2 Any person desiring a license under this Chap- ter shall apply therefor to the City Clerk upon blanks furnished by him. Said blanks shall contain information showing the quali- fications of the applicant and his previous experience in the drilling of wells. Section 3. No license shall be granted any applicant until he shal� file with the application a bond in the sum of Five Thousand,Dollars ($5,000.00), which bond shall be con- ditioned that,the applicant shall in all respects well and faithfully *perform all things by him undertaken in the digging, drilling or..gohstructing of wells within the City and shall save the, City harmless from all accidents and damages consequent thereto,;. r by reason of any opening in any street or.-alley made by him or by any person in his employ, and that he will restore all streets excavated or opened by him to -their former condition and will keep and maintain any such street,'alley or-sidewalk in good condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, for the period of one year next after he has opened or excavated the same, and that he will pay all penalties imposed upon him for the violation of any part or portion of this Chapter or any lawful rule or regulation of the City gov- erning the drilling of wells in the City. Section 4. The annual license fee under this Chapter shall be Forty -Five Dollars ($45.00). Section 5: This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate Chapter and /or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code.; Section 6. force thirty (30) and publication. Councilmen Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith Peterson Tedesco President Clerk This ordinance shall take effect and be in days from and after its passage, approval OCT 4 1966 Nays Passed by the Council / Tn Favor d d Against OCR' 41966 1 Form approved Corporation Counsel By V PUBLIS41D OCT 8 1966. St- — v 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app / b Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays arlson Carlson �alglish <alglish Holland � � Iland a eredith V 230 eredith ,.Peterson —I I \ .eterson 1 Tedesco Yedesco Mr. President Byrne \Mr. President Byrne Y