230218ORIGINAL,fO CITY CLERK l JW PRESENTED BY COMMISSION . I , µ�f 7 CITY OF ST. -,.,PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE9OLL-YTIQN-mGENERAL FORM VICTOR J. TEDESCO L TE COUNCIL N0.230218 FILE Whereas, the City Architect, having requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the repair or wrecking and removal of the three and one -half story, eleven unit, apartment building and ac- cessory building at 174 -192 Dousman Street, more particularly described as the West one -half of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, Block 3, Winslowts Addition to Saint Paul, the Council held a public hear- ing on September 16, 1966 to consider the matter; now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council, having heard the matter herein, does hereby approve and adopt.-as its own the findings and conclusions of the City Architect' °that the said structures constitute hazardous buildings, as defined by Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, by reason of their inadequate mainten- ance, dilapidation, physical d-arriage, unsanitary conditions and abandonment, ar�-d."that they cofi'st tute a hazard to the public health,_ safety and'. welfare, as 'moire' fully set out in the at- tached letter to the City Council, dated August 26, 1966, which letter is incorporated herein by reference; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, i.' s hereby authorized and directed to execute an Order to the las known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to Chapter 393, Minnesota Laws of 1965, to correct the hazardous condition or wreck and remove the hazardous buildings located on said property, and to inform the owner that unless such corrective action is taken to comply with the Order, or an Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul, a Motion for Summary Enforcement of this Order will be made to the District Court, and all necessary expenses incurred by the City of Saint Paul in taking any corrective action hereiiin will be assessed against the real estate and collected as other taxes. CEP 1s COUNCILMEN, -" Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Cai`lson � SEP.1 6 1989 Dalglish _ � Holland proved '� 19— � Meredith In Favor a Peterson ATA"yar Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne r� PUBLISHED 5EP 24 1966 22 DUrLICATE'S'O PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. - C r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY VICTOR, ,J. TEDESCO COMMISSIONER DATE Whereas,, the City Architect, hawing requested the Cityy Council to hold,a public hearing to consider -the advisability' of,, ordering . the ,r.epair or wrecking and removal 'of . the three and - one -half story,, eleven unit, apartment building .aid' ac- c.e.sso;ry buildipg at 174 -192 Dousman Street# more:,particularly described , a.s. the West one =half , of Lot, !4 and all .of Lot 5, Block-3. winsJOWII.s Addition, to Saint Pauli the Council' hold a'public hear ing.o> September 160 1966 to consider the matter'; now, therefore, be .it. Resolved,, That the City Council.# having heard the matter herein, does hereby'-approve and adopt as its own the findings, and c.onclusions.of, the City,Architect that the said struotures constitute hazardous buildings:# as defined by Chapter 3933 Minnesota Laws of 1965.0. by reason of their inadequate "mainten- ance,'.dilapidation, physical damage, unsanitary condition, and'" abandonment, and that they constitute a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, as more ,fully set out in the at- tached letter to the City Council, dated August 26, 1966, which letter is incorporated herein by reference; and be it Further Resolved, That the City Architect., on behalf of the City Council., is hereby authorized and directed to execute an Order to the last known owner of record of the property, as well as other interested parties, pursuant to Chapter 393; Minnesota Laws of 19653 to correct the hazardous condition or wreck and remove the hazardous buildings located on said property, and to inform the owner that unless such corrective action is taken to comply with the Order, or an Answer served upon the City of Saint Paul, a Motion for Summary Enforcement.of this Order will be made to the District Court, and all necessary expenses incurred by the City of Saint Paul in taking any corrective action herein-:.will be assessed against the. real estate and collected as other taxes, SEP 161966 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 161966 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson 6 Mayor Tedesco Against Mr. President, Byrne razz