230214ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23 ®214 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCIL NO. MM _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - _CQUACIL. RESOUJTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI t RESOLVED, That the Roberts Development Company, 105 and 135 State Street, City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, owner of subject premises, hereby . is granted a permit, pursuant to their application therefor, to construct two 30 ft. driveways on the south side of Fillmore Ave. center lines of which are approximately 100 ft. and 190 ft. west of the property line on State St., and construct three 40 ft. driveways on the west side of State St. from Fillmore Ave. south, center lines of which are approximately 235 ft., 460 ft., and 725 ft. south of the property line on Fillmore Ave. into loading docks and parking areas for warehouse and manufacturing buildings, and to thereafter maintain and operate the same as so constructed, subject to said permittee'& compliance with all applicable State Statues, City Ordinances and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. r SEP 15 19 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson SEP 15 1966 Dalglish A roved 19— Holland 61 Meredith In Favor Rein_ G Mayor Tedesco Against ���� �E'(� �7 ��6� Mr. President, Byrne 22