230115ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 230115 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` LCOUNCA RE�PLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION WHEREAS, Council File No. 226331, adopted and approved December 16, 1965, granted a Special Use Permit to Robert P. Schneider of Phillips Petroleum Company to install and operate a gasoline filling station at the northwest corner of Sloan Street and Wheelock Parkway, and on the East side of Interstate Highway 35E between Larpenteur and Wheelock Parkway, more particularly des- cribed as Lots 2 through 8 and Lot 9 except Parkway, Block 2, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, all in accordance with plans dated Received November 2, 1965; and WHEREAS, Phillips Petroleum Company cannot initiate construction of said structure by the expiration date of such extension; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the life of this permit be extended further to May 1, 1967- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Holland Meredith 3Peterse� Tedesco Mr. President, Byrne FORMA ROVED As Corporation u eT - -iIn Favor -- against 0 SEP 14 1966 Adopted by the Council 19— . . 'Iner- FOXISHED SEP 17 1966 22 •�,! PHILLIPS I I PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55403 215 SOUTH 11TH STREET TELEPHONE 332 -7461 SALES DEPARTMENT September 7, 1966 s -6o -90 SS 2129+ I-35E At-Iarpenteur & Wheelock St. Paul, Minnesota The Honorable Mayor & City Council City of St. Paul St. Paul, Minnesota Attention: City Clerk's Office - Mr. Al Olson, Recorder Gentlemen: The City of St. Paul's council previously approved a use permit for Phillips Petroleum Company to construct a service station at our location designated above. The use permit was numbered 226331 and was dated December 16,• 1965, and extended to J10,C16, 1966. Prior to the expiration date of our use permit, Phillipq Petroleum Company purchased building permit from the City of St. Paul to construct our service s [•�� n. Because we are now into the fall season, Phillips Petroleum Company desires not to commence our construction program at this time and prefers to wait and build our service station at a later date. We request that the Honorable Mayor and City Council of St. Paul extend our use permit for an additional period of time from JWE 17, 1966, to May 1, 1967, to allow us to construct our service station at a later date. ectfully, .E. Murph Assistant District+ Manager JEM: nk ' o r